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Guardian Braveheart

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Everything posted by Guardian Braveheart

  1. @@)O( Scarlet )O(, He slowly eased up and reappeared beside her, lying down. "This is my favorite past time at night," he said. "I know I should sleep since I have work tomorrow morning... But I can just let a wonderful sight pass. The stars... the moon... the sky all in all... just looks wonderful." He then saw a shooting star. "Ooh, that's nice."
  2. @@)O( Scarlet )O(, He was surprised with the sudden kiss. He blushed as he shied away, disappearing slowly with the sudden uncomfortable feeling. "Oh, not again," he muttered. "S-sorry... I shy away when I'm uncomfortable... Please don't think of me differently..." He looked at her, just as he was about to disappear completely, smiling. "I... I k-kinda like you..."
  3. @@)O( Scarlet )O(, "That's nice," he said. "I hope you find your love soon." He sighed in his depression. "Maybe sooner than me... I'm sorry... I've never been with anypony for a long time. Loneliness has been like a habit for me. It just feels like... Silence is my friend and the night is my haven. I'm sorry... I should've said anything." He looked away from her.
  4. Dat feeling when you have 3 different role-plays with the same person... and I'm not saying tin this site.

    1. )O( Scarlet )O(

      )O( Scarlet )O(

      pffft come on, I know you're talking bout me :P

    2. Guardian Braveheart

      Guardian Braveheart

      Maybe. But it's true. I have three role-plays with another person in Brohoof too.

  5. @@)O( Scarlet )O(, "Oh," he said. "I'm not much of a music freak, but I love music." He noticed her coming closer to her. He started to feel a bit awkward. "I... uh... I'm actually going to be there. Where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna go, I go too. What a Captain always do, you know? I guess that's one perk of being the Captain. *Sigh*... I just feel so lonely..."
  6. @@)O( Scarlet )O(, "Oh, so you're a singer," he said, smiling. "You are a Unicorn. So you can just cast a spell to be better again." He looked back at the sky, looking at the stars and moon. "Plus... it's just a dream. Every pony knows that dream are just pictures in your mind. They won't actually happen... except if it's a premonition, then you better watch out. But I believe, you should calm down. It's just a dream anyways."
  7. @@)O( Scarlet )O(, He smiled back, then looked at the sky. "Yeah, the night is beautiful," he said. "Such a shame that most ponies take advantage of it... or too busy to stop and marvel at it. That's what I like about Princess Luna. But I really don't love her. Can't love who I work for." He then looked back at her. "A nightmare," he asked. "What about?"
  8. @@)O( Scarlet )O(, He noticed a mare looking a bit frantic after he accidentally dropped his sword. He went up to her, sitting at the far end of the bench. "Sorry about that," he said. "Mind got lost and my magic failed. Sorry if I scared you. You seem to be a descent mare. Out for a nice stroll under the moon, yes?"
  9. ((Ooh, mind if I hop in? I'd love to join)) "Ooh, a new sword from me," he said to himself. He was enjoying a night stroll. Though he needed some sleep, he just loved the night. It reminded him of Princess Luna's visit. He stared at the stars as he played around with his Crystal Sword. Luna always made the night so beautiful, he thought. At least I get to see her everyday... only in the day. Sigh... I really want to see her in the night... just like old times... I would really like that. His sword suddenly dropped, clanking on the metallic part. "Whoops, got to be careful next time."
  10. Of course you are forgiven Big sis... Just promise me you'll be happy, and never to be depressed... Your family is here for you... I'm here for you always... Plus I'm planning on taking that scholarship that will make me go to Australia, is my first college goes downhill. *Hugs* If I do go to Australia, I'll be waiting for you.
  11. I'm actually a sharpshooter. Yes, I do kill them on the spot without being noticed, but it's exciting for a Sniper vs Sniper battle. I just prefer to be out of the front line.
  12. @, "Woah, dude... chill..." I said. "I still have a hangover. I don't know what I'm saying... But you're right..." I looked outside the window, looking at the wastelands. "We did this, although, I feel my employer isn't telling me something. I saw his Pipbuck with schematics on the Megaspell. I have a bad feeling about him.... "I'd say... I'll join you to Baltimare. I don't know what happened to my employer, or even care if I continue the job. Sure, energy weapons are good, but nothing beats a bullet to the head." I tried to sit back up, but fell back on the bed. "Just... Give me a minute to get me to stand up first?"
  13. It's finally raining in the Philippines!!! I'm not that hot anymore... But I'm afraid that my house will be flooded. Oh well, it beats sweating buckets.

  14. Just got a scholarship offer at the Australia College here in the Philippines. I don't know if I should. But they said after two years, I get an internship in Australia. Ugh... College decisions, so hard.

    1. )O( Scarlet )O(

      )O( Scarlet )O(

      ooh,but then little brother, you may get to meet me irl :D

    2. Guardian Braveheart

      Guardian Braveheart

      But I already has College. And this happened before I met you. It would be fun to meet you IRL.

  15. "I know, I know if you give the chance. I'll be the one who stands up tall. The one, who rises above them all. The one, who gets to be... somebody."

  16. Good morning Forums. Wonderful day today. Morning Family.

    1. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      *Hugs* Morning...despite me being confused im good

    2. OG Blaze
  17. I'm serious. Do you have a more simpler version of the mane and tail? It's... too much detail for me. Sorry, but I draw it first before I vector it.
  18. @, I listened in. I think it was two researchers... Talking about an experimental research. Just half way on the recording, I realized it was a research based on him... his species rather. They were actually using them as lab rats for research. All went in vain anyway, look waht fucking happened to Equestria. Not even a single game-changer was made. I think I know how he feels now. And I think I know where this marker for Baltimare came from too. "Oh..." he said. "Those sick bastards. I know your kind might be... evil? But everyone has rights. I'm guessing you'll head out there, right?"
  19. Good morning Forums. Such a wonder day to hang out with my pony family and friends.

    1. Serious Sam

      Serious Sam

      Hey brother! *snuzzles*

    2. )O( Scarlet )O(

      )O( Scarlet )O(

      little brother *snuggles*

  20. Gonna hit the hay early. Good night forums.

  21. Ok, I think I should sleep now. Damn, I'm sleepy. Nighty Night forums.

  22. @, I can sense the anger in his voice... or her voice? Gender swapping is so weird. Anyways, why he like that? What happened? Did I anger him? I might have. Damn bucking alcohol!!! "Look," I said. "I'm sorry for what I've said earlier. It was the alcohol talking, not me. I don't know what I was talking about. But if you want to leave me, I'd understand." I looked at my Pipbuck again. Oddly, there's a marker for 'Baltimare', one of the cities that got hit in the war. I wonder why it's even there.
  23. @@Aerodynas, Truth be told, it was hard t think of a pose for an earth stallion. In this case, just simple. Now for the last one. But do you still want the last one, Sunny, the forth one?
  24. I just meant a better picture of the mane and tail. I... uh... Kinda suck on details. Plus, it's my pleasure. I should thank you for making me use your character to help me practice.
  25. @@Aerodynas, Sorry if this took me a while. Here's the second one.
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