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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by SharpWit

  1. Yes Silicone pads are used in practice suture kits as a skin substitute. Silicone is softer than rubber, which tennis balls are made out of with a surrounding layer of felt. So if Izzy can peirce a tennis ball with her horn, she can absolutely get through skin, and the rest of that meaty goodness! Cupcakes anyone?
  2. Sorta Update!? They did not have the Esbit stove, but everything else would stay the same as I'm in a different Hotel for seeing the Solar Eclipse tomorrow, and still behind on my savings!
  3. Yes! Then we wouldn't need a sitter like we have right now since we're leaving for the eclipse! The 2 cats, Turtle, frog, goldfish, beta, and Guppy colony would love it! And this is the fewest number if animals we've had in a while. Have a laundry schute thats been peed in.
  4. 1,804 miles from Western Washington to North East Minnesota by car for Christmas with "distant" relatives
  5. The teacup to me felt equivalent to a nod of approval or a cheers to that kind of reaction. I would use it for comments I agreed with to a certain extent but not fully, or sometimes to anyone following up with or adding onto something I've said. I don't think leaves are an equivalent to that. They're the fall version of confetti. Celebration or joyful randomness is how I'd interpret it.
  6. Maul is my favorite, but according to some quizzes on starwars.com, I am most like Kanen Jarrus and the Grand Inquisitor, which feels fitting given their direct opposition to each other, amd interesting given that I've seen very little of Rebels.
  7. Sort of,,, I've hiked up one, and I've climbed up a glacier that no longer exists year round with my dad, but nothing involving steep faces, ropes or carabiner. I remember it being a work out, but nothing teenager me couldn't handle. Felt bad for the people coming up after us with a single water bottle after we emptied our camelpacs.
  8. I use YouTube, but I'm also the guy that opens it in my browser, despite having the app.
  9. Ye knoweth not what ye've unleashed! Have you ever eaten a date, and if so, what did you think of it? What did you do on your first romantic date, or alternatively, what would a best first date consist of for you? What is your favorite historical date? Have you ever struggled to date something, as in determining an object's age? Any upcoming dates you're not looking forward to?
  10. The forums are so old, that they've had time to grow a lengthy beard, but are at the point where they can't remember whether they're full of, or made up of frosting. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  11. @ZiggWheelsManning I think they've made it a tradition to play it on Cartoon Network, but I purchased it on YouTube.
  12. My favorite Holiday is Halloween. This is because it feels like an extension to my birthday since it's in the same month. While Halloween has its trends and tendencies, it is my favorite because you can be whatever you want to be. There's more freedom to express yourself and what you enjoy, not to mention the assurance that I will remain a pre-diabetic with the insane amount of sugar I consume this time of year! My second favorite Holiday is the Fourth of July because MURICA! Favorite candy's to get are the Nestle Crunch and KitKat chocolate bars, but now that I am of the age where I give out candy, I do my best to give out a variety so there are options for everyone. A Hershey bar or M&Ms for our chocolate cravers, Skittles for the fruit fanciers. I also gave out Rice Krispies Treats, but have just learned that they are not Gluten-free. Guess i have some bad news for a coworker. I think the top of my Christmas lost aside from a fun holiday, would be a Poloroid Camera. It'd be so much fun to capture the moment and hold it in my hands within moments.
  13. The second one reminds me of the series of tanks I designed in the 7th grade. In return for not putting up too much of a fuss for getting my flu shot, my mom would let me pick something out From the store. Usually it'd be a gallon of chocolate milk since we'd be at the grocery store pharmacy. One year we went to Costco instead, and I found a Tank Encyclopedia with every original tank design in history going up to the year 2000 I think. I was also into Star Wars the Clone Wars, and was intrigued by the tanks and armored vehicles used by the Republic, with their use of massive wheels, multiple sections and multitude of turrets. Both of these influenced me to draw many tanks which are now tucked away somewhere deep in the confines of our spare bedroom/storage. Otherwise I would share them with you.
