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Everything posted by MozillaToast

  1. Hey everyone, we've all(most) heard all about destiny hitting the shelves yesterday (Poor shelves) anyway I think its a brilliant game and one if the most successful MMOs to ever land on console gaming but enough about my opinion I wanna know what everyone thinks about it. Thanks if you contribute Note to self, don't spam the button if it didn't work the first time :S
  2. You can play without a ps+ but it'll be offline mode meaning you won't be able to do missions like Devil's Lair as it requires 2-3 people to play it Hope this helps.
  3. Gonna get hate for this but; Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition because; -Charecters are unbalened. -EXACTLY the same gameplay per fight. -Super/Ultra what now? -Tekken rip off. -Ken's "Hadukan" voice actor. -Ken's Hadukan. -Ken's Super Combo. -Ken's Ultra Combo. -Ken. -The Intro Voice for loading the game is an idea stolen from Resident Evil. -Beating up cars? -No winner if timer runs out? -Icky controls. -Those quotes. Moaning over.
  4. Nothing funnier than watching your partner traveling around in circles when you tell them exactly what they're meant to do but they decide they can swim in chemical waste, silly friends
  5. Welcome and hey, thats a hell'va introduction there if you publish it I'll definatly read it. Hope you enjoy your time here!
  6. Hey and welcome to the forums, no need to be shy, everyone here is really nice and friendly. Hope you enjoy your time here
  7. Hey Luigi, hope you enjoy your stay, everyone here is great! Also I'm sure one day you'll be the main charecter
  8. Hey and welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy your time here . Also, Kaboose, to prolong you and anyone else in the room life, don't push the button, also work on your 'nade throws
  9. Awesome . Welcome to the forums, i hope you enjoy your time here, everyone I've spoken to so far has been really friendly, and I love portal, nothing better than a puzzler game to keep you thinking
  10. Welcome to the forums Sonicrainboom97, I'm swedish(ish) Hope you enjoy your stay, the communtiy here is great!
  11. This Beta has been much better than I antisipated it to be. I expected it to feel like Halo 3 and CoD but instead it felt like Halo 4 and Borderlands with a working ADS. The multiplayer could be fine tuned a bit more(the ridiculously OP tank...) but what more could I ask from a Beta. I was told by an Xbox 1 friend the graphic were terrible but it turned out to be some of the best I've seen for a game yet! Beat Titanfall for me
  12. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: Through my own curiosity and a few good friends. Which I need to thank. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I was talking to one of my friend I'd know for a long time, and i never knew he was a brony, I was in a Skype call and I simply asked him about his odd thumbnail, he told me about the show and and hat it was about and I decided to look into it myself, my reaction was very similar to the day I watched nyan cat for the first time, confused at first but it grew on me very quickly. I'm an average 15 year old, who listens to music one half of the day and games the other, I take great interest in biology and drumming. I'm easy to approach and talk to and will laugh at anything with a good bit of humour in it. My trademark reactions are my very "manly" horror game screams and my slow clap to anything that goes wrong, even the slightest thing, sometimes I just slow clap because I can or to disapprove. O /\ / \ / \ / \ / \ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< / \ <<Collect Party hat here<< / \ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /-----------\ /-----------\ Or I'll slow clap you! /-----------\ /-----------\
  13. Hey, hope you enjoy your stay here and welcome! Have a party hat.
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