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About ManeStay

  • Birthday 1989-01-10

Contact Methods

  • deviantART

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pennsylvania, USA
  • Interests
    Reading, writing, drawing, MLP:FiM, world cultures, mythology, literature, being creative.

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Butterfly (5/23)


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  1. Merry Birthiversary!

    1. ManeStay


      Thank you!!! 

  2. :Rara: Why are you following me?

    :pistachio: Who sent you!?

    1. ManeStay


      You sent me a happy Birthiversary message and reminded me this forum even exists, so I followed your profile. I hope that's cool :adorkable:

  3. Merry Birthiversary!

    1. ManeStay


      Thank you very much!!! :)

  4. Merry Birthiversary!

  5. Merry Birthiversary!

  6. Merry Birthiversary! 

  7. Thank you! I'm glad you like it. As for no other comments, maybe it just got lost in the shuffle lol!
  8. Hello everyone, Here is my stylized pic of Pinkie Pie vs a Changeling and Parasprites! Can anyone find the video game reference I slipped in there?
  9. Thanks for the feedback folks! SomeCoffee, good idea- I'll do that next time
  10. Hello Everypony, It's been a while since I posted here, but I wanted to show you some of my new art. I've recently taken to drawing the Ponies in a stylized form I have no idea why it comes out sideways Sorry about that folks.
  11. Thanks for your interest Bit Boss, I only made one so far but I hope to make the others soon too.
  12. I feel the same way- I absolutely cannot wait for these to be available! My favorites so far are Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis, but the Discord and Fluttershy exclusive is really awesome too!
  13. I have actually played with the toys with a friend of mine once, but mostly I keep them on the shelf. I do sleep with the plushies in my bed though
  14. I believe the castle is designed to fit in with the line-up commonly referred to as "brushables," because of the manes and tails. These are common to find in most stores and are usually easily identifiable. They stand about 3-4 inches tall and have brushable manes as they name implies. Here are some examples from Amazon: Applejack: http://www.amazon.com/My-Little-Pony-Applejack-Figure/dp/B00ND009YQ/ref=sr_1_3?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1458522337&sr=1-3&keywords=My+Little+Pony+Applejack Twilight Sparkle: http://www.amazon.com/My-Little-Pony-Princess-Twilight/dp/B00ND007KM/ref=pd_sim_21_3?ie=UTF8&dpID=5142cTjh6xL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=022KRXH74SDHG6H4F5BP Of course you can always ask your daughter which ones she prefers too.
  15. So stoked to add the Great and Powerful one to my collection! So for those still wondering, yes you can remove the hate and cape
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