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Everything posted by MozillaToast

  1. Ebony looked around in a startled panic, realizing there was nothing she could do to escape what was about to happen. A cloaked pony approached her slowly and in a deep foreboding voice, said to her, "The Elder would like to have a small chat with you about your criminal actions towards the brotherhood. You WILL accept our terms of release, or you'll suffer until you do. There will be no negotiation and no foul play." He taps her horn, which has been covered in a dampening iron. "Elder, she is ready for questioning." Says another, smaller paladin. The first opens a blast furnace and put a large branding iron into it. The Elder approaches the 2 paladins in the dimly lit medical lab, they bow to him and the first looks to him, "Elder, she is ready, you may begin the interrogation."
  2. Ebony started to crawl out of the tent and look for her things, what confused her the most was that her legs hadn't regenerated like the testing version did.she thought about it and came to the conclusion that she'd used a slim by accident and not her regen chem. After exploring the area a bit she found her bag, only to find it completely empty. She crawled back into the medical tent, not realising she was being followed by a sinister looking raider. She found a selection of syringes on a desk which looked cleaner than the other side new and assumed they were the ones she brought, she went to reach for the closest one only for some random pony to slam his hoof into it, shattering it into piece, she turned around as fast as she could but was immidately drugged and gagged. She woke up in a much cleaner facility, what looked like a bunker's medical bay. As her senses returned she realised she was suspended by chain attached to all 3 of her remaining limbs. She struggled a little with no success and awaited what was coming.
  3. Ebony woke up with a jump, only to fall of the medical bed she was latex oht on, she tried to get up but realised she couldn'tt. "No no no no no no no no.... This can't be happening, this is all a bad dream and it'll all go away when I open my eyes again." She blinked, to no avail, she was still crippled. She looked about to find somepony, the walls had a big whiteclad scorpion symbol etched into it. And she had a vague idea of where she was. "Hello..? Anyone?" She spotted a light poking through tent she was in and crawled slowly to it. She poked her head through to see three ponies conversing, a cyborg, a raider and what looked like a tenpony snob. She lay down behind the tent walls to eavesdrop on their conversation... Something about another stable dweller, a slaver, and a military bunker.
  4. Ebony looked about the badlands, the one place she didn't want to be. "How the hell did I get here?" She looked over her map and groaned. "Gah... took a wrong road back the second crossroads." She sighed and turned around, only to see the barrel of an energy weapon. "You are a high value bounty by the Brotherhood of Steel. Dead or alive." Ebony looked at her options and decided that she'd do what she always does, kill someone. She bowed her head to assume capture, as the Star paladin went to put the shackles on, she stabbed him through a small gap between his head and torso. It wasn't an ordinary knife, it had a bottlecap mine attached. "If I were you, I'd just shoot first and then capture me." She whispered to him. In an act of pure spite the paladin dived at her to get her caught in the explosion. The explosion was pretty large, even for a bottlecap mine, and sent bits of the paladin everywhere, Ebony however landed into a crag with a sickening crunch, she looked herself over to see what happened and saw she was actually impaled into a few stalagmites through her back legs. She didn't have to time to cry out in fear as she spotted in the corner of her eye a wild deathclaw wandering about. "Oh no..." She looked about hoping it didn't see her as attempted to remove herself from the rock. at this point she realized she was more than likely going to remain crippled for a long time. Her saddlebag fell off in her struggling and a syringe rolled out. She had a plan and she hated it. She looked at her legs, whimpered a little and set a mine underneath them. "No better way to test than a field test..." She closed her eyes as hard as physically possible. The explosion threw her across the chamber and she could hear action going on below as she crawled slowly to her saddlebags, leaving a long trail of tears and blood. She managed to reach the syringe, injected herself a few seconds later she blacked out, wandering whether the paladin was alone, or if he had a squad waiting for her or whether a deathclaw was going to rip her apart.
  5. Ebony stopped by a small cave and decided to set up camp inside. When she got in she saw light and heard voices and stepping. She looked inside the cave a bit further to see a makeshift wall of metal scraps and other things and a rather pretentious looking colt sitting at the top of the scrap gate, watching out with a hunting rifle. "Go away mungo!" Yelled the colt at Ebony. She blinked and looked up to him, "And just who are you?" The colt looked back for a second then shouted back, "Why should I tell you mungo?" Ebony sighed, she was cruel and evil, but she wouldn't shoot a child. "Can you let me stay for the night? I'll trade you supplies for it." The colt jumped down and a filly took his place, "The last mungo we let in took some of our best ponies with him. So no!" She shouted at Ebony. Ebony looked for a way round and sighed, "Let me guess... You want ME to go to the slavers and get them, yes?" The filly smiled at her, "Obviously you dumb mungo." Before Ebony set off to get the children she had to ask, "What is this place?" The colt climbed back up and shouted, "Mungo free!" and closed the gates. Ebony was astounded by the inhospitable attitude of the children living there, and what was a mungo? She knew what she had to do and set off to Ponyville.
  6. I forgot my dog is scared of my drums... Oops

