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Everything posted by DragonKing235

  1. man I hate it when some of my friends get band because if i do not have them on Skype i can't chat with them again well i gess that is how it is.

    1. Malinter


      who are you talking about?


    2. DragonKing235
    3. DragonKing235


      and some other people

  2. look it is hard to chill but you know what i enjoy

  3. okay you walk in to a bar and you see ponys trying to hurt you and your friends what would you do?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Oblivion
    3. DragonKing235


      notifications and more because he is a friend and rival at the same time

    4. Oblivion


      I see! XD


  4. okay my Fav peeps on here are the ones that talk to me and where like great friends and they understand me when i'm down so they would bee one Malinter SCS Sig Hoovstorng miss nikkers lightning bliss sky bound and meany more sorry if i forgot some of you and sorry if some of my spelling is bad I forget sometimes okay lol and oh yea this is one of my best friends stormxf3 because he told me about this site and were i meet all of you he is also my every first brony friend so yea you all rock peace and brohoof.
  5. how dose the human brain work or aka how dose the brony brain work? mine well just works
  6. What is my mind like well it helps me think read talk and well it dose everything but sometimes i'm hard for some person to read because i like to change the subject a lot well everyone dose that but i'm always thinking to myself why am i here and what will i do next yea it is that hard lol
  7. what a day part two still tired still grumpy and lots more.

  8. omg what a day

    1. Oblivion


      The days are long and the nights are short, boy aint that the truth!

    2. DragonKing235
  9. good afternoon every pony

  10. things in my life I like one family and friends two metal three mlp

    1. NeedsMoreGoth


      Yes! I love those three too!


  11. hum every person here all has good points on what a true friend is that is good.
  12. Why am I just waiting around for the next thing to come i should just go for it

    1. Malinter
    2. NeedsMoreGoth


      I should stop waiting too and go have some lunch :P

    3. DragonKing235
  13. right rocking out to some awesome metal music like a boss

    1. Oblivion


      AWSOME!!! ^-^

    2. Wayzer


      :D like a baaawz!
  14. I like black sabbath and my fav album is paranoid I have here there albums so that is why i put this here to show you all my kind of music that I like I well change it to something new later but now enjoy

    1. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" is their best album right next to "Never Say Die!"

    2. DragonKing235


      true i like all

  15. every day i'm bloging on here on youtube and on life it is just how I roll it helps me think and I find it fun too where ever I go i could make a blog about everything.
  16. sup every pony how are you all doing today

  17. okay well i'm going to hit the hey now goodnight every pony

    1. Metemponychosis
    2. Wayzer


      kinda late but, nighters bro!

  18. nice i have reached rank butterfly now all that hard work really paid off now to the next level bunny

    1. Oblivion


      It wouldn't surprise me at all if in a weeks time you made it to changling! ^-^

  19. nice we all have a VIP here enjoy your time here
  20. welcome to the site enjoy your time here
  21. sup welcome two the crew we have all kinds of cool pony's to meet enjoy your time here
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