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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Tanos

  1. Tanos


    1. Tanos


      Not much, just returning to this forum after a few years to see whats up. How about you?


    2. Tanos


      Yeah sure

      I just added you

      I'm not really into the show anymore but I might drop by the forum now

    3. Tanos


      Haha true, are the new seasons of FiM good? I stopped watching after season 5

  2. "Well isn't this quite the combination of secondary characters" lol that was savage

  3. In a rough patch of life right now :(

    1. Monsoon


      Anything I can do to help?

    2. Whirlwind
    3. Shadow Dash DJ Rod

      Shadow Dash DJ Rod

      thats too bad *hug*

  4. lol lunch in baja is not worth 4 hours getting back across the border

  5. Sister is back, somehow she became more of a bitch

  6. Y'all don't forget water in the summer, just made that mistake at work today and ended up at first aid with heat exhaustion.

  7. First week and I already hate my job :(

  8. Finished 3 hard finals in 2 days. Victory!

    1. Shadow Dash DJ Rod

      Shadow Dash DJ Rod

      myn are next week ^^

  9. Fuck, Rubio's out of the race

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Roughshod


      Most polls predict Clinton and Sanders would beat Trump anyway, but that's a premature outlook in my view. There's still plenty of time for things to take a big turn. With Trump in the mix it's all but inevitable that things will get crazier before the RNC.

    3. Roughshod


      Even without winning the nomination or the general election Donald Trump has already made his mark. I believe the ruckus he's caused could set a new precedent for politics for the right wing of America. An ugly, potentially very violent new side that has been repressed. His loss may not be enough to quench the fire he's started.

    4. Tanos


      Still too early to tell but certainly possible


  10. last week home and bored, how's everyone else doing?

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I am doing sooo scattered. XD Talking with my boyfriend right now. How are you? You say bored?

    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Am great, hope you're well! :)

    3. Tanos


      Well, got to chill with my best friend so looking better now, anyone doing anything special soon?

  11. Thanks guys!

    1. Bojo


      Didn't know it was your bday! happy birthday!!! *shoots a chocolate cake to your face* Hope you have a great time!

    2. Steel Crescent

      Steel Crescent


  12. Finally got a Twily plush while at comic-con! :D

  13. Haven't felt lonely in a while. I forgot how much it sucks :'(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ryzu


      check my profile and there's a link

    3. Tanos


      Lol I thought you meant that as an expression at first XD

    4. JonasDarkmane
  14. Omg, I just got into my #1 college

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      Good luck. I hope you'll like it. :)

    3. Tanos


      Thanks man!

    4. Sudo Krenton

      Sudo Krenton

      Biomedical huh? Pretty cool stuff right there. I sat in on an IEEE presentation where they talked about biosensors and biochips. Some pretty freaking cool stuff out there in that field. Good luck!

  15. Ha, who ever said ponies aren't classy?

  16. Finally back!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shine Racer
    3. Tanos


      Thanks! Just checking up on what went down the past few days. lol all like 200 notifications

    4. Tanos


      Fortunately both my fantasy football teams dominated

      Wish I could say the same for the chargers XD

  17. Won't be on 'till sunday 'cause of Senior retreat :D See Y'all soon

  18. Hmmm, got a random skype invite first aking me to chat, then asking me to give my personal information, then wanted me to use my webcam... Just a small chance it might've been a scam

    1. Shine Racer

      Shine Racer

      I've been getting these weird request from people and they seem to be perverts.

    2. Stancet
  19. Going to my first meetup tonight

  20. To take AP Biology or to not take, that is the question. :/

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Nuke87654


      But seriously, take the AP biology course and be especially competitive for the top grade there.

    3. Tanos


      Thanks guys :)

    4. Nuke87654
  21. May Robin Williams rest in peace...

  22. As of today I have one week left of summer :(

    1. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      MY Summer ended awhile ago :(

    2. Miles


      Heh, I guess I'm lucky then. I'll be going back to college as a sophomore around the 22-ish.

  23. College app essay workshop:(... I need a hug

  24. Grr have to get up tommorow for college apps :(

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