    1. JonasDarkmane


      My dogs are scared of balloons.

  7. Add tags for every little feature, I DO mean tag the word 'and' and each word individually, the more tags the more easily people will find it, look at the amount of tags on any gaming youtubers vids, there's tonnes on the popular stuff. Also be humorous and don't over-curse.
  8. "Hmm." Ebony mumbled, throwing the cleaver into the skull of a body. "This is unexpected... It seems I've created a serum that temporarily gives your cells the ability to multiply very, VERY, quickly." The deathclaw looked at her head cocked to the side in confusion. "Means you can regenerate for a little while, idiot." Knowing full well that it didn't understand a thing she was saying. She looked about the piles of bodies the deathclaw was bringing in, "Where'd you find so many dead ponies? Never mind, don't tell me." The deathclaw threw the last of the bodies onto the medical tables. She loaded the serum into a dozen syringes and packed her saddlebags. She quickly wrote up her research results in her notebook, where she had the lists of chemicals she'd discovered by trial and error including her liquedising chemical. "Stay here, you've exhausted your usefulness." The deathclaw growled and leaped at her, she anticipated the attack and used her magic to throw all of her surgical equipment into it. It had no chance. Scalpels, bone saws, nails and acids splattered themselves all over the creature, causing it to drop dead instantly. "One less problem for me to deal with." She left the stable and walked off into the distance.
  9. (Sorry 'bout the lack of posts, stuff happened) Ebony had grown bored of staying hidden and decided to intervene, She fired the high caliber rifle at the pony running towards the other. She looked away, either the shot killed him, grazed him or scared him. The effect of the shot was to delay and she wasn't too bothered for how long, it seemed like Wade needed this pony and Ebony owed him for the Brotherhood incident. "There you go, dept paid in full." She looked off into the distance, "O.K, lets move." She barked at her captive deathclaw. "Those bodies aren't moving themselves to the stable for testing." She whipped the deathclaw repetitively to get it to move. She grinned in a sinister fashion as she gazed at the stable entrance, "Soon, it will be finished. Soon..."
  10. Unfortunately I've been told I'm 'too old' to play with lego. I have many fond memories like remaking (and destroying) my lego star wars stuff. I do unfortunately retain the memories of standing on the little claw ones when in my bare feet :'(
  11. Pewdiepie. Hate his humour, scream, curse and make rape jokes then say Stefano a few times. I also dislike BasiclyIWork because he screams a lot, takes the game far too seriously and is pretty racist.
  12. Happy new year everyone!!

