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Everything posted by MozillaToast

  1. I remember the until able port tank with them judgements and seals to have unlimited HP and mana regen. Ahh those where the golden days
  2. I found my trusty old asus laptop :3 the feels of this ancient piece of trash :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MozillaToast


      Monster is wrecked but I used a HDMI for it into the TV and I'll use it until my gaming laptop is fixed :D

    3. MozillaToast
    4. JonasDarkmane
  3. "Also. You know what Black Ops 3 means? More Nuketown! " Oh god no, not MORE nuketown.
  4. Ebony yells out. "Cover me I have a plan!" Ebony starts throwing her spare traps about the room randomly at the enemies hoping it hits them or the step in it. She throws all 4 and no one is hit so she levitates one and throws it directly at the face of an ammo carrier. "Owch, That's a real trap you've fallen into." She looks back at her team in the middle of combat, "What? I never said it was a good plan." And with that she starts to reload her shotgun. She realised the cover wasn't even nessassary as she'd simply hidden behind some wreckage and randomly thrown some traps around the room.
  5. NGL, don't play any FPS multiplayer when in pain. My language was absolutly unacceptable, o feel like I need to bathe my mouth. Anyways, nighters people!

  6. Getting hit by a car sucks :(

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      You were hit by a car?! Are you ok?

    2. MozillaToast


      It could've been worse, only fractured my ankle, the moron didn't indicate as I was crossing the road and clipped my leg.

    3. MozillaToast


      Hurts like hell but is numbed down at the moment

  7. Ebony finally gets up after the group, falling down the flight by accident and forgetting to yell out to wait, she has a slight limp becaus of it, "I'm... Here... At... Last..." She pulls back a chamber on her tesla rifle and fires at the closest target, completely missing. "And boom goes the... COME ON, HOW ARENT YOU DEAD YET?!?" Her horn beginning to gather a faint red glow from her rising temper, first falling down a flight of stairs and now this joker wouldn't die? There was only so much this mare could take. She whipped out her shotgun and plastered 4 rounds of buckshot into his chest. "And stay dead!!"
  8. Tempest was already boarding Spitfire's Titan before Ahaban had finished, "No offence here 'Ban but I'd rather be on the back of a more offensive vehicle." He checked his ammo count and his equipment before calling in, "Green to go chief." He looked at Dash's head size, "I'm pretty sure that there's a few in the armory about your size." He looked about seeing everyone else kitting up and getting ready.
  9. If you could be any class from WoW IRL, what would it beans why?

