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Everything posted by MozillaToast

  1. Did you know, with voice communications, playing any COD game makes you want to throttle small children?

  2. Crush! No, smash!

  3. Trifling gnome! Your arrogence shall be your undoing!!

  4. https://mlpforums.com/user/28184-corona-de-adamas/ Arriving at the shop, the door was open and the store looked like someone had been through it, looking for something specific. "Trixie, forgive me for stating the obvious but I think you've been ransacked." He stopped for a moment upon hearing an explosion, "Eh... Is it normal for hills to explode Trixie? Or is that something worth investigating?" He asked as the series of explosions occurred. "This place doesn't seem that welcomming after all, first your shop, then explosions, what next? A demon summoning? And I thought us Saddle Arabians had it bad from the gryphon trade bandits." He shook his head in disbelief, what a day it'd been. First the trip there which had been distasteful, then he met that awefully bland pegasus, Tempest, and had to PAY the fool to show him where this place was, then upon getting here there was a series of genrally unpleasant events occurimg one after another. The only good thing about this day had been meeting Trixie. She didn't seem too bad, quite upfront and honest as far as he could tell. "Actually... Adventure can wait, do you need help fixing your shop up?" He asked, trying to be as helpful as possible.
  5. https://mlpforums.com/user/28184-corona-de-adamas/ "Ex-Illusionist and stage performer? What kind've things did you do then? Cheesy old rabbit-out of-a-hat kinda things? I've always liked moving festivals, theres one that comes by Saddle Arabia every year, kinda like a circus but also not a circus. If you get what I mean?" He realized he was just talking random gibberish that flew into his head at this point, "Anyway... Before my railway mouth decideds to spout more nonsence, would you be OK with me coming with you back to your magic shop? I'd be intrested in what you're selling." He asked her as he slowly disintigrated his tools back into steel dust in his pouch. Then he noticed a blue unicorn in the distance who'd just broken down into tears, "Wonder whats up with him." He thought aloud.
  6. After he finished with his home security, he cast an enchantment on them making them drift off towards his home, reappearing back infront of his house. In the corner of his eye he noticed a blue unicorn watching him and decided that greeting her would be the best approach. @https://mlpforums.com/user/28184-corona-de-adamas/ He approached her with a slight smile and gave her a short bow, "Greeting ma'am, my name is Aknor Kal'dir, renownd blacksmith, metalbender and earthwarder. I've come here to test my might against the best of equestria's fighters!" He stopped for a moment, realizing how loudly he'd announced himself and asked, "To whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting?" In a quieter voice.
  7. Fustrated and annoyed, the short tempered earthwarder walked away from the armoury and towards a food stand, he took a hayburger and buns and left some bits on the counter without saying a word. He ate his burger as he went through the site, he noticed a training center and kept e mental note on where it was. He decided to head over to an area with space but was close enough to head back if he was needed, as much as he doubted he would be. He planted both hooves into the ground and focused. After a few moments of straining he'd summoned a sturdy pillar of rock, he took some dust out of his pouch and formed a chizzle and hammer and began shaping the pillar into small pony shaped sculptures. After making 2 equally sized statues he planted himself back into the ground and what remained of the pillar shrank back down into the ground. He then went up to the sculptures and carved a set of runes on the back of their heads. Then after a moment or two, their eye sockets and the runes on their heads let off a soft orange glow as they began to become 'alive'. He murmered an old equestrian spell and the statues sank into the ground, the only evidence of them still being there was the darkened patches of earth following him as he moved along as he headed back through the area towards his home, keeping a mental note of where everything was.
  8. Tempest led the Saddle Arabian up the the tournament groups and the hooded pony handed him a hooful of silvery coins, as they parted ways the hooded pony's horn glew dimly, the coins in Tempest's pockets disitigrated into fime powder, which leaked through and drifted back into the hooded ponies pouch, "What a gullible fool.." He mused to himself. Truth be told he' only known about this place from him to begin with. It was probably why he never got any friends in the first place. He approached the entry booth and decided to sign himself up. He'd finished sigming and saw a map of the event. "No smithy? Better change that." He pulled out a large black pen and drew a crude circle with the work "Blacksmith" he grunted to himself in approval and headed to the empty space near the border. He put his sack of fine steel powder down, he then draw a large rune on the ground, quietly hummed a quick chant to himself and slammed both forehooves into the ground just before it. The there was a small tremor, then another. And another. Then, slowly rising out the ground was a sandstone iglooshaped rock, then features began to form, windows, a chimney and finally, a door. The dust in his pouch drifted out lazily and formed into a very steampunky key, which then flew into the door amd turned, leaving a resounding click then disitigrating and drifting back into his pouch. He looked towards his house, a considerably brighter shade of stone than all the other building, he then looked at it, something was missing. He couldn't quite tell. He walked inside to see his house in the exact way he'd left it. Being an earthwarder had its benefiets. He then remebered what he was missing, his anvil and forge. He took out his pouch and it quickly formed into an anvil just ouside of his home, to the passerby it'd have looked like an anvil simply materialized out from the window. It landed with a loud clack outside, he took off his coat and hood and walked outside and looked for some company to chat woth, or some cider to pass the time. He noticed a modest looking armour and headed over to look at the availible wares. He knocked on what looked like a sign four times, "Hallo? Is anyone there?"
  9. My ipad is such a potato >.>

  10. Rockit, rockit, rockit!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      I've been alright :). How have you been?

    3. MozillaToast


      Ive been good, internet is sucky though :/

    4. JonasDarkmane


      I see. I know that the forums is a bit buggy. You have to refresh the page to see if you have any notifications.

  11. not true I'm a Euro too!! What realms do you play on?
  12. Finally got my oriest ive had since BC to 90 xD t'was about time too.
  13. Unfortunatly, the devs have said they will not be adding flying into any of draenor
  14. One million kilos of flour and no jam? Dr. Evil, thats a terrible flan.

  15. R.I.P 13th xbox 360 controller, you were no match for my rage when i slammed you about 10 times into the side of my table. Still, ive moved on to 'next' gen

    1. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      XD He will be missed.

  16. So, whats everyone's opinions of blizz saying how there sno more flying in future xpacs or draenor? I think its a silly idea as they releace store moutnst. THAT CAN FLY. but you cant use them in current content... Im there on my gifted mount thinking, well... Im gonna go back to orgrimmar to actually fly on my mount... In outdated content... Although im really lookong forward to hellfire citidel :3 EDIT: #DoIEvenEnglishProperly?
  17. Looking for people to join me in CoD BO2, trying to get some funny kills on snd

  18. Nighty all, after 52 hours... My twitch stream is OVER. Im going for a loooooong sleep, ciao.

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Goodnight and have a great sleep :3 *Hugs*

  19. My friends all laughed at me for wanting to become a comedian, look whose laughing... Oh...

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Oh man, that must have backfired pretty badly on them :P

  20. We're building it up, to bring it back down.

  21. And when you fall, I'll take my turn and watch as your blazes burn.

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