  13. @@Child Of Darkness, @, Ebony looked dazed for a moment, then grabbed Wade's hoof, "Lets go. This place is boring now there's nothing to kill." As she finished her sentence a shot was fired that just missed her. "So , just to clarify our situation here, they are not you allies?" She joked, waiting for him to teleport them away. "Have fun with the trigger-happy morons on that cliff" She said to the new arrival before handing him a StealthBuck, "Just wanted to make sure this fight was fair after all" She smiled at the new pony, then back to Wade, "You all set? Can we get going now I don't like the idea of having my head popped off by one of those morons." She tapped her hoof impatiently.
  14. @Child of Darkness, Ebony cocked her rifle back as she fired another shot into the back of the unsuspecting soldier's head, hearing the crunching of bone and steel. She spotted the exit, and a daydreaming initiate near it and smiled in a truly sinister way. She slipped right behind him, armed a grenade and stuck it into his pocket, he felt his pocket being messed with, he spun round to face her and looked back as she leaped out of sight. He looked over to where she was, thinking he'd been robbed. Then he looked down into his pocket only to see a live grenade, he fumbled around feebly trying to prolong his death in vain. Then it exploded. Ebony grinned as bits of the initiate fluttered about the room. "Too easy." She galloped up to the opposite wall to the eye-bot and its owner and called out,"We're nearing the exit now! Get ready to teleport us away, this isn't going to be easy. They'll be expecting heavy force, luckily for them, we wont disappoint." She drops her rifle and puts on the laser gatling from guard who she'd shot in the head a few moments ago had been holding, "Only two clips, but that should give us enough time to make an opening and get clear. I'm no deadeye with guns with clips like these." She looked towards the exit. "This is going to be the really dangerous part of the escape. and could go wrong at any time." She sat behind her cover as she heard shooting and shouting, even a few sniper shots. She waited for a moment and stopped, looked outside, then back at her assistant puzzled on why there were shots, but no troops. "Why haven't they started coming in yet? Could someone else be causing them problems?" She looked back at pony aiding her with a judging look, "Friends of yours?"
  15. @Child of Darkness, (Sorry, using iPad, no coloured text or links) As the group near the exit, Ebony looks through the halls and spots a pony in a suit. Perfect. Hostages in suits are high value personel and won't be risked in a shooting. She hides behind a pillar and signals the eye-bot and its stealth owner to follow. She took a refi moment to look at what they'd done. Eighteen 'Steelers' were stone cold dead since she'd arrived, that thought alone made her happy. When blood was spilt, she felt good. She lowered her voice to remain hidden, "This is a bold move but it just might work. There is a HVT (High value target) If we can detain that person then our escape is secure. These fools won't fire when a HVT is involved." She looked around to make sure she wasn't being listened to. "He's just outside the armoury. I say we capture him and walk straight through the gates and use him as safe bargaining. I can use my magic to interfere with the aiming systems for a short while, just enough for the bunker's targeting systems to be obscured for five minutes." She checked around again, " I don't like this plan but it's all I've got." She looks into the shadows as if she were looking at someone. "He's right there, admiring my carnage..." She looks over the the eye-bot and then to the patrol, 3 ponies, fully geared up in power armour, it all appeared to be in terrible shape except for the individual in the middle, clearly the leader of the group. "Shoot the guard in the power core on that one," motioning at the leading pony, "I'll drop the other two and then gives me enough time to grab the HVT and use him as a meat shield. If needs be I'll throw a few grenades and shield him from the blast." She looks over to the shadows and gives a look confirming that she's ready.
  16. @Child of Darkness, Ebony groaned as she slowly regained her thoughts, "Huh..? Oh. Someone is helping me in this mess, well lets find the camera on this thing..." She carefully looks about the eye-bot. "Aha, hello? Hi. Just want to thank you for that. But no-one saves someone out here without wanting something back." She heard other ponies talking outside the office. "We'll have to save the chit-chat for when we meet, good sir or ma'am, as you can see I'm in a small predicament here." She leant over to the door and peeked through the gap. "You know a way for me to get out? Bearing in mind you just saved me, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're on my side for now. And that you need me for whatever reason. " She said calmly. She moved away from the door. "The front door is out the question. They probably have 4 or 5 guards waiting for me. And I blew the head off of the only pony who had a suit I could 'borrow', unless..." She bucked open some lockers and found a few grenades, some metal scraps, a handgun and an energy core. She grabbed the eye-bot and tied it to the table."I guess I could put this here, and this there." She welded the gun and energy core to the eye-bot, rewired some of the mechanics and rebooted it. "Hello? You still with me? Good. You'll notice the little icon on the top left of your Pip-boy, press that to shoot the gun. I need to get out here alive and you need this eye-bot presumably. Try to leave some for me to kill." She smiled sinisterly. "Three... Two... one... Go!" She yelled as she slammed the door open, knocking the pony who had her head against it out. "Lets go!" (Also I love your background )
