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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Dovashy

  1. @ Do they really not send them to NZ, it says deliver worldwide though. Nevermind, but they do say they deliver to AUS, that could encompass us aswell.
  2. Stellar Nova @@RedStorm @@Gloomfury "It's fine," Said Stellar in response to the bed arrangements, oblivious to Reds reaction. "I do not need a bed." When she'd volunteered for the City Guard a little after the infection had started, back when she had naively tried to keep the order, and save as many ponies as she could. There had been shortages of everything, the City Guard barely had enough food to feed their own guardsponys. Like everything else, beds were saved for the higher officers, and the lowly ranks were lucky if they got a bed at all. Stellar had been one of those unlucky enough to not get a bed, and had made her own bed on the cold barracks floor, with nothing but dirty sheets, and some rags of what was once fashionable clothing. Over tireless days of sleeping in that makeshift set up, she'd learnt to sleep whenever and wherever was possible. A skill she found, never failed to come in handy. "Red can have the bed." With that she left and went to find materials to fashion her own bed out of. Fe'are @ Fe'are glanced down at the small saddlebag she carried beneath her Syndicate garments, pulling out a waterskin. She knelt down and leant over Sunset, as she dripped the soothing cold water down his throat. Some of it missed and hit his face, and it sizzled softly against the burnt blackened skin. There was silence as Sunset gulped the water, and Fe'are found herself wondering as to what had happened in the courtyard. If it hadn't been for Sunset, she'd have perished out there, a pointless insignificant death fighting dying insignificant ponies. She owed him her life, and so much more. Generic Guard @ and @@dashian500 The guard took a swig of the Everfree spirit, and burped loudly. Then allowed himself to get pulled up by Gareth. "Thanks," he said wiping his mouth with the back of his hoof, as he took another savoured mouthful of the alcohol, as he pushed it back into Gareths hand gratefully, it sounded strikingly emptier than it had been when it was handed to him. It was then that the guard heard those three ponies who he'd tried to take down earlier. He spun around suspiciously, and eyed them carefully. They didn't seem to be wanting to attack, and he found himself realising that they were truly loyalists to the City Guard. He could have family, or friends in the ranks, oh, he'd have his poor head on a spike by the end of all of this. He threw himself before the Grell's hooves. "I'm sorry," he groaned "I did not realise you were loyalists, please you must believe me."
  3. As Stellar and Rising were safely inside the house, the door was closed swiftely behind them. The filly who'd taken them here, ran up to a nearby window, peeking out through the curtains to make sure they hadn't been spotted. "Did they see you?" Asked one of the fillies anxiously. "Nope," Said the other shutting the curtains behind her. Stellar took the time to take a good look at the filly who'd led them here. She a white fur coat, and golden eyes, her mane was a lavish blonde. She noticed that her flank was smooth, and spotless, with no cutie mark. She began to speak up "My name is Essence, but you can call me Essie if you want."
  4. Oh wow. Run away, and wash the cigarette smell of me as soon as I could. = That was meant for MuniMoose The Question mark would just be extremely awkward, and strange. I mean at least the others have some kind of life to them.
  5. Name: Stellar Nova Reference Pic/description: Stellar Nova, minus the cape and accessories. Also could you make her yellow a Fluttershy yellow, I regret making her that bright of a yellow. Cutie Mark: Like the picture, except full red. Expression: Pose & Expression: Like the reference picture, except knees bent. The horn glowing (The same colour as the blue streak in Stellar's mane.) Thanks in advance!
  6. Staring up into the surging abyss of fire of the sun, slowly the boys eyes began to water.
  7. @ Do you think you could draw one of my OC's? Just telling you in advance, I'll wait until you have freed up first though.
  8. @@Pripyat Pony "That's okay, I don't need any more equipment, everything I need is with me." She gestured to the saddlebag she carried, with the end of her nose. At least she wouldn't hold any more of the team up with having to choose weapons, and pack more supplies. "I'm ready when you are." Stellar glanced past Sanura taking a glimpse at all the other ponies should would be accompanying. From first glance, it looked like a good solid team of ponies.
  9. @ I really hope it doesn't too. @ I personally would not play that game.
  10. I just go off avatars, user reponses would all be the same. :/
  11. Jeez I couldn't even find my post because of this conversation. -- Edit: Oops my bad I was looking in here instead of the another "you just got.." forum game. My bad, carry on. I would be shocked, but wouldn't move after seeing the massive katana strapped to the ponies side.
