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Everything posted by DragonKing235

  1. it is a nice sunny day again yes.

  2. today I think that I should make some videos hum sounds good to me.

  3. you know what means most to me? family and friends that's what and they mean more then everything eles in the world because that is how I think of the world and because I think that i'm 20%cooler for that and I know it and I beleve in that to because that is what makes me a better person.
  4. I agree with the long lines thing they suck that's why I go to a beach to go swimming and stuff to have fun.
  5. hi world how are you all doing today?

  6. that is so cool that you peeps all want to go to these awesome places.
  7. what is your fav place that you would like to go to mine would be hawii some day now what about you peeps?
  8. what is to say about sig hoovestrong and maliter well lol there both funny and cool at the same time scumbags as well but there my friends

    1. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      Hey! However your might just be right. :P

    2. DragonKing235
    3. Aleksei


      Your status updates are so insightful, Jon.

  9. okay i'm here now what's going on peeps

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DragonKing235


      want to join a call with me and malinter

    3. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      Could do, just going go get my pan-pizza.

    4. DragonKing235
  10. now i'm on Skype chatting

  11. well I like thunderstorms and tornados and more after all weather is one of my fav topics that I learned back when I was in school
  12. so bored

    1. Oblivion


      I know what you mean.....

    2. AlicornAcolyte


      I'm sure someone on the forum would love to have a conversation if you are bored!

    3. DragonKing235
  13. when i'm by myself and there is know one to talk with on Skype or in real life I pick up my guitar and start making music after all it is good for the sole
  14. I day dream about lot's of thing's like going on a epic trip around the world to find new and more awesomer places that know one has been to before.
  15. me hum this is the only forum that i'm on unless Facebook is one just kidding
  16. what's up my peeps

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Oblivion


      I am drinking Busch, lol....

    3. Thunderchild


      Nice glass of Scotch after a good meal-unbeatable.

    4. DragonKing235
  17. I like the weather thunder storm's tornado's and more it is just one of my things that interest me

    1. Oblivion


      The sound of thunder relaxes me! :3

    2. DragonKing235
  18. sup hows your long weekend going

    1. SCS


      i don't get a long weekend but my weekend is awesome regardless

    2. DragonKing235
    3. Sig Hoovestrong

      Sig Hoovestrong

      Mmm... The swag is strong with this one.

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