  14. Every October, I watch "Over the Garden Wall" and I got ahold of the soundtrack on Cassette, so I can play it when the power's out, or while giving out candy to trick or treaters this year with added ambiance of a staticky speaker. I would also like to rewatch the Dark Crystal Series and Jim Henson film. Last year I had a long list of vampire films. The only one I didn't get to was John Carpenter's "Vampire's".
  15. I don't have these items myself, but my dad has a print of "The Old Guitarist" by Pablo Piccasso that I've always liked and can remember being hung up when he and my mom were still together. For my mom, it'd either have to be an old leather coat of hers that she wore throughout my childhood, or a teddy bear she made from an old beaver fur coat as a kid. Neither of my parents are particularly attached to "things" so there isn't a lot from their pasts. These are some of only a few things I know they won't let go of.
  16. Bore me you shan't! Do you think trees look prettier with lichen or moss growing on the bark? What is your least favorite color pairing? Whats something you've never seen but would like to, on a beach? How do you like your eggs? Waves or zigzags?
  17. It was almost my cat rolling cutesy next to a Catnip plant in my mom's garden. Instead it was the bottom of the router in trying to log onto their wifi unsuccessfully.
  18. Hiya Garfield the new kid! I'm the one who asks the questions you never thought you'd be asked. Do you prefer windows that let sunlight into your home to brighten the place, or ones that face out so you can see how lit the rest of the world is? Does an intruding spider get the option to be placed outside, or must it face the consequences of its transgressions? Does the housefly buzzing repeatedly against the windows we've discussed, recieve the same treatment as the spider? What is your least favorite cloud type? If you had to teach a subject in highschool, what would it be?
  19. Forever Foal is so much worse. You'd have no self control of any kind. Barbie for eternity would suck for sure, but I'd just go back to reading books.
  20. The 24 hour news cycle up to a point. My mother was appalled by the footage of the twin towers being hit and falling being played near nonstop. People's last words and cries as they were snuffed out, the sight of the desperate leaping from the buildings. It was too much, all at once, all the time. She didn't want her child to have that ingrained so fiercely.
  21. Using Zecora for inspiration, a quick Google search shows that her name used to be the word for Zebra by the Oromo people of East Africa. It also appears to hold meaning as being Poetic and Extravagant, both fitting for a character who unabashedly stands out and talks in rhyme. Using an Oromo language translator, I've come up with these, though I can not attest to their accuracy. Western Stripe -Sarara Dhihaa Jungle Cat - Saree Bosona Black Spot - Tuqaa Gurraacha High Jump - Utaalcha Olka'aa White Blur - Adii Jajjaboo I have done the same with a Nahuatl translator for some Aztec themed names. I am not familiar with either of these languages, so I apologize for any crudeness or oversimplification of terms. Wild/Crazy Warrior -Tlauelilok Teyaochiuani Great Deer - Uey Masatl Dancing Hoof/Foot - Mitotika Xotl Eastern Wind - Tlauhkampa Ehekatl Day and Night - Iluitl Youali
  22. @Sonic-Squid Zebra stripes vary in length, thickness and color depending on the species, age of the individual, and unique genetic factors. For example, we know of zebras that are born with interlacing brown stripes, leaving their coat with white dotting similar to a deer fawn, while there is also one with blond stripes. With the reasoning of retaining a recessive or juvenile trait, you could significantly alter the OC to nearly any degree of appearance, without too much deviation from the status quo. With your Aztec heritage, you could even provide an homage via a fade towards some mild Jaguar spotting. I will come back to you with some name ideas.
  23. If I'm not the subject I don't like to be in the picture. Sometimes we take a picture of an animal at work because of how poor condition it's in or how much progress it's made in recovery, and I'll try to step back. Also I don't put much effort into my appearance, especially for work because I never know what's going to get thrown my way in terms of stress or mess. Aside from that, I'll happily be photographed!
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