  12. @ Stellar followed after Rising, down the castle wall stairs, and down onto the main street. From there they made their way towards the palace, where the flames stretched into the sky. Every house and shop they past was deserted, no lights shining from within, the only light was the massive fire coming from the palace. Suddenly there was a small sound, a whisper. Stellar spun around. "Over here!" There was a small filly hiding behind a shop stall, absolute terror broken by the happiness of finding another pony. Stellar ran over, crouching behind the cover of the stall. "What's going on over here?" Said Stellar. "Follow me!" Hissed the small filly, and she bounded off into a side street. Stellar glanced back, making sure Rising was watching, and then bounded after the filly. She was surprisingly fast, and Stellar was out of breath by the time they arrived to where the filly had taken them. It was a small cottage, slightly secluded from the main centre of Canterlot. As the filly went up to the porch, she knocked the door. Three rapid raps, then another three slower ones. The door creaked open, and a pair of eyes stared out from behind the door. "Marsh, is that you?" Said the voice from behind the door. "Yes," Marsh hissed back, the door was opened, and Marsh hurried in, Stellar followed. Inside, there was an assortment of about six fillies, scared out of their minds, but apparently relieved to see Stellar.
  13. @ Fe'are Fe'are was fighting an infected pony one second, the next she was being tackled to a nearby house. She had barely any time to understand what was happening, when a roar of fire erupted through the destroyed doorway, engulfing Sunset who'd tackled her. The fire caught onto his Lunar uniform, and he rolled on the ground screaming trying to put it out. Fe'are leaped towards him, contracting her hoof blades before she begun hitting out the flames with her hooves. It singed the fur around them, but that was the least of her problems. The fire was burning Sunset severely, and if it wasn't put out soon, he wouldn't look very much like Sunset anymore. As Sunsets rolling, and Fe'are helping the last of the flames was put out. Fe'are was now deadly serious, fearful for her companions wellbeing. "Sunset?" She asked worriedly "Sunset?"
  14. Stellar Nova @@RedStorm @@Gloomfury Stellar looked around the house impressed, it was twice as nice as the Guard's barracks. She couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy that these kinds of ponies still had places like this, while the City Guard were practically dying in their sleep with their poor conditions. Even the officers quarters was shadowed by the contents of this house. She kept silent, following Trench and Red around. In the back of her mind she thought that without her the marketplace would fall into disarray, she needed to send a message somehow, elect a temporary captain in her place. She felt that the work she was doing now would be more important to their cause than watching over the busy marketplace, speaking of the work she was doing. She looked down at her golden plate Guard armour. That would need to go if she hoped to gain these criminals trust. "Is there a room for me?" She finally spoke up. Fe'are @@MisterRe @ Fe'are hit the first infected with the blades on her right hoof. Its head snapped back, and the infected pony fell back. By the time its body had hit the ground, three other infected had already been taken out by Fe'are. She sliced with her hoof blades, slicing then jumping back, slicing, and jumping back. The infected were slow, and could not keep up with her fast upbeat pace. However, if she missed a beat, not jumping back at the right moment, she would undoubtedly be overwhelmed by their vast numbers. The swish, and hack of her hoof blades were music to her ears, bodies of infected fell all around her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Sunset fighting alongside her, she noted his Saddle Arabian fighting techniques, they were swift and brutal, much like her own. She was proud to fight alongside him. "Six bodies and counting!" Fe'are shouted over the sound of the groaning infected, and the hacking of weapons. "What about you?" She stabbed her hoof blades into an infected eye, causing an explosion of red, diseased blood. Luckily Fe'are had remembered to bring her gas mask and it splattered harmlessly against her eyepiece. Jumping back once again, she wiped the blood off with the back of her hoof. "I just washed my coat," Fe'are muttered angrily, baths were not easy to come by, and yesterday had been her first one for months. She looked up, her eyes ablaze with vengeance. "Oh, it's on." Generic City Guard @ @@dashian500 "I don't know," said the Guard nervously, still skittish from his near death experience. "Could I have a swig of that?" He asked reaching for the hipflask. While he waited his turn he continued speaking. "I'll need to get back to the marketplace, we need to find a new captain, the gangs will try and take advantage of our disorganisation." The Guard was shaking in his armour, maybe it would have been better if he had gotten slain by those three ponies after all.
  15. As Rising landed safely on the city walls, Stellar climbed down, her legs felt strange back on the ground. Now that they were on the walls, they could see clearly what was happening in Canterlot. The fire was huge, and seemed to be coming from the Sisters palace, that could not have been a good sign. Despite the fire, the streets were completely empty, there was no pony in sight. "Where is everypony?" Stellar asked, the eeriness sent a shiver up her spine.
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