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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Starlight Fan

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Status Replies posted by Starlight Fan

  1. Yei a Starlight fan.

    1. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      Yep! I started the fan club too!

      Fun fact: my display name used to actually be Starlight Glimmer. I would've changed it back, but I didn't want to hold it up for someone else, cause I'm leaving the forums for realisies now

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. I visit here so infrequently that I always end up cringing at my past self of a few months ago. My about me is actually still quite good.

    1. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      Completely relatable

      Also, a white square

  3. Awesome banner :D Flutterbat is love :3

  4. Love the banner! Cool idea :)

    1. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      I'm glad you like it, thanks!

  5. I say that banner looks "awesome" with Moon Dancer and Twilight Sparkle at the background! :)

    1. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      Well that was what I intended for it to be! Thank you!

  6. I absolutely love your banner! It's just awesome.

    1. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      It makes me feel happy to know that it's liked in the community. Thank you!

  7. Awesome banner! :D I voted for yours :)

    1. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      Well thanks for voting and for the compliment!

  8. Such a awesome banner! *hugs* :3

    1. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      Thank you! *returns hug*

  9. Great banner Timesten. One of the best i have seen, since i am on this site. :D

    1. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      Well I'm flattered that you think that. Thank you!

  10. LOVE the banner. Great job!!!!

    1. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      I'm happy you like it, thank you!

  11. Nice banner its really pretty!

  12. Good moraftereve my friends!

    1. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      Good afternoon! Moraftereve is a very beautiful word, I like it! :D

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Sorry for randomly leaving the livestream yesterday. I fell asleep...

    1. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan

      I finally got the time to watch it today. Unfortunately that link doesn't work... (I get a black screen when I click)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Sorry for randomly leaving the livestream yesterday. I fell asleep...

    1. Starlight Fan

      Starlight Fan


      I read what the episode was about the next day so I didn't miss out on too much.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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