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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Noei

  1. so jet lagged.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kamii


      This year's winter has been colder than any other I have lived through. No negative degrees, but still! We have a lot of humidity, that doesn't help either. What about all the way over where you live? :D

    3. Noei
    4. Noei


      Welp, I am moving to Chile in August.

  2. Dulcinea.

    1. Lightwing


      That was the woman of a spanish book,if my memory doesn't fail.

      She was ugly as all hell.

  3. I must be posting more often.

  4. Noei

    hai, happy birthday.^^

  5. It is depressing to sleep so early, I wish I could have a sweet dream. :c

    1. Inactive_Now
    2. Noei


      *hugs* da da dee, goodnight. c:

    3. Inactive_Now





  6. Going to sleep, good night. :)

  7. Happy birthday !

    1. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      Thank you Mademoiselle Noel :)

  8. Hi, thanks for adding me !

  9. In ur face, China, in ur face!

  10. you have 666 brohoofs ! that's not gud

    1. Noei


      I will help u .

    2. Stalliongrad
  11. wat is happening! bonne nuit.

  12. Big bro is watching me .

    1. J.T.


      he watches all of us. just get used to it -_-

    2. Noei


      He is particulary watching me.

  13. If you want me to take down your notifications , be the first one to write a comment here. huehuehuehue.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Noei


      @Sir Cacklefruit.

      u aren't the first one to comment here.:3

      If anything.http://mlpforums.com/topic/110456-ask-oobrony/page-4?hl=ask+oobrony#entry3356152

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I had forgotten that ask topic

    4. Inactive_Now
  14. Noei

    You mean like, wat country I am staying now ? :3

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Noei
    3. Lisa


      I'll meet you there in 10 or so years xP

    4. Noei


      Oh,see you then.:3

  15. Bonjour.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lisa


      Quoi est un VPN?

    3. GeneralDirection
    4. Noei


      @xOkamii. Hugs back. :3


      @Couleur. C'est the software I use in order to stay online and enter websites censored by the "People's" republic of China.(Ex:Google ) :c


      @GeneralDirection. Thanks ! :3

  16. I am going to take a little break and return on January 5. See you , mlp forum. :3

    1. Lisa


      Au revoir. :3

    2. Noei


      a bientôt !

  17. Yay ! 100 years old !

  18. First day of 2015 and happy birthday. :3

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