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Everything posted by DragonKing235

  1. things I do when i'm not here one work two do stuff with my friends and family three chat on Skype 4 music and movies for Facebook and youtube and 5 a lot more so yea that is it peace

    1. Semyon


      You lead quite a fascinating life, Jon.

  2. fuck more snow no this sucks no more snow

  3. fuck more snow no this sucks no more snow

  4. it is a nice sunny day today yes

    1. Oblivion


      Tis the same here! ^-^

  5. fire pony water pony lighting pony magic pony's flying pony's earth pony's it never ends lol

  6. fire pony water pony lighting pony magic pony's flying pony's earth pony's it never ends lol

  7. thank god i'm going to be going to a party tonight to have fun because i'm bored right now lol

    1. Oblivion


      Yay, have fun man, don't drink and drive, and be safe!

    2. DragonKing235
  8. to all my friends on here I think you are all awesome

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Malinter
    3. SCS


      Thanks man, you're awesome too

    4. DragonKing235


      thanks I know I am brohoof

  9. I like making new friends the more the better I always say because if your other friends can't chat you can talk with your new friends thats always fun

  10. the month of pain for me has just begin with two surgery's and a lot of pain yea this month is going to be epic not

    1. Semyon


      I'm sure punctuation couldn't make your pain any worse, mate.

    2. Oblivion


      Haha, grammar nazis. :3

  11. bring back summer already

  12. update life

    1. NeedsMoreGoth


      I need to restart for them to take effect. XD

  13. dreams are the key to the mind

  14. hello

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DragonKing235


      work chilling with friends family stuff and more you

    3. Thunderchild


      Yeah, basically work and home for me this time of year. Summer's better-I have weekends off, and my wife and I go away on the bike weekends. I look forward to it all winter-and it's almost here.

    4. DragonKing235
  15. i'm just chilling and enjoying the day

  16. some youtube videos are very funny as hell

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DragonKing235


      i'm talk about videos fail videos not pony videos bud

    3. Oblivion


      I am confused...

    4. DragonKing235


      like funny videos

  17. going to chill hang out with friends and more hell yea.

  18. here is a pic of one of my fav movie of all time it stars me and three of my scumbag friend's from Skype but me and my other friend names are not shown in this pic but it still is funny as hell it was mayed by my good friend stormxf3 me sheldon will and sam are in this.
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