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Everything posted by MozillaToast

  1. Aknor nodded in agreement as she explained her future plans to him. When she finished he looked her in the eyes with a comforting look on his face, "That's good. You've clearly thought out and in full and you have the final plan set in stone and aren't leaving anything down to second chances. It takes a lot of confidence and courage to know exactly what your doing and who you are and to accept it and move forward with that." He had a question tingling at the tip of his tongue as he spoke but he decided to keep it in than to accidentally hurt somepony's feelings, or his own. "So, is there anything else you wanted to know about me?"
  2. @Randimaxis Moonbane was a silent listener, he watched out for the the group and while not many of them had spoken too him with him he still worked for their survival. A team was a team no matter how you were seen. He got up and stretched his wings and legs out and came up behind Harcourt with the stealth that one might accociate with an assassin and spoke. "You care much for the ones you hold close. It's always horrible feeling when one must leave, whether it be by choise or by fate." He looked into the distance, his ethereal eyes scanning the area as the living's eyes would. "The horizon is clear this evening but I fear something out there is watching us, waiting for an opperunity to lash out." He looked back to the group, at each individual and as they all settled down and slept. "You should rest, I can take the watch for this night. You need your rest, tomorrow is a big day and we all need to be at our 110% capabilites." He gave the stallion a reasuring smile, "You can trust me on this one, it'll be fine."
  3. M2ARPers I'm accociated with, I live in the UK. This means that if you live in 'Murica, my posts will be late to you. Also I only post 2-3 times in a single session as I have a lack of creative power. Sorry!

