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Samurai Equine

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Everything posted by Samurai Equine

  1. Yes, you are here, and we're glad to have you! Welcome to the forum!
  2. Anime needs more samurai characters... For now, I really like these characters: Himura Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin, and Kazuki Muto from Buso Renkin. And I know it was a game series before it was an anime series, but I also kind of like Yukimura Sanada from Sengoku Basara.
  3. ... *Reads my own username* Yeah, I think my answer is obvious... FRANCE! J/K! Actually, I really want to go to Japan some day. Still having the hardest time figuring out which part of Japan I should visit first... Although, I guess France would be a close second option. That or Italy... When I was a kid, I use to dream of traveling across the world and seeing everything I could. Seems like a bit too much these days.
  4. You know it! In fact, like I said when I introduced myself at the Welcoming Plaza, I was a Sonic fan long before I was a brony. My fan character, and my username just about everywhere else, has always been Samurai Echidna. But I made a pony version just before joining the brony community. Thus, Samurai Echidna became Samurai Equine. I kept the S.E. initials!
  5. I make it a point to avoid judging people, as long as they aren't harming others or doing something illegal. There are plenty of people who get under my skin and sometimes I want to bop them on the head or something, but I never act on that. I want to give people the benefit of the doubt. I want to remember that I'm not always right and I wasn't always as smart as I am now. I want to give people the freedom they need to just be themselves. If I did judge or acted out on my frustrations, that would not make me a better person nor would it make me a good friend. Someone once said that if you can't befriend the people you despise the most, you shouldn't be making friends at all. That saying is a HUGE exaggeration, but there is some truth to it. You will attract more bees with honey that with spite, and you might be surprised how many trolls out there really just need a friend.
  6. I feel the Brony Spirit when I watch things like the Brony Documentary. I wish I could go to the cons and hang with my fellow bronies... ...I want a hug now.
  7. I always thought songs like A True, True Friend and Helping Twilight Win The Crown (Cafeteria Song) would make great flash mob songs. I saw a flashmob attempt it with the latter song, but it was really boring. They were just marching in a circle. There was no dancing choreography or anything!
  8. Samurai Equine


    Short introduction, but that doesn't make you any less welcome. Thanks for joining and we hope you enjoy your stay!
  9. Welcome to the forum. You'll fit right in here.
  10. Texas bronies and pegasisters unite! Welcome to the forum, and thanks for your lifesaving work.
  11. Welcome to the forums! You'll find plenty of fun things to do here in no time.
  12. Welcome to the forum! I hope we can be good friends too. I also like platformers!
  13. Good luck exploring your artistic side, and welcome to the forum!
  14. Howdy fellow Texas brony! You've come to a wonderful place with friends around every corner.
  15. Welcome to the forum! And thanks for the open invite to PM. Feel free to PM me as well, friend.
  16. Welcome to the forum! Don't worry about any social problems you have. If you are making friends, then you're all right. And I like Sunset Shimmer too. Not so much because of her personality, but because I love her color scheme.
  17. Welcome to the forum! I am sure you will find plenty of people to help you out with your character, but if you still need it, I'm willing to help out any time.
  18. Welcome, and feel free to check out the TV show. If you have an open mind, and I bet you do, then you'll fall in love with the ponies just as we all have.
  19. New friends, you say? You came to the right place!
  20. Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you here.
  21. Wow! That is FABULOUS! I wish I had that much money to spend. I really want one!
  22. Isn't it great to be different? Isn't it wonderful to be exactly who you are? There is nothing wrong with being yourself, and if anyone says otherwise, they are wrong. Don't let the haters get you down. Welcome to the forum! I'm sure you'll find plenty of people to be friends with and lots of fun to be had.
  23. Welcome to the forum! I can tell you're very talented! Don't worry about your English. I am sure you will find plenty of people here willing to help you out.
  24. Welcome to the forum! There's plenty of people to make friends with here.
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