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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by 1111

  1. My mission is don't go homeless and play videogames.
  2. raise you're hoof if you some times quickly look at the eq girls symbol and think it looks like a pretzel. /)

  3. Can you draw my oc? Also if you will can it be with a transparent background, and a png file? http://i.imgur.com/lfYku7N.png
  4. any one know any good english to japanese translators i know google can but its not very good

  5. yay my bro is moving out, crud he might take the modem

    1. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      People still use modems?

    2. 1111


      or the router what ever its called

  6. I just stayed home playing videogames, and still do.
  7. Hello and welcome to the forums, and there's nothing wrong with you're name so no need to worry.
  8. its a bit late for a untill dawn joke but yah i edited this http://i.imgur.com/0b9vHOt.jpg

  9. wish it would be cold all ready geez

  10. think im going to be a xbrony but i guess ill stay even though thats still part of being in the fandom but also identifying as part is an other

  11. Most likely if that happens yes.
  12. I don't know if 1 or 2 furrys died, but i'm sure it dosn't matter to them.
  13. im a noob in csgo unranked wondering if any one wants to make a scrub casual team and play sometimes?

  14. appearntly cs had a fall out vault like map in its early days

  15. i hate it when youre in a game giving surpresing fire but every one just thinks youre a idiot -_-

  16. why is there a christmass banner up is it a canadian thing?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 1111


      oh makes sense to start it earlyer for a charity drive

    3. Alphys Hedge

      Alphys Hedge


      Meh, gotta get a head start I guess :P

      Also, why was your first guess "is it a Canadian thing"? .-.

    4. 1111


      they do thanks giving early thought they might do chrismas too

  17. I bearly like living as it is and its only going to get worse

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 1111


      i enjoy living only so much and my enjoyment is going to lessen

    3. 3Dode


      Oh, do you see a therapist?

    4. 1111


      nah just worryed my life is going to suck later

  18. which picture is better the first one the 90's vaporewave satire inspired on or the reg second one http://i.imgur.com/aKErG9B.png http://i.imgur.com/bYjuQRB.png

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      The former is GLORIOUS.

    2. Tranquil Claw

      Tranquil Claw

      Definitely the first one.

    3. 1111


      thanks i actually really wanted it to look like a legit recored album cover but you can only expect to find some of the oddly spicific things on google images

  19. trying to edit pics for my steam group im tring to make a sterio typical 90's satire vaporwave thing going on but it isnt looking too good even for that

  20. how to make up stupid csgo terms for the map, dust 2 A site the square between the cat walk to the walk way ctw .ct.t.w colgate teeth whitning they are minty fresh coming in for a rinse Kappa

  21. just got a can of soda and its covered in something...eew

    1. Alphys Hedge

      Alphys Hedge

      lol can you describe it?

    2. 1111


      its like sticky and feels like solitifyed oil and fat i think it may be from the soup last night the top usually has that stuff

  22. I don't care for it, its nice what the day is about even though it didn't start of so humbly as they make it out to be. My thanks givings are boring and honestly I rather not do it.
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