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Captain Marvelous

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Everything posted by Captain Marvelous

  1. …. "…." … "…y" … "….ty…" I could feel myself drift back into consciousness as the young voice continued to pull on to me back into reality. "…ty…" "Shining…" I said drearily, turning my head into the direction my husband laid, "It's your turn," I smiled jokingly as I prepared my body to get out of bed – but there was no reaction from my mate. "Shining?" I slowly opened my eyes, trying my best to fight of the sleep, hoping to see the elder stallion I loved just sleeping there right beside, dead to the world. He wasn't there. I scurried quickly to my front hooves, "Shining?" my eyes frantically darting across the room, hoping to find any kind of sign of where he could have been – but there was nothing. I continued looking until my eyes caught glimpse of something that laid on the bed stand next to where Shining should have laid, a recent family photo. As I looked at it, the worriedness was soon gone, but only washed over with depression as I started to remember what was wrong. "Oh…that's right…" I slowly admitted, looking away from the photo and back to where my husband once laid. How long had it been? Nearly ten years. Shining had lived a long life, only to find him that morning with a peaceful smile on his face that morning. The memories we once shared started to wash over me. I sniffled to myself as I wiped my tears away with my foreleg. "If Shining saw me like this, he would say something cheesy to try to cheer me up…" I giggled through my tears, trying to make myself feel better. "Aunty…" My eyes snapped open as I looked over at the reason that I had woken up in the first place stood at the open door of the room. There he was the little foal that I had come to look after; his once white coat that was once always properly groomed, now it seemed to of lost its color; his wings drooped to his sides, dragging the unhealthy feathers across the floor. He no longer raised his head to no pony, but his green eyes looked upward at me – they were just empty as they were the day he came to live with me. "Spark?" I asked, trying to regain my composure in front of child, "Spark is something the matter?" I asked again. "Can I sleep with you?" he asked without emotion, but from the sound of his voice cracking, it hadn't been since he had been crying. "What happened?" I asked. "I had a bad dream…" he said, seeming like he was trying to fight back the tears from coming. "Oh no," I said worriedly, "What was it about?" I asked; scared that I already knew the answer the foal would give me. "It…it was about my…" the child stuttered, his chest heaving as his breathing became erratic, "My mamas!" he sputtered out, looking up at me with eyes that only spoke, "please, help me," "Spark, Wh-what happened?" my heart cringed at the colt that stood at my door way. "I…I woke up…" he stated, tears started to run down his cheeks, but he made no noise; probably remembering what Aunt Celestia said to him about having to be strong in these kind of moments. It felt like something had stabbed me in the heart looking at him, "Sure, Spark," I said looking over to the empty spot next to me, "You can lay right here, alright," I said patting the bed with my hoof. All he did was simply nod in reply, leaning his head downward he picked something in his mouth and walked over to the side of my bed – It was still dark, but I already knew what it was that he had picked up, it was the one thing he never let go of not even once since he started living here. With one hoof on the edge of the bed, he used his wings, and though weak, he lifted himself high enough so that he could get his footing and started to walk over to my side. Placing the object in the middle of the spot, he walked around it, laying himself beside it, his back turned towards me. He just looked at the object in front of him, curling up around it hoping to find some sort of comfort from the thing. I just looked down at the young colt, his eyes glued to his most important possession. I had seen it multiple times already, watching it as he carried it everywhere he went in our house, but I couldn't help but glance at the photo he loved. There he was the happiest foal you had ever seen, surrounded by friends, family, and more importantly, the six mares that he loved more than anyone else. Their colors faded by the years they had gone through, gray flowing down along with the many colors of their mane, but even then, they all smiled just as brightly as their foal's. It was the perfect image of a child and his family on his birthday – but, who would have thought, that was his last birthday they would have all been together. I continued to look at the photo, until I heard a soft sniffle coming from beneath me. I looked back at the colt underneath me as he started to cry again, but this time he was letting it all out. "I...I miss them..." the young foal whimpered, "so... much..." I leaned my body next to him, raising my hoof and letting it run through his mane, watching out for his horn, but he seemed to not even pay attention to it, all he knew existed was just him and those that were in that photo with him. I lowered my leg further down, and tried to wrap it around the foal's body, trying to comfort him, but he still paid me no heed. I may be the Alicorn of the heart, but there are some things that not even magic could fix. This foal's heart was broken, slowly torn over the last few years, and right now all he needed was the warming love of his mothers' that he was longing for, but knew he couldn't get it. I just lay there, listening to the sound of his crying, just listening to the sound of the child that my sister-in-law and her five friends left behind in this world. As I looked back down at the photo he had, I couldn't help but see myself in the group photo as I attended the birthday of my nephew. As I looked at that, I couldn't help but slowly look back out to the photo that stood on the bed stand next to us. It had probably been twenty-five years since the photo had been taken. There we stood: Me, Shining Amor, our little fillies, their mates and grand-fillies. Our children were very beautiful, two Unicorns and a Pegasus, and standing there in the middle were me and my late husband. I myself still seemed ageless, as if it was the day before that Shining had just proposed to me, but he on the other hand; his white coat had dimmed, the wrinkles on his face definitely showed the years of love, family, stress, and the army. After he was attacked once, his hind legs became paralyzed, so forced out of the army, stripped to a wheelchair he had to be pushed away by his ageless wife, whom would grow on without him after he passes away. But still, he smiled. As I looked at that photo, I couldn't help but curl myself to the young colt. We were now the only family we had now will probably never be able to see those that had left us again. As he continued to cry over for the wanting of the love from his mothers, I soon joined him. The room was soon filled with the synchronized sounds of our crying. Together we just let our tears flow, as our near endless time continued to more on forward.
  2. Actually I started watching some of the Hamtaro in japanese recently... The mother's day special (shocked to see that she died) and the first two movies... though I don't know how good the subs were, for what ever reason, the translator used the english names
  3. So we just naming animated shows we think are good? Courage the cowardly dog (pretty much only cartoon from my child hood I like better now, then I did as a kid) both 03 TMNT and 87 (03 more though)
  4. ya think .... Watched Summer Wars recently I liked Samurai Girls... fell in love with the unique animation style The Tenchi Muyo series (even including the GXP) I enjoyed Of course, all the pokemon movies are enjoyable... maybe not really the 14th of course, if I tell you the one anime/manga that would suggest the most, you would all think of me differently and say that I am sick
  5. you know, you're like the fifth or sixth person thats thought of that...which never once crossed my mind
  6. You guys know when I'm bored, I do some crazy stuff
  7. Alright! Let's make this SHOWY!!!!

