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Everything posted by The10thDoctorWhooves

  1. (school) I emailed her. I am awaiting a response. (TARDIS) So, I kind of have to you something, (also, the name is Plot Line)
  2. Oh come on, you don't know my fashion sense. Fine, I'll stop wearing a fez, but I'll never take off my bowtie.
  3. Rarity, do you have a spare fez? Rarity: Why yes I do. *gives fez to doctor* *doctor puts on fez* Doctor: Let me remind you, it's been nine years.
  4. Here it is. *shows portal* Allonsy. (shit... wrong doctor)
  5. Rarity: But fezzes are in right now. Doctor: See?
  6. I think there's a portal of it in Twilight's old castle.
  7. Rarity's wearing a fez right now, look over there. *points at Rarity wearing a fez*
  8. Don't I dare what? I want a fez. Fezzes are cool.
  9. Kay, I shall go there. *at the hat shop* Hello, do you stock fezzes?
  10. Doctor: Hello. I'm the doctor. (11th edition)
  11. Dusk: Yeah, sure. (Thanks, and for Viola, Bass Clef? Also, Dusk Shine is male Twilight, and call Sweetie Belle Sweepy Belle, Applebloom Appleseed)
  12. Plot Line: I hate you. Viola, to explain, Perfect Figure is from the pony universe and he hated me there, he even sang a song parody to express his hate for me. The song was called Plot Line's Mom, kind of obvious what he parodied. (I'll check that out )
  13. (Remember, it's 2012) Hold on, what date is it? *to Derpy* Written Script, sound familiar? (also, is this the same universe as lovestruck Derpy?)
  14. This is a bit of self-advertising, but I have an ask me too. I put the link in my status updates, one of them
  15. (school) All the tables are usually full. (TARDIS) Hey, Viola
  16. (school) Well, there's kind of a problem with the first two. I'm not sure where to take her. (TARDIS) Ok, I'll try that.
  17. Never heard of them. TPAM will respond with the Nostalgia Critic.
  18. Oh well, are there any hat shops around here that might sell them?
  19. ???: Say, look behind you right now.
  20. I have a small problem with that. (I'll give you in reality and in pony world) (Pony World): I can't really do that considering I mostly only see her in the TARDIS. (real world: take the same thing, just replace the TARDIS wih school)
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