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Everything posted by MozillaToast

  1. 264337 Thanks. Now I'm gonna find Waldo, one day...
  2. 264 330 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vr9O0uR4-Kw
  3. I need serious help. I'm trapped in my bathroom because the little bit of metal that goes between the door and wall is jammed between them both, what can I do to get out???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Steelstallion


      Then you're on your computer? The options I can think of are break the door down, message somepony through Facebook or something, are wait until help arrives. Sorry I can't help at all other than that. D:

    3. MozillaToast


      I'm on my iPod that was in my pocket

    4. MozillaToast


      Thanks for what you've said though

  4. Tempest slowly regains his thoughts after waking up suddenly, looked about the room and decided that he'd rather be outside looking around the forest with a sword than stay in a house filled with dead animals, he heads outside to the forest, as he looks back he thinks he sees a skeleton turn it's skull to watch him leave.He shakes his head in disbelief and walks off into the forest, going to towards the pulling feeling he's getting from deeper within the forest.
  5. E not walks up to the pedestal gingerly, taps it to checks the legitimacy of it then picks it up and puts it on, she then completely blacks out onto the floor. She slowly woke up feeling slightly woozy and disentorited, she then gets up and looks about spotting the Filly talking to Dashia present. "Hello? Oh you guys... Wait a second..." She looked carefully at present Dashia then looks down at herself noticing the necklace, "Ah... It's you..." She sat down and looked about, still feeling woozy. "So where are we..?"
  6. Tempest looked at the antique he'd found and completely disregarded the note as he popped out the gems from the sword and out them into his own bags, he then equipped the scabbard and charged at the wolves form behind, his wings giving him a faster momentum he went straight through one of the wolves and kept going until the sword was embedded into a tree trunk. He then decided to simply fly upwards out of the wolves reach and hovered away looks for the band the wolves had attacked initially. "This is such a curious place." He said out loud to no one in particular while searching.
  7. Ebony looked at the scenario before her and quickly decided to be as up front with it as possible, "O.K. here's the situation, I'm going to drop you in a few moments but you're going to be 100% fine. Those two pegasai will catch you when I do let you go. Got it?" She waited for a response but got nothing but panicky gibberish, "Um... I didn't get any of that but am assuming you're good to go, three. Two. One. Go!" She dropped the vision as the pegasai arrived to catch her. Ebony thought to herself, 'Where am I... And what am I doing here..?' As the scene played out before her.
  8. Ebony looks towards the doorway of her with the necklace, then to the one of her being beaten,"This is such a difficult decision..." she quickly decides that the necklace and a few companions can't cause too much trouble to her, she quickly decided to head through to the vision of her and the necklace. As she's heading through she thinks to herself, 'That voice seemed familiar... But I don't remember how...'
  9. Tempest awoke with a jump in the black of night, he felt something only describable as a pulling sensation, something in the Everfree was tugging at him to be there, he decided with a start and sudden motivation that he'd head out to the forest and seek out the source of the sensation. As he went to leave he spotted a note attached to the front of his hotel room, "Hmm... So someone wants me to head on over to the Everfree... Well, here I come!" He shouted out to no one in particular, he put on his headphones and set off to the forest humming along to the megaman theme song.
  10. Fun fact! Blizzard thought cataclysm would be the last expansion of wow ever at the time.
  11. Doctor FIST is going to make my heart explode he makes me so angry...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      Reminds of that I never managed to finish off Ansem in Kingdom Hearts (the first game)

    3. MozillaToast


      Well, i was so confident i could keep a hot streak of straight wins up that I bet money that I'd be able to clear all of the minibosses up to rank 7 (He's halfway through rank 6) and I bet about £50 on it... Then my friend cleared him first time and I lost it.

    4. MozillaToast


      As in my temper, i lost control of it, and my money.