  17. She looked at the Stallion for a second then had a plan. She slammed a metal box into his head knocking him down, she went to get of the table but he was too fast.He used the stock of his gun to slam her off the table. She yelped and whimpered in pain as he started beating her with his gun. Little did he know she'd started focusing on levitating the rifle she'd stolen behind him. He realised a second too late as he turned around to meet the high calibre round that plastered his head all over the room, his body was left squirting blood out gently. She put a hoof to her head, "Why's the room all spinney..? Ugh..." She collapsed from exhaustion of taking the beating and using magic, landing on the concrete floor with a solid 'thud!'.
  18. Jackpot. The armoury, she chuckled to herself. "This was easy, too easy..." The the alarms went off. "Oh buck." She scowled herself as the base locked down on high alert. "Should've hidden the body... Still these people are mere goons. I'm in their casino and I hold all the cards. And they're all aces." She started hacking into an unmanned suit and heard a clicking behind her. "This just isn't my day.." She huffed, she put her hooves on her head and turned around. "Don't shoot!" she cried out innocently. Then she leant back, and winked at him. "I want the first move." A missile fired from the suit and hit the pony square in the chest, seconds later there was a big bloody smear of where he'd stood. "Oh my... Couldn't hold yourself together eh? Am I THAT flattering to look at?" She fluttered her eyes comically. She continued hacking at the suit, programming it to 'shoot on sight' mode and took a rifle for herself. She'd broken the movement capabilities so she'd need to get out another way. She figured to use the vents to escape. It was risky but being captured didn't seem much more fun either. "Never gets old, the rush of being bad" She looked back at the doorway, which had sealed itself after the explosion. She saw it glowing red at the hinges. "Better get going. Steel wont hold blowtorches for long." she turned the automated suit around towards the door. "Have fun!" She called out as the door burst open. The suit opened fire. She leaped into a vent as the commotion began, and watched. She could hear screams and cries in pain as the suit fired out its ammunition upon the victims of the onslaught and saw the blood plastering the walls of the room. Beautiful she thought to herself, and efficient, didn't miss a single shot. She'd been in the vent for about five minutes and the she realised she was stuck. She started to panic, using her magic to slice open the vent, she fell through the hole she'd made and landed on an official looking desk with a rather angry looking stallion sitting at the desk. "Motherbucker..." She whispered.
  19. Ebony observed the mess occurring beneath her, multitudes of militants had gathered up to stop the slave trade. "Well this IS unusual... Didn't expect the brotherhood to make a leap out like this... Maybe I can use this time to infiltrate their little bunker, their numbers will have been reduced significantly by these, odd circumstances." She thought to herself as she formulated a plan of entrance and figured that, if she was going in, no one was coming out. But first, a little acting was necessary. She approached the bunker, feigning injury. "H-help! Raiders... Just over the ridge, there are slavers too! It's hell over there, blood everywhere! They're trying to attack our caravan!" The guard looked cautiously at Ebony. "What's your name?" She asked, trying not to run off and join the excitement. "M-m-my name is... Ebony Catalyst." The guard looked up. "Hey... Weren't you in stable 303? My granddad was in there! What was he like?" Ebony smiled a sickly and evil smile, "Why don't you find out?" She looked puzzled of a second then heard a metallic clattering beneath her, the energy core smashed, electrifying the pony in the suit, disabling the her armour and the door mechanism. The guard growled at Ebony as she got closer. "Say hi to your dad, from me." She started filling the suit up with random chemicals she had stored on her, the pony inside the suit started gagging, the throwing up, then started drowning in her own sick. "Y-ou Mo- *gags*-nster!" She slowly spat as she choked. "Bye bye." she giggled to the guard as the pony choked to death on her own sick, unable to vent the suit. Ebony watched for a few seconds then she let herself in. "Where are all the toys for Ebony, there's fun to be had!" She whispered to herself, avoiding another patrol.
