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Everything posted by GlowingFlask

  1. All of them. Oh I can't? Well, I guess I'll go with Vinyl.
  2. Guys, listen, it's simple: Pies! Chocolate rain! And hands!
  3. Vinyl can be proud, she's tied for most vote for against a mane 6! PS: Twilight is a vinyl fan! So we win anyway!
  4. Is it too late to join the group hug?
  5. League of Legends. I open every game with a "Come on everypony smile, smile, smile!!". Most of the times I get smiles, but 1/5 I get a hater. I then proceed to anger him even more. Yeah, I kinda troll the haters on LoL. That's not a lot of hate, but considering I'm openly brony only on here, Tumblr and LoL, I guess it's not surprising XD
  6. Looks like Vinyl won't win her group. Meh, she will still annihilate Granny and Soarin.
  7. Well, most people are able to judge even with alcohol in their body when they had enough. Don't base your judgement on 16 years old kid that drink cheap vodka because that's all they could steal from their parents. Mature people rarely overdrink, unless they have an alcohol problem, but then it's another debate. I mean, you can get trashed once in a while, but if you do it all the time... I believe you have an exaggerated impression on how alcohol affect a person.
  8. Derpy's popularity is probably just below the mane 6, not sure what you were expecting
  9. Look up the page Guys, go vote for Vinyl! She needs to win this!
  10. Everypony likes Vinyl! Vote for the love of wubs!
  11. I do enjoy myself without alcohol, but I also enjoy myself with it. Moderate consumption (that includes getting drunk from time to time) won't cause liver cirrhosis/permanent heavy damage. Wine and beer also have shown more beneficiary effects that negatives one when taken reasonably. The fact that you compare social drinking to taking anti-depressant makes me shake my head.
  12. Come on Tavi, you can do it! Doesn't she look absolutely fabulous?
  13. Tavi got behind even more while I slept.... Change your vote for the best instrument player in Equestria!
  14. You make it sounds like that's all we ever do. Barring alcoholic, people enjoy other things in life. The fact that you are viewing us in such a bad manner boggles my mind.
  15. Welcome back! You should head to Sugarcube Corner and join the fun for the MLP cup. You'll be pleased to know Luna won her first match.
  16. Octavia and Celestia are hanging to a tight lead. Go Tavi and Tia! Fight to the end!
  17. Guys, Octavia need your help versus Applebloom!
  18. Fluttershy and Pinkie. Celestia got the edge over Scootaloo by an inch. This may or may not be due to the Mindless Gonzo dub of Molestia. Octavia over Applebloom. I love her fan-made stuff and she's Vinyl marefriend. I just gave Octavia the lead!
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