  4. Nope, its a solid double jump Whenever and wherever they wanna do it
  5. Either Navi from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time. Or Halo Reach, any friendly npc,
  6. #WoWLegionHype! Demon hunters? Artifact weapons? Is this the final x-pac? Emerald nightmare is a raid.
  7. Aknor smiled dumbly, "Eh... Sorry if I misinterpreted what you said." He finished off the last of his salad and had a quick drink of water that he'd ordered while she'd been absent. "So, what do you plan to do next with your life? There's a whole list of things I want to do, but what about you? What new experiances do you want to try?" He asked? Hoping he hadn't weirded her out with his quickfire questions. He just wanted to be on the same level as she was with him on how well they knew each other. --- After running throuh the nearby charging grounds, chased down relentlessly by the citizens of Appleoosa, Moonbane finally found cover from the mob chasing him. He'd hidden himself in a small undercrop of rocks beneath the canyon that he'd been pushed up to. After waiting for a while he looked back over the top of the cliff and watched as they walked back to their town. 'Dumb Appleoosians... Bunch of racists...' He thought to himself as he looked over what he'd gotten. A leatherbound tome of a breif understanding of dark magic, a bag of bits and his wingblades. He knew for a fact that the citizens of that town would burn his house down and put up a bounty for him, he had get far away quickly. 'Maybe if I catch the next train before it reaches Ponyville I can beat them there and avoid the bounty until I'm too far away... But where?' He walked a bit further to the next train station at the point between Ponyville and Appleoosa, he kept his brown duster coat and leather hat he had on, slightly tilted over his face and paid the station master and boarded. The trip was smooth enough and had no conflicts however now he was in Ponyville he had to keep moving. He looked around for inconspiculous places to hide out u til the heat died down. On the corner of his eye he spotted a poster for some sort of fighting club... No arena tournament. Perfect. They wouldn't go that far unless the mob who'd chased him out put up a national bounty, then he'd be in trouble. He paid the nearest carrage the rest of his bits to take him directly to Bangcolt. He'd have to blend in too... He'd have to fight.
  8. When you try to speak after a silence and then everyone tries to speak at once as soon as you do.
  9. Your accent earned a like You sound fine but try to be a bit more confident. Also, don't die at the start of an episode or when you're off camera. People don't like that xD
  10. Aknor nodded as Trixie told him of her youth and her experiances, taking note that if he were to ever have children, to never give them simular names. What intruged him the most was her part aboit where she'd gotten into the school for gifted unicorns. "So Trixie, what happened at the school that made them think you had less potential than when you first got in? If it lives up to it's prestige then surely they would have been able to tell from the start. If thats the case then what they did was really cruel of them." He awaited her answer patiently.
  11. Aren't Luna's guards batponies? Anyway, I'm not going to say exactly what everyone else has said, like red and black edgemaster OCs, or the princess of everything everywhere OCs etc. but, there is something that I do dislike above all other things is when the pony's talent is not relevent to anything they do. For example, if an OC has the talent of being able to go invisible, but not once has demonstrated it. Albeit backstory or in RP, if your OC has a talent then surely it'd perform said talent often? Right..? Oh yeah, there are a few exceptions to this rule as it must be pretty hard to do certain talents in certain scenarios like if your OC can make amazing cupcakes, if they're in a war that might not be possible for said OC to do it.(But why would a cupcake maker go to war anyway?) Also I don't like OCs in scenarios that make no sence for them to be there. Don't get salty if I happened to describe a fair few of people's RPs you might be in but its my opinion, not the law. Anyway peace.
  12. Aknor looked up from his food, finished chewing and swallowed it. "You were talking abut where you're from in Canterlot and how your childhood was, I think." He looked at her, she seemed annoyed by something but decided not to probe, she didn't look in the mood. "So, what was your childhood like?" He asked, resuming the coversation before as if nothing had happened in the last few minutes.
  13. Aknor soghed in releif, at least she had come back. "Hmm." He nudged her fpod towards her, "Your meal arrived while you were conversing with the princess. Mine's still good so yours should be too." He said, hoping to cheer her up a bit. "If you want, we could move tables so that she isn't directly in your sight if that'd help?" He asked, hoping to get away from what could ruin the meal. "And remember," he said as the pony on the stage began singing, "We're here to have fun." He said with a smile and wink.
  14. @Orion Caelum Tempest nodded, "I guess you're right there. Wilhelm is it? Be honest, I look terrible don't I? I haven't been able to sleep or think properly since I've been here." He shook his head. "So, what side were you abandoned by?" He asked, shifting his armour uncomfortably to cover up some scrapes and gashes that the pony was staring at. Most of them had since healed over, medi-kits work wonders, but others still looked as fresh as the moment they were made. "I'm ex-NLR, I didn't have much choice anyway. Only thing I'm glad I took from that is the stealth training." He trailed off, "Even though that was forced too..." He looked over his equipement. "Where I'm meant to be sleeping theres a bunch of empty bottles, if you're up for it you could borrow my rifle and have some target practice." He asked Wilhelm, hoping to bring the talk away from his physical state. He knew he was a mess but was just not ready to calm down, his mind was still playing the same moment over and over again in his head.
  15. Aknor watched as Trixie got up and left him, completely disregarding him. Then, just afterwards, the waiter came with their meals, "Thanks." He grumbled at the waiter in acknoledgement. He watched her walk up to Celestia (as far as he could tell) and just stand there, barely interacting. He decided to start without her. Aknor looked about and pulled out a flask and opened the cap. The nearest waiter turned around and stopped him as he was about to pour out a glass. "You're not allowed your own food and bevrages here, sir." And then attempted to take the flask. Aknor shot him a dirty look and pulled the flask away. The waiter repeated himself, "You're not allow--" Aknor got up and stared at the waiter. They looked at each other for a moment before Aknor pocketed the flask and the waiter left with a 'hmf'. Aknor sat back down and waited patiently for the mare to return. He looked across the room noticing the pony Celestia was with leaving her to talk to someone else. If he had to wait much longer for her to interact with him properly he'd just walk out and leave her to be involved with someone else who was clearly worth more time to her than the pony she'd spent the evening setting up for.
  16. Aknor nodded and chose the same order as Trixie and put the menu down. "Where do I come from? Well I'm from eastern Saddle Arabia, I'm not from a coty nor have I had any experiance in living in a city besides this one. I was born somewhere outside the large wasteland that occupies the middle of the area. My family live as a caravan group and I did what they did for a while until events occured and I left and wandered." He stopped and took a breif moment to think of his family, where they might be right now and what they're doing in the moment. "Anyway, I've rambled on for quite a bit so how about we talk about you, where did you come from. You look like the Canterlot type; regal, powerful, elegant and sophisticated. You also look beautiful in that dress and your mane like that and your eyes are stunning..." He stopped abrupty and started quite vividly blushing. "S-sorry, that all just kinda came out at once there." He looked her in the eyes and smiled, still blushing, but not as brightly as when he made the outburst. He thought to himself, 'Damnit Aknor, you had to go and overdo it. You've probably embaressed her and now she probably feels uncomfortable.' He awaited her responce from his words, hoping that maybe she liked being flattered excessively, otherwise he'd just ruined it before it had even gotten halfway.
  17. Tempest looked about the area from the upper floors of the hidden base, it was cold outside. He could feel the chill of morning air rushing down his back. He saw a pony wake up and decided to head down and break the silence filling the base. Tempest himself had been unable to sleep since missing the dropship, in fact he'd been completely unable to think clearly for the last two days, watching your best friend explode right in front of you would do that to you. As he flew down in near silence and landed close to the pony, in the times he'd seen him he'd had his head in a book or was messing about with his equipment. @@Orion Caelum "Hey, how's the morning treating you?" Tempest asking in an audible but not too loud statement. "I haven't met you properly yet and its just good to meet and greet new people."
  18. Aknor smiled warmly as they made their way to the resteraunt only to find the doors closed. "What in the bucking hay?" He looked to the door and tried opening it, "Uh, Trixie, you sure this place is open tonight?" He looked about, seeing other ponies turn up and wait with their companions. "I'm not accustomed to this kind've place, do we meed tickets or something?" He asked, worried that this would mess up the evening. After waiting around for a moment they were let into the theatre which had been beautifully set up. Quite a lot of effort had gone into this place. As they went in a waiter approached and quickly adressed them, "For two." He saod to almost himself and ushered them both over to a table towards the back of the room. The waiter hurridly gives the a menu each and runs off to address new arrivals. "Huh... Quite busy today. So Trixie, what do you want to get?" He asked with a soft smile.
  19. Tbh, the game is in decline since they partnered with activision. They should spilt off and become a gamer's game again, not a jump into game
  20. I genuinly think my new personal trainer is bonkers, she is absolutely mental. How does a human have so much energy. She was like a child who'd just eaten all the chocolate in the house.