  8. here is actually a pretty awesome video, it shows all sentai http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx_f6bsxLpc&list=FL7Fy9W_9JdpbfN89Z6Rj6YQ&index=16&feature=plpp_video here is a video that features changing through 35 reds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD_W7QdJRaU
  9. so as we know, the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic episodes are being put onto dvds in segments of different orders... but as we see there is a theme... the Love dvd (featuring the pony wedding) and the express dvd (also includes the pilot two parter)... as we know, hasbro has the dvds like this so that they can sell their toys by the theme... in each dvd there is a two parter... the Nightmare Moon and Pony wedding.... the only other two parter is the Discord episodes... so even though there isn't really a theme for toy sales... here is what I think would make a good Discord Dvd The Return of Harmony part 1 The Return of Harmony part 2 Party of One Lesson Zero Luna Eclipsed My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Chaotic Events (so a chaos themed dvd) would you get a dvd with this theme?

  11. I've heard of some weird things, but a Zombie-Fetish... that's new... I love SankaRea

  12. Honestly I don't like shipping either, I've been in too many fanbases where people would just have wars just for shippings they like
  13. Well... sadly, there isn't instrumental of this song so I won't be able to do one of my fan adaptations... so only lyrics guys... [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urLgKhMREoU[/media] Song: This Love Never Ends! Shining Armor Feat In this song, there are two small stories told, about two other regular ponies that tried to get the heart of immortal Princesses A Pegasus that tried for Celestia, and an Earth Pony that reached out for the lonely Luna Lyrics (WiP) If it is in this life that I can win your love I will be your knight in shining armor, if you need me “Spreading his wings, looking up to the sun Taking his chance, he aims towards her love She didn’t return those words back to him Because of those flames, he fell into the sea” Such old tales, they never mean a thing to me For the only thing my heart will ever seek, Is just that one tale, the one for you and me Time to elevate! Even as this old life burns into ash one of these days Note, that I will always forever love you For you, I’ll sing from my grave This love never ends Never, Never let go, even that time when I shall die Giving to you, for you and not to no pony else For you, I can only give you my love
  14. I've heard of some weird things, but a Zombie-Fetish... that's new

  15. Okay, so I finally watched half of Akibaranger (The adult super sentai show I mentioned in the first post) In the show Akibaranger, it deals with a huge Super Sentai fan named Akagi Nobuo, in this show Super Sentai is a tv sho (think of Digimon Tamers) he, and two others, are given a chance to become sentai and defeat an evil that is trying to wipe out all Otakus, as it turns out when they become Sentai, it is actually a delusion... and only recently did they leave the delusion and enter their world by literally breaking the fourth wall (of course, once they saw their real bodies they returned back to normal)... their secret base is actually a Super Sentai cafe that Sentai fans can go and hang out So, perhaps it's not really "a show for adults" that I mentioned in the first post, but what I'm more getting at is a show for the bronies... Like, using Akiba as the outline, The "princess" of the brony cafe ask at least three (one for each kind of pony) to help Equestria from an invading force where thier destruction there will affect the real world (extra points if they creatures are literally trolls)... it could be part live action (the real world scenes) and part 2d (Equestria).... so something like that.... I'll update first post
  16. This is actually the Italian opening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FVqFN_Hn20 the one in op is the extended version, just like the american opening in OP
  17. English "What is Friendship/ I use to wonder what Friendship could be" Italian "Born to Fly!"
  18. first thought, "Here lies all of Octavia's hopes and dreams"
  19. Memories will never fade, but what happens when the ones that holds those memories dies... it's as if those people never exsisted and of course before My Little Dashie is mentioned...here is something for it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDdZU3Vq96U
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