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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Zhortac

  1. http://dakari-king-mykan.deviantart.com/ This is stupid incarnate. Dude who hates MLP, but has an entire headcanon story and OC for it...
  2. http://www.horse-news.net/2014/05/equestrian-states-secede-from-fandom.html Why can't people just shut the hell up, and let people be how they be?
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Steve


      this is so fucking stupid and not to mention cowardly. why are they so afriad of being associated with the "toxic" people? its gonna happen no matter what fucking deal with it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PoisonClaw


      He's on this site? Not for long after this stunt

    3. Simcity11100


      Hasn't even been on for almost 3 years now.

    4. Zhortac


      He better stay that way...probably won't be a warm welcome if he came back.

  3. http://www.justin.tv/zhortac test stream with OBS. See how it goes
  4. http://www.justin.tv/zhortac test stream with OBS. See how it goes
  5. http://www.justin.tv/zhortac test stream with TF2. see how that works
    1. The Leafeon Pinkeh

      The Leafeon Pinkeh

      Says that it's offline

    2. Zhortac


      Yeah, I had to kill it. My connection upload isn't working with me for some reason...I guess the area I'm at now is bad.

  6. http://www.twitch.tv/zhortac Gonna play wow. I will take requests, just check my steam account for what I has. I have 5 games on Bnet too.
  7. http://youtu.be/7VxqnAypU40 doing a test stream for shits and giggles
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zhortac


      yeah, I think chrome has issues with win8

    3. Pinkamena Dianne Pie
    4. Zhortac


      I took three times to start the broadcast, and 7 to stop it. Not to mention the video on youtube was blurry, and had no sound. I had better luck last time I tried this, with something else.

  8. http://youtu.be/nRD7SPJaNGQ god teir pokemon status. BOW DOWN!
  9. http://zhortac.deviantart.com/gallery/11035704 Made cards for the mane 6. Might do other characters.
    1. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze

      That's really good dude,

      Keep up your good work.

    2. Zhortac


      Thanks. Shame I have no idea how to make a playing card game using them lol.

    3. OG Blaze

      OG Blaze


      Hey anything possible xD

  10. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1.0-9/1972376_10152074186566687_772427393_n.jpg JDF posted that...brony or not, he is an awesome man! Proud to have been his fan since I was 10!
  12. Funny thing was...I didn't want him lol


  13. I am not gonna even give g5 a try. It looks like some bad 3d puppets...

    1. Splashee


      Any specific animation you don't like, from the ones that leaked? Or is it the design of the 3D models?



      I find the actual G5 design lacking because they made them 3D in the first place, making the 2D art look very odd. Also some of the leaked 3D animations are misleading (showing signs of newbies learning how to do 3D animation). These things do add up, so if the story doesn't hold, the voice actors aren't as good, and the songs aren't as good, then there will definitely be a problem.


    2. Zhortac


      The overall design of the 3D models. They look bad, even for this day. They just look like really bad 3D puppets.

      And, considering some other issues Hasbro has done with Transformers lately, and with what t hey seem to be turning Power Rangers into, I have very little hopes with anything they do now. They're so worried about an image and cutting costs, and it's gonna bite them in the ass eventually.

    3. Megas


      I'm still not to sure how I feel about Power Rangers yet, still have to watch Beast Morphers and Dino Fury(though as far as toys go, The Lightning Collection has been great, and the comics have been excellent), but Transformers has been fine I feel. They finally made a good movie with Bumblebee, and are finally breaking away from the Bay universe and using BB as the basis going forward, and while War For Cybertron as a show is not great(not terrible either), Cyberverse was pretty fun, and both the War for Cybertron and Studio Series toylines have been some of the best toylines for the franchise they put out.

      As for G5, I'm still on the fence though I don't think it looks bad, but just fine. There's still plenty I'm worried about, but honestly, as long as Josh Haber isn't involved and references to certain things in the finale are ignored I'm willing to give it a chance

  14. I forget about this site alot lol. Also, not a fan of how they changed it still...too confusing.

  15. I've slowly realized, that over the last few months, I've been way too adducted to japanese claw machines lol. Probably spent more money than I want to realize, but I did win alot of shit...and I plan to sell most of it lol.

    Still, wish I could smack the shit out of myself a few months ago before I did

  16. Last week's episode, gave us some great memes.






  17. Not gonna lie, I legit forgot this place existed.

  18. S7 opening 2 episodes were godly. Trixie was amazing as usual.

  19. Seems quite around here, but it may be just me....probably just me.

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