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Status Updates posted by Pinkamena-Pills

  1. You're having a joyful day. Don't argue with me. Accept it, like you already have. Now go about your day, in joy, as you will.

  2. Are you having a joyous day? Did you say "yes"? Then continue in joy. If you said "no" then know that you still said "yes",now continue in joy.

  3. You're going to have a joyous day/night. Because you are. Now go have that joyous day/night. Because you are.

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. MetalTao


      Ahem... Is pinkie pie infallible? If so, does she have the power to be wrong? Or is she always right? Can she make it so she is wrin? But wouldn't tat make her fallible and also wrong? PHILOSOPHY FTW!

    3. That Horse

      That Horse

      Eat that philosophy! *gives you philosophy, condensed into a sandwich*

    4. Pinkamena-Pills


      Tao perhaps you are incapable of fathoming a being that can never be wrong,because the rules are always by her making.

      Don't you ever question Pinkie logic again,if you do then know that you are only questioning it because you are incapable of fathoming it,because you are incapable of excepting that the question at hand is beyond you. @Scilight: Just as planned.

  4. I foresee a good day for you,anon.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. That Horse

      That Horse

      And Princess Molestia wants you

    3. MetalTao


      NU! *runs for the exit* YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME AHAHAHHAAHA! *falls*

    4. That Horse

      That Horse

      Except I'm not Molestia. Im warning you

  5. lol xbl banned my account because of bullshit. Screw xbl i only use it for youtube anyways.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pinkamena-Pills


      No,until i 'pay them' in short,because they charged a credit card that din't exist stupidly because of shitty auto renewal that i had turned off a day after they most likely charged the non existing card. Fucking morons,im not paying them $25 when i never wanted to in the 1st place,i can still use Youtube on a Silver account.

    3. Snuggle Fiend

      Snuggle Fiend

      Add me if you want. My Xbox name is the same as my username.

    4. MetalTao


      That is what I hate about microsoft.

  6. that moment when your feelings are a enigma to written or visual representation.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Pinkamena-Pills



      yes Hedoth.

    3. MetalTao


      I will leave now... I am sorry...

    4. MetalTao


      I was insensitive..

  7. The moment when you are chased by a black colored Tirek and the Mafia in a dream and Liam Nelson is trying to help you escape them.

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      Didn't I just say that would be weird?

    3. Pinkamena-Pills


      just because its "weird" doesn't mean you wouldn't do it...

      Im ashamed at you Fantasma!

    4. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      Which means I wouldn't! It'll be power struggle between both sides of my mind! And the I wouldn't would win!

  8. The moment.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pinkamena-Pills


      idk i meant to right more but i hit enter by accident instead of shift XD

    3. MetalTao


      XD Oopsiedaisy.

    4. Fantasma Phantasm
  9. lol i think the cupcake i just ate made me slightly sick. >,<

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Miles


      Milk may help

    3. Pinkamena-Pills


      i dont have any :(

      But i do have apple juice and blueberry juice,so i blend those two together and wholla; best drink ever!

    4. Miles II

      Miles II

      Pillsy, I hope you're okay.

  10. Im eating cupcakes now; literally! *NOM NOM* omg i haven't had cupcakes in forever! Such a happy oatmeal right now XD

    1. Cosmonaut


      I like cupcakes too! I just hope those cupcakes don't have rainbow Dash in them...

    2. Rainbow S.D.

      Rainbow S.D.

      Vanilla is best flavor.

    3. Pinkamena-Pills


      noooooooo i like Dashie too much to eat her!

      Yes,i have cupcakes with vanilla cream!

  11. just woke back up,looks like i passed out randomly lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miles


      You'll have that sometimes ;-)

    3. Pinkamena-Pills


      i dreamed i was on the MLP foruns like now,and i thought i was. XD



      I sometimes have dreams like that, dreams in which I am doing something completely mundane like texting a friend.

  12. I am watching Golf now. My boredom has reached new heights.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pinkamena-Pills


      Ya that is probably a better idea..maybe try to find some interesting doc or something that will pass the time til i pass out.

    3. Thunderchild


      Until you've tried Cricket, you have yet to plumb the depths of boring.

    4. LZRD WZRD
  13. Oatmeal.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Pinkamena-Pills


      it was good stuff. but not healthy in the slightest.

    3. Pinkamena-Pills


      Hedoth must have been captured by Chrysalis again.

    4. Moonlight Magician

      Moonlight Magician

      @Lundmunchkins gah, you beat me to it :P I was about to say exactly what you said! XD

  14. I meant to wake up 12pm,i woke up up 7:30pm. My 2 alarm clocks have failed me.

    1. Show previous comments  69 more
    2. Pinkamena-Pills


      i is no sadist lol! its not our faults we chat alot,poor Kuko should have realized our chatty might!

    3. Pinkamena-Pills


      i will give you a break already!

      *breaks you off a piece of a kit-kat bar*


    4. Pinkamena-Pills


      Fine,party over at Hedoths status!

      *poofs away*

  15. Tired,im going to bed. Have a good oatmeal folks!

    1. Zygen


      Wait a minute... OATMEAL? ARE YOU CRAZY?


      Nevermind... xD. Goodnight!

  16. Continue! XD

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. MetalTao


      *Look of disapproval*

    3. Sunshower Raindrops

      Sunshower Raindrops

      I was occasionally reading it.

    4. MetalTao


      @Sunshower good thing, it was really weird D: BUT IT MUST BE INTERESTING!

  17. no sleep oatmeal,slowly slipping oatmeal

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pinkamena-Pills


      i don't drink caffeine,not since i was a small pony

    3. Sunshower Raindrops

      Sunshower Raindrops

      How do you get up in the morning *gasp*

    4. Pinkamena-Pills


      i activate my inner Pinkie

  18. lack of sleep making my brain oatmeal

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pinkamena-Pills


      silly Oatmeal,you can't eat me,eat the oatmeal Oatmeal

    3. Sunshower Raindrops
    4. Pinkamena-Pills


      *cues Happy Happy Christmas by Drax*

  19. Silly status limit! i am VEGETA I HAVE NO LIMITS!!!

    1. Show previous comments  79 more
    2. Pinkamena-Pills


      lol what,i like to lseep during the day,less sunlight i have to see! XD

    3. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      Okay theb! :) See ya.

    4. Pinkamena-Pills
  20. The MLP World Cup Tribute Vid! watch it!

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. Pinkamena-Pills


      its funny because most of these things ppl only say about Luna,mainly because of her banishment,but Celly suffered also and also maybe longs for love

    3. Pinkamena-Pills


      its funny because most of these things ppl only say about Luna,mainly because of her banishment,but Celly suffered also and also maybe longs for love

    4. Fantasma Phantasm

      Fantasma Phantasm

      Exactly!! Its not fair! >_<

    1. KokuraiNoSenshi


      Why are you always voting against me in this!? XD

    2. Arctic Night

      Arctic Night

      Good, you're on our side. lol


      I'm sure you'll be posting plenty of propaganda, correct?

    3. Pinkamena-Pills


      Sorry Koku,i must support the 2nd most important path to reaching eternal joy.

      @science,yes i will be spewing propaganda

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