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Everything posted by MozillaToast

  1. Anyone else having random moments where theyre logged out for no reason?

  2. Aknor looked around her shop, "You need security for your shop? I might know a guy." He thought for a moment then changed his mind, "Actually... If you'd like, I can make you security. All I need is a solid stone pillar but I can do it with metal, plastics and even wood. Runescribing isn't too difficult, but you'd have to draw it on otherwise they'd be bound to me. I could even draw ot on a bit of paper for you to copy down if you're intrested. I'd shape and sculpt the material, you'd bind it to your soul. Lifetime garentee, even of you do die, as long as your soul still has a physical tether, it'll protect you, your home and your prized posessions." He thought to himself, 'Maybe I should start a buisness on that kind've thing...'. "But still, how does one indirectly cause an ursa minor to attack a quiet settlement?" He stopped before he prodded at painful memories." I still don't see where fighting in a tournament like this fits in. Unless... Nevermind." Aknor didn't want to jump to conclusions and didn't want to strike a nerve, he didn't want to ruin a potential friendship so early on.

  4. If you could relive one moment in your life, what would it be?

    1. JonasDarkmane


      I don't know :s

  5. Aknor sighed, "Don't worry about it. The past is in the past and nothing changes that. Still, tell me how you emded up a merchant, you said earlier you were an illusionist and stage performer. How did that happen? Were you robbed?" He realized he was jumping to conclusions and just awaited her answer, trying pace his questions a bit more and regretting his lack of patience.
  6. "Ok, so I wasn't burying as if you look there now there'll be nothing there. I'd just finished making home guardians and had incribed runes on them. These runes that I engraved on them meant that at a clap of my hooves one of them will emerge at my side. Runescribing is a handy tool I learnt when I was younger. As for my history... Well, I was born in eastern Saddle Arabia to family of merchants and crafters. O didn't learn until I had earned my cutie mark that my family ran a close trade routine with a nearby gryphon clan, its been so long I can only remeber that they lived in the northern bluffs not the name of the clan." He paused to try to remember but it was just out of grasp. "Anyway, about 4 years ago we were slightly behind on deliveries on one shipment, their leader came down to see my father personally, they went for about an hour before only the leader returned and told me and my mother to return. Without my father. As we were leaving I looked back to see my father being tied to a dead tree at the edge of one of the cliffs, then gryphons taking turns one by one to slam into the tree." He stopped for a moment, remembering the very moments he described. "You can probably make a good assumtion on what happened next." He looked down, at the ground as if he'd find so e comfort hidden in it. "Sorry about the depressing story but you did ask... Anyway after that I never looked at gryphons the same way again, I started hating them, resenting them. However my constant anger would interfere with my work and after a breif few months I was banished from the establishment, to not return until I could control my rage. So I took a long period of time in studying differnt paths of shamanism to distract myself from the emotions. Recently I've wanted to test myself on how my training has benefieted and well, here seems the best place to try that." He looked at her, hoping he didn't dampen the recovering mood for her.
  7. Someone need sto kick the guy who designed the physics of cod in the moneymaker

  8. Hmmm, death threat from using grenade launchers? I know! I'll reply with a winky face!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1111
    3. MozillaToast
    4. MozillaToast


      They were trickshotting so i decided to grind up some crossbow kills :)

  9. Why does everything i do grimd to a really slow pace after twn flipping minutes of waiting -.- This is why i never rely on other people.

  10. @ Aknor smiled at the blue mare as he held the emblem, "Thank you... But a business is a business and if you change your mind about me paying then I'll pay." He the put it in his pouch, on top of everything else. "So, whats the plan now? Where do you need--" Then the intercom blared out, announcing a match between two ponies he'd never heard of. "Hmm... I didn't realise they had an intercom... Anyway Trixie, show me you need doing." He said, always happy to help others. He thought to himself, 'Wander who I'm matched against. I feel sorry for them.'
  11. Someone ahould wrote down everything i say when I rage, and show it to everyone I know, amd then I'll have no friends as I tend to insult every nationality there is ;_; my mouth has issues

    1. JonasDarkmane
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I tend to rant and express all of my anger at once about everything if my temper goes off. :P

  12. I... Am... A bunneh!

    1. JonasDarkmane


      YAY :D :D Congrats :D :D *Hugs*

    2. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Yay, a new ingredient to my soup!

    3. MozillaToast
  13. "Honestly?" He said, "I have absolutly no plans for today and I thought that I might as well make myself useful. Also you were kind enough to make conversation with me in the first place. Otherwise I'd probably be 'burying' more things out there." He paused for a moment, thinking of the emblem that caught his eye earlier, "Hmmm, how much would it cost for that for the silver emblem I gave you earlier? I think it had a fireball etched in the center of it." He asked, hoping for it not to be extortionate in pricing. He doubted she'd want a coupon for a free piece of armour or a weapon.
  14. @Ranger22 @Corona de Adamas Aknor coughed upon hearing the order, "Whatever your armour is, I can make better..." He grumbled to himself as he got back to sweeping the floor again, he whistled 'What a wonderful world' to himself as je continued sweeping the floors for Trixie. He had no idea why but he felt obliged to aid Trixie, maybe he felt sorry for her? He didn't know, and he didn't pay any more attention to the thought as he resumed cleaning up her shop for her.
  15. *Is waering tinfoil hat* "Haha! My plan wor--"
  16. Oki dokey. How many sacrifices have you given in the name of Sombrero-- Sombre?
  17. Hows your hoof to hoof fighting skills like? Hooves of lightning? That'd be a little bit freightning.
  18. If you could choose one and only one, would you rather have complete control of the world or absolute power. Tempest: "Also can I have a hug?"
  19. https://mlpforums.com/user/28184-corona-de-adamas/ "Let me handle this, you shouldn't have to deal with this." He pulled up a chai for her to relax and calm down in while he cleaned up the mess as best he could. Aknor grabbed the broom started sweeping, occasionally picking up the odd piece of jewlery or an amulet off the floor and levitating it onto her desk for her to decide where to put ot back when she was ready to, he couldn't help but feel sorry for her, someone had just come in, thrown stuff everywhere, and left it there, not bothering to clear it up after themselves. He caught a glimse of what looked like a poster, although it was too tattered to be sure, in her hooves. After finishing with cleaning up any broken trinkets and ruined scrolls, he looked about the shop and although Trixie still didn't look too happy about the whole scenario, he was happy with how well he'd managed to sweep up, granted it's not hard to sweep up, but when you live in a sandstone igloo, if you can see a slight reflection in the floor then that was a job well done. "Trixie, if you want to, you can go out for the day, go to the spa, relax and unwind and i'll watch over your shop for the day." He stopped for a moment realizing how thievish that must've sounded to her, she'd just had her home invaded and now this stranger, who she'd only just met, was offering to watch it for her while she went out for the day. He looked at her with honest eyes and said, "What I mean is that you've had a rough start and if I'm honest, you deserve a break for the day." Picked up the last of the broken good and asked, "Where do you want me putting these?" Then somepony walked into him. @Ranger22 "Oof... Hello, welcome to... Actually I'm not sure if this is a good time for shopping, she's just had a bit of an incident involving... Actually its probably better to ask her if its open or not but theres been a bit of an incident." He notioned over to Trixie, who from his angle, still looked annoyed with everything.
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