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Everything posted by ChoroChii

  1. They know I watch the show and I think they know I'm apart of the fandom. They don't really think anything of it. Not really sure if they know what a brony is, though. Also, I think I commented here before but I'm not sure. If I did, woops.
  2. I think so too. Honestly, I always try my best to listen to everybody's points of views and I do have quite a few brony haters as friends.. Guess my thoughts get tangled, trying to understand every point of view. *shrug* Oh well, we all post things that make us cringe. Some Anime weirdo who worships Japan for their media, is uneducated, and often pretends to be Japanese. Ah, they probably have quit then. Most people do. Yeah, people on that site aren't exactly the friendliest of people. Their social problems don't mean anything to me. I'd never make a stupid mistake and expect it all to go away just because I'm socially awkward. I would explain myself but wouldn't expect to be forgiven. It probably has something to do with how I add random people but I don't know.
  3. Court went great. We appealed to the $100 stop sign violation fee and were found innocent.

  4. How long ago was that? I have 1 gay friend on there, it's just, I've run across a lot of assholes who just wanted sex and relations. I've heard people are often leaving the site, as it gets boring or people are scared off by drama. I remember often rolling my eyes at the HomeStuck fandom as well. I'll admit, I searched porn and shippings but when it came to people whining about the series, I got really annoyed. Those people were highly critical of the comic and raged on whenever Hussie added something the disapproved of. The fandom has so much recolors, as does the Keroro Gunso fandom. I actually know people in real life who consider themselves "Morails". It's ridiculous and I'm forced to keep quiet about how idiotic I think their fake relationship is. ..I hate fandoms in general, I dunno. Makes me cringe how I always seem to end up in one.
  5. There was a thread on here to create a pony religion, not enough people would seriously worship ponies but it's still concerning. I don't visit the forums until I've seen the new episodes, yet it still flood my DA inbox. It's not that big of an issue, just kind of annoying, that's why it was in a small sentence at the end of the thread. If I seemed to be going on a full out rage, I apologize. I have difficulties with communication, especially over the internet. I usually just state facts and over exaggerate, to make people care for what I'm trying to say. I've got to work on expressing myself better. Pretty much all of Bronysquare. Almost every male has tried to hit on me and every other female on the site. Then quite a few of them get pissy about being rejected. ..That's exactly what feminism is. Wanting equality for both genders. The problem is, there are several feminazis who have tarnished the name. Yeah, I got that afterwards. Sorry for the confusion. Yeah, I figured that would be the case. This thread'll probably be locked after awhile anyway and it won't be my fault if they make themselves look like idiots. Thank you for your comment. What would I edit it with anyway?
  6. That's fine, I don't really need the thread anymore. Despite what others have said about it not serving a purpose, it did. While I'm upset with a few users, I did listen to most of the points given to me and I think I'll be able to tolerate the fandom better now. My feelings are a bit hurt but the thread did exactly what it was supposed to do. Have the other bronies help me get over it and figure out who to avoid. Thank you very much for your comment.
  7. Oh alright. I've just never met anybody who would call themselves a weaboo, so I was a bit taken back.
  8. That was supposed to be a joke? I didn't see a problem with anything else they had said.
  9. @@Simon, Ah, got it. I've been wondering the same thing. I viewed nothing from that since posting in it, not everybody cares about your activity. Seriously, how does what you're saying even make sense? I asked why you'd post it if you were just going to keep your mouth shut and you just said something stupid, so I sarcastically said "That's nice". You really think everybody is up to date with your shenanigans? This is idiotic. You.. identify yourself as a "weaboo"?
  10. Just wanted you to know I agree with all of that and I appreciate your kindness. I've seen plenty of drama that circulated around several of the fandoms I've been in. When was the last time I even posted in that thread? Why do you think I care about your petty drama? I don't know everything you do on the forums. My friend being harassed for defending Hasboro. Right, I'll make sure to copy and paste this to my Tumblr alt when I get the chance. Oddly enough, this isn't the first time I've been accused of being a sjw, so sorry for disappointing you. oh okay. o:
  11. @@Something Floaty, "Welcome to the internet." How was that an "obvious" shot at Anime? I didn't understand what your status was about, so I asked. My point with that was - don't post things unless you're willing to explain what they are. I could care less if somebody hates Anime. Wait, they have those too? I don't recall them having anything like that.. I mean, I know there are sex toys for Anime and that's always creeped me out. I've been in several. Quite a few Anime fandoms, Pokemon, and HomeStuck. I've always liked bronies until recently, I've been here for quite a while now. Plus, I joined because one of my real life friends was on here and I like MLP.
  12. Anime, Star Wars, and all those others fandoms won't die, though and neither will MLP. Why can't I rant about what I find wrong with the fandom? I don't hate all bronies, just them in general. I'm trying to express my opinion and see who's actually worth talking to on here. I'm not trying to change anybody's perspective but it'd be nice if there were some people who'd at least attempt to meet halfway.
  13. @@Something Floaty, Yeah, 3 text wall posts really says how dedicated some people can be. This is an MLP board, so I will be posting my most recent thoughts on the fandom here and the only other thing I can say about your original post is that I knew there would be people using memes to take potshots at me. The replies I'm getting are the exact replies I expected.
