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Captain Marvelous

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Everything posted by Captain Marvelous

  1. This is another sorts of image comics I have been doing in my free time, it basically dealing with a character from the show Kamen Rider Fourze in Equestria Gentaro Kisaragi is a person that wants to become friends with everyone in his school, so naturally the fans of both Kamen Rider and Friendship is Magic have made the jokes... Gentaro's secret base is actually on the moon, so Luna has been featured with his group Watch out Ponies!!! Do you like mmmmm-space? Wanna be friends?
  2. I picture more on Gluttony being power hungry than dealing with food itself...I kind of picture him actually attempting to eat the elements of harmony...be kind of cool, if the mane six entered his body in order to get the elements back
  3. Dang, Chrystalis seems to be popular

    1. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      I know. Amazing isn't it?


      You can't go 5 minutes without seeing an avatar of her.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7VNlCyujlg Lyrics This is the best I can do for right now, probably try again when another instrumental is made for the song. [King Cocoon] This day is going to be perfect! The kind of day of which she dreamed since she was small Everypony will gather around, say she looks lovely in her gown What they don't know is that I have fooled them all [Prince Rhythm] This day was going to be perfect! The kind of day of which she dreamed since she was small But instead of having cake, with all my loved ones to celebrate Our wedding bells, they may not ring for us at all [King Rhythm] I could care less about her dress, I won't partake in any cake Vows, well I'll be lying when I say, "That through any kind of weather, I want us to be together" The truth is I don't care for her at all NO, I don't not love the bride, in my heart there is no pride. But I still want her to be all mine! [Prince Rhythm] We must escape before it's too late, find a way to save the day Hope, I'll be lying if I say "I don't fear that I may lose her, to one that may abuse her, Not care for, love, and cherish her each day" For I oh-so love the bride, for my thoughts she does confine Oh, Shining Armet I'll be there very soon. [King Cocoon] Finally the moment is in action, FOR ME, to be one lucky stallion [Prince Rhythm] Oh the wedding we won't make, She'll end up marrying a fake, Shining Armet will be [King Cocoon] Mine, all mine [evil laughter]
  5. Don't forget Hearth's warming eve... considering that last little flame heart
  6. Just something I kind of noticed... just what if they kind of decided to do something like make a villain for each of the sins... they already got two of the toughest ones to make (Envy and Lust[specially for a kid's cartoon]) So if they did this, what do you think the future villains: Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Sloth; would be like? Little note: I almost wouldn't think of adding Discord to this, only because he is the sole representation of chaos
  7. So... where's my Twilight x Shining Armor Cadence images? lol
  8. missed the last half of the episode... oh well

    1. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      Luckily you have YouTube!

    2. ProjectRKA


      CM, I missed the whole episode... waiting for HD uploads atm :DD

  9. so what... Tori only made two "wedding" shorts?

  10. just on Ponibooru and here... nothing too special though, I don't know where else I could post them even if I wanted too kind of wish I thought of doing this last week or two ago (it's when the show came out) I should do the scene where he freaked out of a anime movie poster (comic wise, The Royal Wedding billboard) and he starts freaking out trying to make sure the girl he likes doesn't find out he is a brony
  11. Image comics... basically a cheap type of comic made with images from the show... not really worth it putting it in fan art, in my opinion Akagi the Brony basically, in the show Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger (Unofficial Squadron Akibaranger) Akagi Nobuo, is a huge Super Sentai fanboy as well as a fanboy of a moe anime girl... basically, these comics will have Akagi also a fan of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic... now to just tell you, the text in these comics are actually pretty accurate to the show...only difference is I would replace Super Sentai with Ponies... So first short "I'm Sorry Great Five" "It's only just a delusion"
  12. Well, I don't know if I will be watching the season finale tomorrow, I hope you guys enjoy it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HanPolo


      @Ninja Derpy: ...


      Im probably not going to watch it either Marv. Sucks :/

    3. Ninja Derpy

      Ninja Derpy

      oohh yeah. Is this the last season?

    4. HanPolo


      Nope. Season 3 is definetly in the works :) *Flutter-yay*

  13. I finally know the perfect shipping the tragic tale of a brony and his waifu
  14. I'm sorry Luna...it won't work out between us I'm afraid, I have a very severe case of "mortality"
  15. *Sees the poll* "Dear Celestia, what am I doing? I's going marry an immortal demigoddess. Who's been married 26 times before. Fuck me."
  16. Captain Marvelous has joined the fray
  17. So first things first? So when do we get Shining drunk enough for the embarrassing, black mailing, pictures
  18. "SKYICK POWER: Defense storm card!" Funny explosions is one of my favorite things GOKAI CHANGE!! DYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYNAMAN *Turns facing away from BLue* *Performs pose, huge explosion, appears behind him*
  19. Endless Play in my pants Switch on in my pants Roots of the king, in my pants
  20. GOKAI CHANGE Hits you with a barrage of Gekiranger kung-fu techniques
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