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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by 1111

  1. im a phoenix now i would think i would notice im on fire sooner, horay for being immortal.

    1. Alphys Hedge

      Alphys Hedge

      The life of a Phoenix is a tough one (reference lololololo)

  2. so if im not actually making a argument but have a argumentive topic can i put it in the debate pit?

    1. Alphys Hedge

      Alphys Hedge

      I think so, but what the fuck do i know.

  3. the best thing to do is not think about the hype

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tranquil Claw

      Tranquil Claw

      jnbtdrcsxexhsxj ytjvrcxwjcv gu. hum;oibvtykuf4dsjd "jumbled typing from lack of a head"

    3. 1111


      i was saying people get excited for something then over expect how good its going to be then its not as good as they thought it would be, so the good things are less and negitive things allways stick more because thats just how people are but the companys have youre money

    4. Tranquil Claw

      Tranquil Claw

      That is a very tested statement. Many times I find that it turns out exactly that way. People naturally think optimistic until a circumstance tells them not to.

  4. im pretty sure a lot of things in vanoss are planned and the dialog is just them pretending to be way funner then it really is, if i dint have anything better to do i would watch them

  5. any one want to duel against me and my wimpy dragoon deck in ygpro?

  6. I don't really care as long as they don't do some of it irl, and don't see why any one should care.
  7. any one know why so many rundll32.exe keep opening?

  8. really wish d.i.y combos on new egg didnt come with a psu they all suck

  9. why is there a videogame looking banner because the fighting heards game?

  10. so the avarge person speakes about 15,000 words a day id guess less social people 8,000 but i speak less then 300

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      How do they figure 15,000?

    2. 1111


      people actually talk a lot so at work with friends ect you say 50 words with out realizing it on short things

  11. I don't see why when you can just use a ad blocker.
  12. tom x everypony deal with it

  13. I don't see what the fuss is about even, with all this stuff going on other then using copyrighted material in certain ways you can make and watch stuff just before. So what if the main audience and creators are different its still for every body, if you think less of it for that you have problems.
  14. Like some one said before its not cannon because its not cannon. Nothing is until it cannon, until the writers write it in. There's no cannon reason in the sow why some things exist and others don't, and there's not much if at all info on technology and its development in there world. The only thing we got is making up unscientific but unfalsifiable claims like half the claims here.
  15. I don't see how he's a pony on the inside, it doesn't mean any thing they only said he was he's still a dragon its the equivalent of being racist, its like telling a black person their white on the inside.
  16. Because he's not a element of harmony, or a pretty pony to make a doll out of he's just unimportant ken.
  17. I believe nightmare moon was much stronger fighting celestia the first time, and the second time was because celestia was weak doing the work of two. They probably are because it wouldn't be a very good story if they weren't, unless they make the elements of friendship and it own thing and harmony is above it.
  18. They just don't appeal to many people any more. It doesn't matter if they are the reason for why movies are the way they are now. I watch night of the living dead it was kinda bad in my opinion key word opinion taste is subjective, but back on point I love zombie movies and night of the living dead isn't even where zombies came from, and if I watched those I would like them less, its there just out of touch with modern crowds.
  19. I'v try'ed watching a few black and white movies they bore me, the way people talked and act back then isn't interesting to me and I don't see whats so great a lot of them seem to be oddly paced, and the writing isn't very good. If you ask me old things are over rated, just a bunch of people who say my generation sucks, but guess what that generation had people who hated there own generation so only cave men are good. Here's 2 videos that sums it up. Bottom video is a bit mature.
  20. looked through all the cyberpunk anime and found none that are interesting that i havnt all ready watched

    1. _UniDerp


      Have you watched "Serial Experiments Lain"? If not you should I think it's pretty good.

    2. 1111


      thanks i'll check it out

  21. Yes I meant button mash., guess I mixed the two up
  22. iv watched ghost in the shell and psyco pass any one know any other good cyberpunk anime?

  23. if only i can watch vids in full screen with out it being choppy

  24. The only reason they even have video games is because of button mash, to stir up the fandom.
  25. watched a disturbing amount of berserk amv's

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