  14. That actually makes a lot of sense. I've never even considered that, to be honest. I would have never posted such a thing if that were the case. It's far worst than any fandom thus far. Did you just ignore all the examples I gave? There has never been 90 pages of statistics, a 2 hour documentary, fleshlights, sex plushies. a dating site, or a whole language for one fandom. That would imply weaboos aren't a problem as well. You literally just looked at the dark side of your fandom and placed another infront as a shield to defend your own ego. Don't get me wrong, I'm aware that there are plenty of sane people in the fandom and that's why I've stayed here for so long. I just thought it was finally time I spoke up and if I get kicked out for it, I guess I made my point. I've been on MAL but those forums pissed me off so much that I don't even bother with them anymore. Yes, I have seen hater threads but not to this extent. Yeah, they also tend to freak out whenever you say you didn't like something about the show. I once got attacked for not liking an episode. The point of this thread was to generalize the fandom as a whole. If you feel the need to defend yourself, that's your problem.
  15. This is probably going to seem typical and I pretty much don't care. I've always been highly open-minded and have defended this fandom in the past but at this point, I think it's time I about gave up. Why does everybody take this show so seriously? It seems every time something a bit upsetting happens, it's all over the internet and sometimes even on the news. Do you not see how ridiculous this is? Of course not because you're bronies. I understand fandom and popularity but a 90 page statistical report on freaking bronies? and a 2 hour documentary? Then we get our own con - fine, that's great but there's a limit to this insanity. People are actually worshiping this show and wanting to make a pony religion. This is where I draw the line. This is proof of people seriously needing to be cut off from technology and getting lives. Of course there are several creepers who think they're married to ponies and go around threatening people about it, just of course. Doesn't help the brony image any that about 90% of them are desperate men, yearning for female attention. As seen with Bronysquare, how most of the community there are men who flirt with every women they see and think they're entitled to sex because they're "SUCH NICE GUYS" but women are bitches for turning them down and having different opinions, right? Then seen again with this site with it's "Special somepony" threads and such. Want more evidence? There is a brony dating site. It doesn't stop there either, there are plushies made specifically for boning the ponies and there are MLP fleshlights. This means that there are enough people out there who demand these products and they are selling well enough for them to continue to be sold. It's not just a matter of clopping to your pony porn that floods the internet anymore. Speaking of which, why do we have our own terms for things? We're not just the MLP fanbase, we're bronies. We don't masturbate, we clop. [Or, you do.] We also need specific gender nouns to refer to ourselves, such as pegasister and then some people wanted to make an equivalent for tomboy and femboy. It's clear bronies don't understand copyright either because otherwise, they wouldn't be making such a big deal out of things being taken down. I'm sick of explaining this, I really, really am. If Hasboro were such a big, evil company wanting money as you say, why do you think they would remove something promoting them? That's right, obviously they had no choice or they'd lose their license to MLP permanently and we'd have no more FIM. However, I think that's what you guys want, as you send them death threats all the time. They have plenty of money to afford to just cancel the show. Then there's the whole social justice that bronies keep bringing up, how it's changing how the world views gender roles and such. Yeah, maybe it is but why does that mean people can't think you're a piece of crap fandom? You guys have your own social justice warrior bull going on and get irrationally mad at haters. Most people who don't like bronies or MLP are hated by bronies, it's very evidential with all the hater threads on this forum. Furthermore, I have to view the newest MLP episodes the day it comes out or else I'll be bombarded with spoilers, so that's fun. Also, the fact that everybody hates the other gens is annoying. *Rolls eyes* I'm sure this'll just be locked and I'll be hated or banned for it. That would be the typical brony response. Bring on the memes, poorly constructed potshots, and video games references. //Not sure where to post this, will just put it in general discussion, since I regular here.//
  16. Due to some events as a child, I cannot cuss. No matter what. I feel silly not being able to say certain words, so I try and practice to get over it. Nothing. Nothing comes out if I even try to. I don't condemn others who do. Cuss away but in class? Have more.. class. lol
  17. I have several. Bronies are very common. No clue why so many people here don't have them - which is why I question if they even have friends.
  18. Yup, I was friends with these two idiots for the longest time. Finally told them off a few months ago.
  19. Whoever wants to make a pony religion and worship the show needs to go outside and stop watching TV.
  20. No brony friends or no friends? because I'm sure it's not too hard to find some.
  21. That moment when you can't choose an avatar.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ChoroChii



    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea


    4. ChoroChii
  22. ..Was there a new episode this week? I think my parents cancelled the recording and I'm kind of upset.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChoroChii


      Oh okay. So no new LPS either?

      because that wasn't on our DVR either. o:

    3. ChoroChii


      Ooh actually, I think last weeks episode was the season final.

      Wish I caught that marathon now. I missed 2 episodes.

    4. ChoroChii


      Ooh actually, I think last weeks episode was the season final.

      Wish I caught that marathon now. I missed 2 episodes.

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