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Blue The Pikachu

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Everything posted by Blue The Pikachu

  1. *He felt Storms tail brush against his leg, smiled and interlocked his tail with hers, passing it off as if it was normal as they continued to walk. As they were walking it got a bit darker and the lampposts came on.* "Hmm, I guess its the evening now, wanna get something to eat?" *He asked Storm.*
  2. *Blue sat next to her on the bed and scooted over so he wouldn't fall off, his ears still flat on his skull.* "Yes, I promise not to, I'm really sorry about that Silver." * He said, feeling guilty he had made her uncomfortable. He thought about asking about it, wondering if something happened that made her uncomfortable or it was just because, but decided against it just III car of the latter.*
  3. *He looked down at his hoof, his eyes opening wide and it clicked for him.* "Oh my, I'm sorry Silver! I had no idea!" *He said, apologizing quickly.*"It was a unthoughtful action, I'm sorry." *He apologized again.* "I probably shouldn't have done that, I won't do that, I promise." *He said, his ears folded back.*
  4. (Oops, fuck, my bad.) *He raised an eyebrow with a small smile.* "Heh, all right dear, if you say so." *He said, noticing a small hint of blush on her cheeks as she turned her head.* "Huh, I guess she was just flustered, that's a bit different for her." *He thought to himself as they walked into downtown Ponyville.*
  5. *His smiled slowly faded to more of a small grin as she continued to mumble, as he thought it had been due to him kissing her cheek and that she'd been a little love struck.* "Hey Storm, you doing okay?" *He asked out of concern, wanting to make sure his mare friend was alright.*
  6. "Hmm..." *Blue thought to himself.* "She doesn't seem okay." *He completely turned his attention from the movie towards her and looked at her with a face of worry and care.* "Are you sure Silver? You can talk to me and trust me." *He said calmly, not wanting to intimidate her.*
  7. *He smiled as they walked onwards to where the walk might take them, feeling a little proud of himself that he was able to make Storm Stutter and smile. He hummed a little tune as they trotted.* "So whatchya thinking about there?" *He asked her, not out of thinking that something was wrong, but out of curiosity.*
  8. *He ran his hoof through his mane and nodded in agreement.* "You know, I'd do the same to be completely honest. I'd be more terrified to be the parents, yeesh." *He said shivering. He looked over at her and wondered if something was bothering her.* "Hey Silver? Is something on your mind?"
  9. *He slowly landed next to her as she asked him her question, and he pondered on it for a few seconds and then shrugged with a smile.* "No, I guess not. Well good morning there Storm!" *He said with a little cheer in his voice, and went in and kissed her cheek and wrapping his wing around her.*
  10. *He felt her pull away a little bit and wondered why, but didn't think of it too much and put his attention back to the movie, in which the young filly was just taken to the other world.* "Yeesh, I swear, the movie itself may not be scary, but imagine if you were in her position, what would you do?"
  11. (Cool with me, I totally forgot where we were I'm just gonna guess we're up in her house) *He hopped up and shook out his stiffness from his body and walked over to Storm.* Sure, that sounds good to me!" *He said happily as he trotted out of the house and flared his wings open.*
  12. (And then this one c: ) *He shivered slightly and smiled, tapping her muzzle slightly with his hoof and then shaking his head slightly.* "I'm not boring alllll the time you know, I can be a little interesting." *He said, pausing for a bit.* "Sometimes..." *He added with a sheepish laugh*
  13. (Well feels weird to be back here ) *He brought a wing up to his lip and tapped his bottom lip with a feather* "You know, its been a bit since I've actually gone out and just appreciated the outside world, would you like to come along on a walk or fly? Whichever one you'd prefer, we could also grab something to eat while we're out." *He asked with a calm smile.* "Yeah, its a bit lame but its all I can come up with."
  14. Does anyone here play Warframe on Xbox One? o3o

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I really want to continue playing this, but with Halo 5 coming out tomorrow, I might be pre-occupied. :P I have heard WArframe just keeps getting better which is really cool.

    2. Blue The Pikachu

      Blue The Pikachu

      It just does and Warframe Updates again on Halo's release with more stuff.

  15. Huh, I guess I'll come back here c:

    1. SCS


      welcome back :D

    2. Blue The Pikachu

      Blue The Pikachu

      Yaayyyy, Thannnkkksss :D

  16. Yay, its my 17th Birthday! :D

    1. Commander Tangent
    2. CheeryFox


      Well... Happy b-day! =D

    3. AuraBlue


      Happy birthday. Have fun celebrating ^_^

  17. Looooolllll, I'm never here anymore XD

  18. All my friends and I on the last day of school heading into senior year (I'm the one in the Blue c: )This should be interesting x3
  19. Why don't I become more active on here anymore? xD

  20. But we keep on waiting, waiting, waiting on the world to change...

  21. Ugh, I'm sick as hell >.<

    1. Geek0zoid


      :( Aw. I'm sorry.
  22. I think I am homeless xD I honestly don't have a said spot to live, so I bum my friend and girlfriend to lend me a place to sleep :/ Stupid Foster Care shit.
  23. I think I'd need a video to show my ways of affection AND NOT THAT KIND OF VIDEO XD It's hard to explain what my girlfriend and I do to show our affection, but the simplest hugs, kisses and cuddles are amazing as well c:
  24. I straightened my hair! :D

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