    1. That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That One Techpriest You Used To Know

      That's one of the traits that they look for in a personal trainer- Enough energy to out-energy Pinkie Pie.

  21. Aknor followed on up behind Trixie as they made their way to the restaurant, as they walked they passed the main promenade, from the looks of things the area was fairly calm at this time. "So Trixie, how's the day been? Busy with your getup I'll bet. You honestly do look amazing though, suiting for the 'great and powerful' Trixie." He nervously laughed. Then he stopped and listened, he could hear classical music in the nearby area. "Is that where we're going?" He looked at what seemed to be The entrance to an opera house. "They serve food there?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.
  22. Aknor scratched the back of his head nervously, "Sure, sounds good to me... And uh... Sorry about not having something pre-arranged. I know its no excuse but I barely know where anything is here." He looked at her, slightly embarrassed about his disorganised evening. "And um... Your going to need to lead the way to the resturant." He looked to the sky, "Weather seems pretty good today and of course, after this is over I'll make it up to you." He smiled reassuringly, "Well, shall we go then?"
  23. Aknor stared at her for a moment, taking it in. She looked far better than he did, even though he'd tried to look nice for the evening. He wore a chocolate brown suit and a slightly lighter coloured bow tie on the white shirt underneath. He looked her over again "You look just perfect." He said smiling calmly, "So... Where would you like to go for the evening?" He asked, quickly checking he had everything he needed in his saddlebag, an umbrella, a rolled up map and a bouquet of lilies, which he got out and offered her, "Oh, I almost forgot, for you." He said blushing slightly as he offered them for her.
  24. After looking around for a while Aknor finally found a job he could do to pass the time until the evening. He'd stupidly not checked up on vacencies for fights and had left a note for a gryphon to fight, normally this'd been OK however this was the ONE gryphon who'd left his armor with Trixie, and when she was done making the armor they would head out for the evening, this gryphon wasn't going to fight without his armor and Aknor understood fully. So in blind luck he'd made a deal with a strange pony, all he needed was a few letters to be delivered to the arena signup booth. Nothing was said of the matter and he was given his bits and told to forget the transition happened. He had a feeling he'd just been involved with some sort of shady deal, but like the arena employee said, he'd just forget it happened and move on. @ Aknor had cleaned himself up, put on formal wear and decided to check where a nearby resturant was, after searching for a few minutes he gave up and decided to ask her to choose where to go upon arriving. The deal he'd 'completely' forgotten about had been oddly profitable aand he felt slightly guillty about it, still nothing more with that shenanigan. He arrived at her shop a minute before their agreed time and knocked, better to be early than late he reasoned with himself. After a moment he knocked again, slighly louder than the first time. "H-hello? Hello? Anyone home?" He asked, waiting patiently form somepony to answer.
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