  10. Tempest looks outside and saw a small commotion, a bunch of Titans running about after what looked like a moving building, he sighed, "Probably just another conflict between the NLR and SoE again" then he heard the distress call, "Uhh, Spitfire? Do we help or..?" He waited for Spitfires call on the situation.
  11. Ebony blinked, "Fair enough." She put the scrap parts back into her bag. "Darker forces? What would you mean by that? Like fairytale dark or something along the lines of dark magic?" She'd seen dark magic once before, it wasn't stable stuff and wouldn't be easy to beat without an equally unstable weapon, she looked to her necklace. 'Could the stories be true?' She thought to herself as the walked behind the group.
  12. "Uhh... Not that isnt obvious but Dashia, but your necklace is kinda glowing. But anyway, I'm going to side with Sand here, do you think we'll need bigger guns or will what we've got do?" Ebony asks, looking onward from the group into the facility. She'd heard the stories but, when you've lived in the wastes for nearly 20 years, you get used to them. She of all people would know. She went into her bags again and pulled out a small timer and some buttons, "Dyna, dear? Could you pass a me something that blows up?"
  13. I once put a hoodie on backwards and walked down the stairs with the hood on and fell down a flight of stairs, I then got up and walked out my house with my hood back up, and ran onto the street and got hit by a mini... That was a good day...
  14. Ebony gets to fixing her gun fairly quickly, welding the crack shut, then looking at it deciding for a,few modifications. She picks up the sub she threw earlier and pulls it apart, then doing the same with the shotgun she was given earlier. She puts most the parts into her bags and puts the foregrip of the shotgun on the cannon. She notices he pendant glowing and taps it gentally, "Anyone know why this is doing this?" She says, motioning to the element.
  15. Ebony picks up her weapon and heads over to the group, she puts the smaller barrels she'd taken out earlier back into the main barrel with a soft click. "Does anyone have any way of making a small fire?" She says rolling her eyes at the question, she was talking to two dragons, she held out a lot of tinder wood. "It's so I can fix this big crack in the gun, otherwise every time I shoot it till take half my face off."
  16. I wish that they'd fix the unfair warrior execute crits... Or maybe nerf feral Druids a little... But no, they have to kick us monks down even after the absolute bulls**t changes from MoP, then they have the nerve to remove the only good windwalker utility tier spell, oh what's that? Starfall is getting a 3% increase in dps?
  17. Ebony lands with suprising grace and looks over to Dashia, "This guy doesn't know when to quit...." She looks back at her gun in the middle of the room, "Just thought I'd let you all know I'm relatively unarmed at this point." She decides it's in her best interest to stay behind cover and wait for an oppertunity to grab the gun.
  18. Ebony finally reloads her rifle and looks about, "Geez you're a mighty big fella ain't ya'? Here, have a boost to your day." She pulls out the smaller barrels leaving a large tube aiming at the demon. 'Open wide...' She then fired her rifle, letting off a huge shockwave and EMP blast, leaving a huge crack in the barrel, "Uh oh..." She whispered as she was thrown across the room.
  19. Ebony charges up a burst from her rifle aiming straight at further most guard, hitting him square in the face, knocking him down on the floor as he's electrocuted, "How Shocking." She mumbles to herself, 'What a terrible pun...' She then gets behind cover and swaps to her makeshift sub and puts out suppressing fire on the remaining enemies not being engaged in a melee. "Anyone please feel free to kill the rest of them." She runs out of ammo as her sub completely break, she grinned menacingly, "Let the fun begin." She pulls out a trap and leaps on the nearest minion, clamping it to his face with a sickening crunch. She jumped off him and ran for the nearest bit of cover. Then she starts charging her rifle again,
  20. Ebony follows up behind the group slowly tinkering with her bag, not really paying too much attention to what was being said, she was just making sure she didn't fall behind at this point. She made a few more bear traps and then started writing a few notes down in her journal. She noted to herself, 'Use more bait to lead ponies into it , E.G empty ammo clips'. She then thought they might as well be aware. "Guys, when you run out of ammunition, don't throw the magazine away, I can use them in the traps." She then decided to activate her rifle and keep close to the others. "Oh and it's nice to meet you."
  21. "Guys!" Ebony lowers her voice to a whisper, "I think I can hear a patrol." She adjusts a few settings on her gun and it turns off, she then gets a small journal out her saddlebags and begins to assemble a small device with scraps of metal in her saddlebags. When she's done she has a few devices that looks like a bear traps but has no pressure pad, instead a small spike. "Anyone whose dumb enough to set this off will lose a hoof. I'm sure you've all seen a bear trap before." She explains, placing it down by the main entrance in a fairly concealed position by moving a nearby body close to it. She heads back into the room with everyone else, "We can never be too safe, to be honest we're a bit more exposed that what's comfortable in here." She then gets to assembling a new contraption, humming softly as she does so.
  22. Ebony fiddled around with the gun she'd been handed and instantly knew exactly what it was. She pressed one final button and the gun made a loud whirring noise with a quiet humming afterward, it looked like a rocket launcher, but had tiny little barrels inside of where a rocket would be produced. It also had a large box that glowed a slightly radioactive green bolted to the side of it. "This is the arc launcher but I like to call it judgement. It fires focused arcs of unicorn magic, like a lightning bolt." She looked the gun over, checking all the parts, "Basicly it fries it's target and very briefly shorts out electronic armor." She looked at the gun for a second, "But how in equestria did that ditzy girl hve this? I made one of these a while bAck but it broke... And kinda hit the nearby area with an EMP... But anyway enough about this." A few seconds later she noticed the silent arrival heading in, "Is it just me or did that pony look like the one from the library?"
  23. Oh wow, that's one hell of a plot twist blizzard!! Kudos to you that, now I KNOW my favourite Orc is going to be in the Gul'dan raid :D

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