  20. Ebony turned around as she saw an E.M.P blast hit a secluded area. "Best not to involve myself in their trivial affairs. Where is that slav-" She was cut off by the sudden sight of a diamond dog exploding in front of her, she looked back up to her home atop the cliff and saw it tumbling down, she dodge the incoming debris and stomped at the ground. "No. No. No. No. NO!" She screamed angrily. She turned around and galloped back up the mountain path, back to her camp. The captives were gone, save the few the useless mutt did kill. Her supplies were gone. Her spare chem gun ammo was gone. Her 'lab' was destroyed. Realization hit her like a train as she sat down and looked about the ruins of her home. She gathered up her essentials, some meat, some purified water and her weaponry, which consisted of a revolver and her chem gun. She looked about and saw a glint in the sand, went over towards it then heard a small click. She dived to the side as a landmine exploded, searing her lab jacket and temporarily blinding her. She dropped everything as she walked about, too disorientated to notice an armoured pony pick up her chem rifle and re-chambered it. She heard the clicks and whirs of the rifle loading in another round and was starting get her vision back. "S-s-stop. Don't shoot." she whispered quietly while slowly drew her revolver from it's holster, ignoring everything the oppressor was saying. She had one shot and the pony's armour was bulletproof. She'd need to hit her chem gun and explode the ammunition onto the oppressor. She had a split second pulling the head back and firing, it was all she got. She looked him over and fired. The chem rifle exploded in the pony's hooves as he screamed as his hooves dripped onto his torso. He leaped back and screamed out in pain again, he could feel his body slowly liquefying from the chemical. "Wha' did ya' do ta' meeeee..." he cried out fell down, his solid bones ripping through him grimly from his thinned skin. She looked at him and sighed. "You raiders are all the same, all equally predictable, all completely useless. You made the mistake of letting me live long enough to draw and fire my revolver. Silly foal." She gloated. She looked into her chest, the victim taking his time dying so she thought she'd speed it up a little. "Open wide." She wrenched his mouth open as she shoved a live grenade down his gullet as stood back. He looked back, tears streaming down his melting face. Bits of fur, skin and flesh splattered all over the site like some sort of aboriginal art. She picked up her supplies she had left and walked off. "Now THAT'S art." She loaded another 6 rounds into the revolver. "Time to go find a new home spot." She sighed, feeling rather annoyed at the dogs stupidity.
  21. She looked over the wasteland from atop her small home made of scraps and metal and looked into her storage chest. "Looks like I need to attack another caravan." She mumbled quietly, brandishing her chem rifle. "It'd be foolish to argue with this..." She aimed at a captive pony In the reinforced cage behind her, took aim and fired. Watching the pony writhe in agony as he was slowly turn to a fleshy heap strangely satisfied her. "I should stop killing my captives with the poison. I need something to eat something soon." She walked outside to the courtyard a few minutes later, where several ponies were being held down by a massive iron chain and watched by a diamond dog guard. She turned to look at her captives. "Any volunteers? One of you has to die so that everyone else can live. How about... " She looked about the captives and decided. "You?" She pointed towards a smallish pony with a bright blue fur coat, her eyes widened and she tried to speak through the tape wrapped around her muzzle multiple times. She started struggling against the chains. "Anyone else care to go instead?" She waited in silence for anyone to respond. "No? Too bad for you." She unshackled her neck and reshackled her to a makeshift guillotine. She positioned the pony in the machine, leaning her slightly over the cliff. "Have fun." She said wickedly as she let the blade drop. The pony didn't have a chance,the massive blade made a sickening crunching sound on her neck. Her head flew down the mountainside as made a small splat as it made contact with he ground below. Ebony lifted her lifeless body slightly then stopped."DOG! Put this body in the boiling vat. NOW!" She growled. The dog obeyed. A few hours later she fished out the body, cut it into chunks and gave it out. "Eat her, or starve. Doesn't bother me either way." She started eating the ribs of the victim and looked across the mountainside again and spotted a slaver with two zebras. She finished off the rib, set aside the bones for her diamond dog slave. " I'll be back, if they even move and inch, snap their necks. All of them." she said. The dog grunted in acknowledgement. She picked up a large satchel of bottle-caps off on the ground and her chem rifle. "I'll be back."
  22. Can someone tell me how to put something under spoiler?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MozillaToast


      Where would I put what I want to be hidden?

    3. Simcity11100


      I between the spoiler and /spoiler like


    4. MozillaToast


      Thx :) and *hugs* to you too ooBrony

  23. I cry every time I check the team roster on any FPS and they're all kids (6-10) and constantly say claim to having sex with either my mother, grandmother, sister, daughter or aunt. I mean seriously? Is that the best trash talking they can come up with?
  24. I regularly curse at my T.V and laptop, I hear them crying at night.
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