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Everything posted by Soobel
She can still live alone - she have very good friends Blueblood was just a mardy jerk. Trenderhoof like a whipper-snapper. Very similar with a poet, who appears in a crazy Moomin comics and starts a love affair with Snorkmaiden Both looks too infantile for being a husband for Rarity. Simple ways is a cute and interresting episode, but Raritys experiences was so sad there. Another good episode i wached today. Whom Sweetiebelle toils. It was very good lesson, how Rarity acting, how she thinking inside and how looks it arrogant and egoistic for others.
Right front leg have 2 elbow? Anyway its wrong way to draw, i tried too to walk on that way. Its almost same like if ponies are never seen real humans and watch Equestrian Girls movie, then imagine, how the humans will really look. Then open a schoolbook for check out of anatomy of primates and then draw... A pink orangutan with makeup and clothes. My little ponies must be very different than real horses and ponies. (Picture is beautiful, anyway.)
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- background pony
- bon bon
- (and 8 more)
no more uncanny valleys
Looks like if Rarity fail or some other insult her artwork, then her anger get supercharge for her creative. It appears in Sweet and Elite and same again after Suri's theft. And at Sisterhooves social too, but there we not seen, how the result looks. (In Sisterhooves Social im not understand what Apples laughing after that Rarity calls him to party in SPA. What is better recreation after muddy and dirty and hard race, than hot steam bath, chilly pool and cool beer? Ok, some other bracers for ladies) I dislike those morphs to higher and taller forms and i hope that Hasbro not does something with Twilight. Those ponies are my little ponies, they are plump and short like hobbits and must be like they are. That was a cutest example how the ponies cares mutually. Situation was like in Soviet Union 1980's. There was that scene too, when Lyra tries protect BonBon and hold her and itself low on the ground.
Only, who was offened, videlicet dedecrated, was Rarity itself. I just anger because Rarity are my favorite pony #2. Sorry, here, near the border of new cold war, are people alarmed. I thought erase that text or not but let it be. I just frustrated, how many people in west think that is cool wearing t-shirts with Lenin, Stalin or Che Quevara and how less people know, what ugly beasts they actually was.
Anyway, communist outfit for Rarity is impossible - if in Equestria eventuate 1917, then Rarity goes to execution at first wawe because she have own boutique and are too close with elite. Before murder they chop off her horn and may torture other ways. Sweetiebelle too. Sorry, just imagination with examples, how communists acts with Russian elite, priests and czar.
Dont taint Rarity with that shit. Communists are most abominable life form ever. I know. One grandfather killed by communists, other sits more than 10 years in GUALG. Grandmother escapes against NKVD slayers over the swamp at cold march 1949, with 3 small childern, without boots. And saved my mother and uncles against cold painful death somewhere GULAG's prisons. Red nazies coming back to Estonia only over my dead body.
Yes, brave she are. More brave than Twily - remember, how she stand proudly, when all totally failed for Rarity and she must be talk to Fancypants and other elite, know she other 5 ponies or not in "Sweet and Elite." And how helplessly collapses Twily front Celestia at end of "Lesson zero." Manehattan's episode runs 2 times on a estonian childern channel. One of best S4 episodes and one of best songs: And "Suited for success" was actually first episode, what stunned me. Visual effects on presenting the dresses was great (maybe best visual of S1?) and "Art of dress" song makes me nod the head with rythm
Twelve characters!!!!!!
Wrong. With eyelashes or without him, Rarity (Twily too and maybe Sunset Shimmer) have almond-shaped eyes. When i was some episodes wached, i tought that unicorns have almond shaped eyes and pegasi and earth ponies have round eyes (and that silmmer and higher and rare race (Tia, Luna, Cadence and Fleur de Lis) have those sad inner eyecorners. Later i was surprised, when i found that Lyra, Amethyst and other unicorns have too round eyes. Almond shaped eyes are rare, i dont know any other unicorns, who have same eyeshapes like Rarity and Twilight.
Im not sure, are Rarity better fighter of them or not. Maybe. I was thinking over their fighting. Looks like they have same size like dogs, e.g. retrievers or dalmatians. Weight 40 kg. They walking on 4 legs, that means that front legs carring half of their wight all the life. Those legs must be stronger than adult men's arms. And worster thing - they have hard hooves what may have iron horseshoes. Problaly they are faster and tougher than humans. And how to hit them? All hit-able body parts are armoured with thick muscles, weaker stomach are hidden bottom the body, scull are thick and strong. And pain not brake them, pain add only more adrenaline, what make them fight more angry. Ok, muscles not protect against knifes or swords... But what does pony, if front her stand a 3x higher 2-legged monster with knife? Feels death danger and and gets all out and problaly kill you. And if pony have horn, then may happen very displeasing things. And not need to talk, what happen, if ponies are more than one. Mostly they are not alone, they are herd animals. Better dont aggress ponies, even if they are little, dog-sized ponies.
About Pinkies wisdom or intelligence: She feel failed, if one pony of the big crowd not laugh for her pranks. It means that her humor most be have very high quality for ponies and creating good humor is very hard and difficult task. Stupid or naive pony cant do this. About awkward acting sometimes: Pinkie feel first, if things start going hopelessly wrong and she start pranking for fun, when other still trying save the situation. I remember moment from "Bird on the hoof" when Pinkie sits on the table and front Celestia and eats cupcaces. That sight between Pinkie and princess! And fun starts, first Celestia pranks with that teacup, then Flutershy goes left with sic phoenix and...