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Everything posted by MozillaToast

  1. Awesomes, so who will you be fighting with mars? And what shenadigans have i missed?
  2. Deadly Ice That Will Kill You In A Really Painful Way So Act Smart And Just Give Up Scrub. Or, DITWKYIARPWSASAJGUS
  3. Ta daa! Please remove Noz and put in Aknor; https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/aknor-kaldir-r8431
  4. My ipad is such a potato >.>

  5. I'm currently occupied with an assignment ive decided to set up with come collage friends, we're writing and drawing a fresh new manga! Anyway making a new OC to replace the one ive got here already as he's mighty cheesey :3
  6. Rockit, rockit, rockit!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      I've been alright :). How have you been?

    3. MozillaToast


      Ive been good, internet is sucky though :/

    4. JonasDarkmane


      I see. I know that the forums is a bit buggy. You have to refresh the page to see if you have any notifications.

  7. not true I'm a Euro too!! What realms do you play on?
  8. Finally got my oriest ive had since BC to 90 xD t'was about time too.
  9. Unfortunatly, the devs have said they will not be adding flying into any of draenor
  10. One million kilos of flour and no jam? Dr. Evil, thats a terrible flan.

  11. R.I.P 13th xbox 360 controller, you were no match for my rage when i slammed you about 10 times into the side of my table. Still, ive moved on to 'next' gen

    1. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      XD He will be missed.

  12. So, whats everyone's opinions of blizz saying how there sno more flying in future xpacs or draenor? I think its a silly idea as they releace store moutnst. THAT CAN FLY. but you cant use them in current content... Im there on my gifted mount thinking, well... Im gonna go back to orgrimmar to actually fly on my mount... In outdated content... Although im really lookong forward to hellfire citidel :3 EDIT: #DoIEvenEnglishProperly?
  13. Looking for people to join me in CoD BO2, trying to get some funny kills on snd

  14. Nighty all, after 52 hours... My twitch stream is OVER. Im going for a loooooong sleep, ciao.

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Goodnight and have a great sleep :3 *Hugs*

  15. My friends all laughed at me for wanting to become a comedian, look whose laughing... Oh...

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Oh man, that must have backfired pretty badly on them :P

  16. We're building it up, to bring it back down.

  17. And when you fall, I'll take my turn and watch as your blazes burn.

  18. And when you fall, I'll take my turn and watch as your blazes burn.

  19. And when you fall, I'll take my turn and watch as your blazes burn.

  20. Goes for 3 daysish, has 999 notifcations. Wut?

    1. JonasDarkmane


      o_O. A lot of notifications, you have surpassed my notification amount of 887 o_O

    2. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      Yeeesh you two are popular.

    3. JonasDarkmane


      Not really (or at least not me)...

  21. Goes for 3 daysish, has 999 notifcations. Wut?

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