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Captain Marvelous

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Everything posted by Captain Marvelous

  1. By adult I mean stuff for an older audience... Doesn't have to be anything inappropriate (I just used some of that kind of stuff, cause that what came to your mind...and you should all feel bad for thinking that Xp)
  2. I made this suggestion in another thread, I forgot what it was called For this one franchise, Kamen Rider, when their movies come out, they have these short net movies, about 4-6 minutes an episode...and they are different from the actual episodes, where they are fourth wall breakings, and they usually do something different from their usual Kamen Rider stuff... the current ones they are doing a murder mystery where the dead bodies are the suits of the riders So perhaps they could do that, little internet episodes meant for a different audience...they could do lots of stuff: A Mystery A what kind of pony you are (such as, if your Gemini, Blood A, your a fluttershy, and the short episode would be how "Fluttershy" would react in a situation with a friend) Perhaps things dealing with the cast of the show (such as an episode dealing with Spike's actress, and they have a game where you to pick out the actress' voice out of a group of mimics (all voicing the diffferent characters perhaps like how Fizzle, suggested, perhaps a behind the scenes kind of thing
  3. Some really good idea, nice pros, and those that makes the cons, totally understandable... I think, when it comes to it, it just depends on how it is done
  4. a new version... finally got a microphone, and trying out Audacity
  5. That's already a bunch of fans are already calling Akibaranger... because of it's "adult" theme for the Otaku motive and the late night showings now for a plus pony post The three characters there are played by the same actor, Kenji Ohba, the ones on the sides are from sentai shows "Battle Fever J" and "Denshi Sentai Denjiman" the one in the middle belongs to the show "Space Sheriff Gavan" which started the series called "Metal Heroes" which you should be familiar with thanks to the suits of "Beetle Borgs" and "VR Troopers" Here is an awesome Super Sentai movie that came out recently http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ciBSWm3Kv4
  6. Dear, Princess Celestia Because that it was my friends, that were the ones that devoured the Cake's cake, I have been kicked out of the Sugar Cube Corner, and now living on the streets Your Faithful Hobo Pinkie Pie ...kinda shocked, Applejack was the innocent one, she was the one drooling the most in the beginning
  7. In the Digital World or On Planet M-78 take your pick
  8. wait...how can you not? it's like the number one shipping... at least with Twilight involved (or close with Twilight and Trixie)
  9. The haunting hour and Dan vs
  10. Little niece went to McDonalds today, she left behind her Rainbow Dash... well at least, I have something new for my computer

  11. Wow... this Pony wedding seems to be a big thing, it will be the second greatest wedding ever... I still regret never seeing the guy that married a video game character

    1. Skye Starlight

      Skye Starlight

      YEAH! especially if you've seen the trailer for it... It is gonna be so awesome!

  12. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n5E7feJHw0 ^ and that's what shippers have to say about any of those little problems
  13. The next best iddea, and its, now stay with my... My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic amd Rosario + Vampire

    1. Crispy


      ...I approve of that, actually.

  14. Now we Brohoof stuff now... well it's official FiM now

  15. How to create your own OC pony

    just replace hedgehog with Pony
    1. Groo


      yayyyy! Thats what I do!

    2. Cynic


      Jesus Zero The Hedgehog is pretty much the greatest thing ever.

    3. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      all hail jesus zero the hedgehog. who the fuck needs christianity, judaism, buddhism, and all of those other fake religions! go join the super-dark-hyper-legendary-awesome-jesus zero religion, instead! you'll get all the privileges of fake religion and more, PLUS, you don't get any cons of it! (this was probably very stupid and offensive to type i apologize but it was too fun not to)

  16. How to make your own OC

    just replace Sonic with pony
  17. How to make your own OC

  18. Crackle is best pony

  19. whaa...what does that have to do with the fanbase... the main point of what I was talking about was what happens when you take Fans+Shipping+characters ... it gets pretty scary
  20. That's just the problem with shipping... when it comes to fanbases, character with a tomboy like quality gets paired up in the most yuri pairings... and considering this show is dominated with female cast... not many options for her... It's just one of those unwritten rules of shipping... same thing goes for Yoai, if one guy shows just even one sign of timidness, he becomes the sign for all girls that says "Chickens go here"
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