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Posts posted by Jeric

  1. 6-10 year olds can most certainly understand complex real world issues, especially through nuanced allegory.


    I could spam this thread with 150 years of literary examples to illustrate that ;)


    30 years if animation if you want apples to apples ... one example was a Hasbro property.


    Also, the show doesn't need to alter its gender focus.



    We've also got more posts and views than the rest of the fan clubs have combined, not to toot our own horn :D




    Just like a star as it grows. The more massive the star, the more bodies gravitate!

    • Brohoof 4
  3. Considering how much fun the World Cup thread has been, I think the ideas here here are implementation worthy. I would participate in most of these, and I can get a few Scrivener Licenses as writing contest prizes too!

    • Brohoof 1
  4. A million isn't that big considering there are 7 Billion people and counting on Earth.


    I wouldn't be surprised if it's a millions, considering that the term Brony can mean anything from a casual fan that watches to us here on this website that like to discuss the show and maybe even go to conventions.

    This! My daughters have been fans if the show for a few years and one has never made a single comment on a You Tube video (as far as she tells me). Personally, I can't count the number of IP's I enjoy that I don't participate in ... but there is something about the Brony Community that does make you want to be more involved. It's quite possible that there are too many variables to ever come up with an accurate assessment of the fandom numbers.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. Why am I the only one fascinated by Load Origination Technology... Seriously what IS that? Cause I could use a loan if your into makeing money out of nothing.

    It's just a fancy pants way of distilling all of the mortgage loan processes into one generic term. From loan application to recording a deed basically. There are so many new regulations that mid-size banks use my company to help automate or streamline some of the work they do ... at the same time limiting some of their liability.


    It's definitely not as interesting as kayaking or some of the other careers in this topic.

  6. It's not x) Statuses and blogs are practically un-editable. This is something Feld0's stated a few different times in a few different topics, and even though I'm too tired to go hunt for it right now, he made one post in-particular to act as the official 'Feld0 tells it like it is with IPB being retarded with statuses' post.

    Wait! I just freaking connected the dots on where I've seen Feld0's name before ...




    IPB Community is a small world.

  7. Same here, bro. I'm only 13 so I'm a long way away from a career! :lol: but I'm hoping for a good one!



    :o. You work in Bangalore? That's where I'm from. I wasn't born there, but thats where I get my Indian heritage! How do you like it?

    I work in the swampy pit of Dagobah otherwise known as Florida. Our International HQ is in Bangalore, and I absolutely loved it. The time change and the layovers in Frankfurt Germany are another story entirely though. I have a hard time giving it a fair appraisal since I spent every waking moment working at the tech campus there training and meeting with investors. What I did experience when it wasn't night was the busiest city I've ever seen ... and I was born in Philly.

    The one thing that I came away from BLR with was how impressed I was with the younger adults. The best way to describe it is a sense of enthusiastic passivity ... I suspect it may be what the US felt like I the late 60's and early 70's. A sense of optimism ... but grounded.


    Hard to explain but as I said, I love the place

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I'm not surprised in the least to find more than a few of you employed in various disciplines in IT/IS sector. Apparently one of you is God (if my profile feed is any indication) so hats off to you Feld0.


    Currently I work for a Financial Services vendor that supplies Loan Origination Technology and Services to banks and credit unions. Everything from simple integration, SaS, LOS/POS, mobile development, web services, and the like.


    More than half of my staff work out of Bangalore, India so it's a bit harder to gauge what their personal interests are, even on never ending conference calls. My onshore team is another story. Like Feld0 mentioned, a few of them cut their teeth on self interests while getting a degree ... and as someone who does have input on hiring decisions let me tell you that the Professional that uses their talents as a hobbyist tend to be more satisfied overall -- in their career and personal life. If I were to see a fan labor project on a resume, it's an indicator of passion.


    I swear sometimes my department looks more like a comic book shop and toy store. If our clients actually got a peek at the sausage factory, I wonder what they would think. There aren't any other Bronies, but the fandom is not looked down on. Pony crossover images are shared liberally. And then you have our internal IT Help Desk ... every visit there is an adventure! O-o


    Hats off to the EMT's and the teachers. I can't applaud your professions enough, and I feel a little guilty talking about Dev nonsense knowing the work you all put in to your careers.



    Edit: and the Armed Services too!!!! Sorry all of you rock.


    I really love this topic BTW.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Wow! This thread is a WarZone right now!

    But then again, many people love Derpy and many love Rarity;

    And as we all know *channels her inner A.V.*...

    Edit: If anypony cares; I totally have this album on Vinyl :D

    You all have me in stitches right now. ;)


    Spirituality mixed with Ponies mixed with Soccer, add a pinch of Square gaming goodness ... and all with Pat singing the Soundtrack!


    Potpourri thread is fun!


    Just a little over 5 hours Rares ... you can hold the fort ... As it were.

    • Brohoof 3
  10. My daughter's saw the Derpy and Dash and it quickly became apparent that this company is going to get all my money.


    The Luna and Celestia designs are amazing. 4DE really outdid themselves!

    • Brohoof 1
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