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Everything posted by KRAKELINGCATcarnage

  1. My step father abused me :'(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SkyBound


      I am very sorry t hear that such a things has happened. If you can, perhaps you can contact child services as SCS suggested, as you do not deserve to be treated in such a way.

    3. KRAKELINGCATcarnage


      Thx, im planning on calling the child protection service indeed, altough im not sure what the consuquenses are

    4. SkyBound


      The CPS is to protect children who have been abused or mistreated by escorting them away from the household and trying to correct the parent's or guardian's abusive behavior. The ultimate goal of the CPS is to reunite the child with their parents if the court finds it favorable.


      As I said, you do not deserve to be treated in such a manner (no one does) nor should you have to fear even going downstairs in your home. If you do feel that your well-being is threatened, then i...

  2. For the people asking why some therapist cant help certain people. Evryone is diffrent, and not evry therapist can cure evry person on the world from a depression or trauma etc. People say therapist do wonders, and they indeed do, but they cant fix evrything. Therapist tried to help me with evrything they could, but they couldnt handle my strong emotions. So guys please keep in mind when someone has problems with their life, they have a reason for it, and therapist can help most people, but they cant fix evry problem in a person's life.
  3. And the moment where i almost got a smile again my step father bashed in and ruined my happynes again >:L

    1. Phoenix Flam
    2. SCS


      I'm very sorry that happened, but you shouldn't give other people control over your happiness.

  4. Well time to drink atnother can of monster energy, looks like this is my 4th one today already lol

  5. Nobody to call with, Always getting declined.....

  6. My heartbeat is still increasing, it shoudlnt take that long for me anymore

  7. searching for eople who want to build a adventure map with me in minecraft

    1. Applejohn


      Hey i would like to :D and good to that see you're better than yesterday :,)

  8. Im getting depressed again :'(

    1. yeet


      I can't help you, sorry, lunch has ended now.

      I can help later though. *hugs* you'll be alright

    2. KRAKELINGCATcarnage
  9. I want to share my last moment with you guys

    1. Show previous comments  67 more
    2. DubWolf


      Cheer up! Usually a good joke helps :).

    3. KokuraiNoSenshi


      I think Jake is just jealous. I mean, look at all the friends KC has. Jake doesn't have that. KC has people like you guys, who are loyal & wanting to help him. Trolls just want to ruin it because they don't have the same support KC does

    4. DubWolf
  10. The chest pain is back :'(

  11. Im having the feeling im going to pass out...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Khaoios


      Im a little confused tbh. Did someone do something to you that made u feel like this?

    3. KRAKELINGCATcarnage


      No, i dont know what the cause is but im having the feeling it will be over for me

    4. Khaoios


      No.....dont think like that. There always a way to get around this negativity. If u have to, think of Yoda's quotes.........it helps bc they do have quite interesting msgs.

  12. One of my friends died yesterday... I almost choked myself to dead a few hours later...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SCS


      I am so very sorry that happened. It must be horrible to lose a friend like that, but please do not harm yourself.


      I recommend getting with a licensed psychologist in person to help you through this.

    3. KRAKELINGCATcarnage


      I cant take it anymore....

    4. Shift


      Nope, don't end your life. Your friend died and I am so sorry as to what happened, but nothing is deserving of you killing yourself.


      Get a therapist or a psychologist, dude.

  13. Whats the point for me living anyways? Im better off dying now then that im alive any longer

  14. Gah im so exausted D:>

  15. searching people to play cod waw with

  16. Redezign7 was right, i should have done it earlier, but i never did it, and why am i still alive? becus i wanted to help you guys, but it seems that my help wont help anyways. If someone is reading this, i want to say goodbye. i may be gone or i may not, but that doesnt matter right now, the only thing is matters, is that people here are happy, something i could have never get.

    1. yeet


      You don't have to leave.

      And not everyone here is happy, if you need help just send someone a PM, i'm sure I am available right now, unless I gotta go to bed.

  17. And ofcourse a friend of mine went spastic againts me...

  18. Why am i still alive? I better just kill myself right now instead of having even more people turning againts me

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Danfo98


      What'd redouchbag7 do to cause this "friend" to turn against you?

    3. Danfo98



    4. Danfo98


      No one here will ever turn against you.


  19. That would be awsome if you could do the voice of twightlight sparkle , becus its kinda weird of having a character without actual voices
  20. Hi, I have been very busy with my 2d fighting game and i came up with a idea to make Twightligh Sparkle in my fighting game. here it is: Im looking for people who are willing to help me with my fighting game, basicly you dont need any knowledge about making 2d fighting games, basicly im searching for people who have ideas for characters and for people who want to find certain spritesheets for me. Also if you want to take up to the next level and want me help to design the characters for the game, i can teach you how to do it. If you are interested: Post your skypename via a post in this topic or a pm to my profile. This is basicly a game where characters from tv shows and games are combined into one fighting game.
  21. Haha, i found out that the game: fighting is magic, is made with the same engine that i make my 2d fighting games with xD

  22. Does anyone want to play Dead Island Riptide for ps3 with me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KRAKELINGCATcarnage
    3. Silver Blade

      Silver Blade

      My minecraft is up and running, MSG me if you wanna play.

  23. Im so depressed rigth now, that im in a mood to choke myself

    1. yeet


      Choke a rubber chicken instead.

    2. yeet


      You might feel better afterwards.

  24. Why am i having this awfull chest pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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