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  1. People are dying in this country and we give voice to a bunch of virtue signallers arguing over a fucking flag.

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    2. HereComesTom


      It's not the Confederate Flag again, is it? Because the attitude of "We states can break off from a federal government that's failing us" may end up looking good in the next several years...please don't think I have my eye on either candidate with that remark; honestly, neither one exactly has "bright future" written all over them...

    3. King Sejong

      King Sejong

      It's a sad failure of humanity, when we put more life in a nationalist symbol, of a failed secessionist movement, rather than the living souls of this land, I find this abstract ideal most disturbing.

    4. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      It's not the Confederate flag, it's the US flag. To me, the US flag isn't just about the government, it's about my friends and neighbors and a country that gave us the right to speak up when things aren't right. It's within your right to protest it, but I don't agree with it when there's really more you could be doing about it.

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