  12. Ebony looked about for anyone else out there to mug her, "Can we go inside now? I'm not the most popular pony here and I owe some people a lot of caps." She looked about the streets again, "Like now please?" She timidly went to take a step inside then stopped, "Hostess first." She said to Dashia.
  13. Alienware has officially failed me in its entirety.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MozillaToast


      I paid a lot of money for this and it has less performance than my old laptop, which was 10% of the price...

    3. Dewdlz


      *pats cheap computer on top of the screen*

    4. MozillaToast


      ASUS > Alienware

  14. Ebony finally catches up after spending so long choosing a gun, "Hi I was just getti-" Suddenly the pony from the apple stall earlier gagged her and dragged her down a secluded area, "You ruin'd me produce, naw I'm gon' ruin ya' face! Then I'll kill tha' freak you 'ang round with!" He spat at her. "Can't we be civil about this?" She asked while slowly wiping his spit off her. He lifted his hammer, "Naa." She used her magic to grab his hammer out of his hand and thump his forhead. He slowly got up, only to receive another swing of the hammer into his face. "Call us even." She said, dropping a few caps and the hammer onto the collapsed pony. "Sorry about that, what's going on... And why do you have a horn?" She said looking at Dashia weirdly.
  15. If you're crossing files that's not good, like at all. In fact, it's really really bad. As far as advice goes, I got nothing, I have the same problem. Sorry :/
  16. Ebony looked at the two pip-bucks with curiosity, "This is rather obscene, if this was real shouldn't there be a time flux being caused between the two of them existing in the exact some time?" She looked back and forth between them. "I guess I'll have to figure this out later, lets move on to a safer location before we're ambushed again."
  17. Ebony looks at the amulet carefully, "How do you know that it's not a very accurate copy? I still don't believe in that Elements of Harmony myth, when I see recorded evidence of it being used, then I'll consider believing in that folklore rubbish. Also I'm pretty sure I hit my head when I got thrown into that apple stall" She shoot the ghoul a quick glare. "And this is all in my head because of a mild concussion." She thought about the situation for a moment, then concluded to herself that it was simply ridiculous. Then she decided to just play along, "Well, what are we waiting around in the open for? Lets get going to... Wherever we're meant to be." She said waiting for a response from anyone.
  18. Ebony gathers up the raider's weapon and ammo, she also takes a knife out and cuts off his cutiemark and stores it in her bag. She comes out from behind her cover, "Wow. Who died out here?" She looked about the area. "Oh... They died." She wandered around, pull scraps of leather off the raider's armor while humming to herself. When she was done she went over to Dyna. "Kid, here..." She slowly wraps a makeshift leather bandage around her wound, "Quit squirming kid, do you want to bleed out?" She looked at Dyna, "Perfect, bright as a button, what now?"
  19. Ebony lifts two of the raiders up by their throats and begins to asphyxiate them, they drop their guns as they start suffocating. Another pony takes a shot and hits the same leg previously shot, she falls down onto the other leg in recoil, "You shot me!" She growled. She turns to the pony who shot her and launched one of the chocking ponies at him, she then takes the opportunity to take cover behind a rock. She drops the raider and rips some leather off the winded pony's armor and binds it around her leg where she was shot. "Thanks for the bandage!" She then resumes choking the pony to death.
  20. Right, according to Cleverbot, I am 'The Dark Lord Voldemort' -.-

  21. "I know that it supposedly generated an expedential amount of energy, no one has every been able to confirm what type, I did some research on it a while ago, and just concluded it was just myth. Just a bunch of colours and lights to impress people which they then misinterpreted and mixed it with folklore as if it was some sort of superpower." She stopped for a moment, "The supposed battles with the Elements of Harmony were probably just ponies mistaking it for Alicorn Magic." She looked over to Dashia, "That's all I learn about the myth of harmony." She paused and thought about something that had been bothering her, "How did you know for certain we, this band of misfits, would come together ta this specific spot, at this specific time as I had no interest with being here, I was meant to be asleep at the bar, fast asleep." She realised how pathetic she was sounded and stopes speaking and looked at the ground in embarrassment.
  22. The Hulk, because who doesn't love a big green angry monster that smashes everything?
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