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Creepy Scribbles

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Everything posted by Creepy Scribbles

  1. I'm feeling awesome. Had time to draw today. Experimented with styles and started a composition for the next painting. The next one should be challenging for my level, with many scenery details. Plus one more road trip is in progress. Yay!
  2. Yo! I love how you're playing with your pfp ^•^

  3. Waiting a tour to the World Burial Culture Museum. Was going to visit it pretty long time already.
  4. I'm feeling emotionally drained. Sometimes I invest too much emotions into things and have to pay back then. Now it's time to slow down and enjoy the boring things for a while. I'll start with a cup of simple green tea without additional flavors. ^•^
  5. I don't believe in luck but I do believe in Probability Theory. Sometimes this stuff looks like a real magic. Mathematically calculated luck, what can be more miraculous?
  6. I'm feeling tired and unsatisfied. Tired after several hours of driving. Unsatisfied cuz wanted to draw today but left my sketchbook home. I bought new in local store, but feel too tired to do anything with it. Seems I just need a rest to fix everything.
  7. I'm OK with moderate alcohol consumption in general, but don't drink lately by several reasons. First reason is that I like to have possibility to go anywhere by car spontaneously. Second is that I'm working out and controlling my weight last months. Alcohol has a big impact on organism and adds too many random variables to the process.
  8. The rocker and the herbalist, huh? I love them. Very detailed stories. If you consider them as ponysonas and not just regular roleplaying OCs, I would add them some connection.
  9. Well, that sound like another friendship lesson. You cannot befriend everyone, date every potential partner, read every book, be a hero of every story. Our time and resources are limited and we should spend them wisely. I feel slightly sad about it, but it's important lesson to be learnt to find your way to healthy happy life.
  10. You could create a new pony representing new you.
  11. Oh, man. Getting older people tend to re-evaluate their life. Understanding what you want is the first step to reach it. I wish you to find what you seek. You're cool and I believe in you ^•^ After 7 years of training can't you be an instructor?
  12. Something? Man, you have wings. That's very something =]
  13. @Minka, congratulations with brilliant debute ^•^ Your artwork is amazing! @rascalrat, anyways your is my fav. I checked your blog and see that dreams - is your speciality. =3
  14. In addition, here's the story how I met her Highness. In 2018 I left the forum on a lower tone so when I felt a wish to comeback this spring I still had some doubts. But greetings of new and old friends made me feel more comfortable and secure, and the most confusing was lady Silky. First time she greeted me I was like: "ok, staff cheers newcomers, that's formal". First time she DMed me with emotional and hearful message I thought: "Hey! That's my style! That's how I addressed people old times when was full of energy and willing to befriend everyone, like a friendly hurricane" I will dare to tell I felt a kinship, but also I felt that old Crypty is still alive deep inside of me and want's out. I didn't feel a wish to draw nor paint last 6 years and now I found a piece puzzle of myself I dropped here leaving. Thank to my old friends who didn't give up on me and special than to @Ice Princess Silky for helping Crypty to find a way home. I'll be grateful forever.
  15. *doing some crypty stuff*

    1. TheRockASaurus


      @Crypty Scribbles

      Like being awesome? :fluttershy:

    2. Creepy Scribbles

      Creepy Scribbles

      Oh, Gosh, Rocky! What time is it?


  16. @Ice Princess Silky @Sir Hugsalot, you are making me cry like schoolgirl, story is so beautiful. I hope to see you both on fields of the forum more often tho. @Ice Princess Silky , happy anniversary to you again.
  17. I'm pretty sure that's the strong side of the MLP fandom is the common lore of MLP universe, so being written into the story of cannon characters is rather good than bad and makes your character more interesting.
  18. Song of the mood.


  19. Crypty cuz I wanted something mysterious. And Scribbles was added not so long time ago mostly because I'm drawing and the combination sounds funny. ^•^
  20. I don't drink soda. Too much sugar. Doesn't worth it.
  21. The wish to live as a hermit in forest when I was teen - check Thinking using cold logic like a machine without understanding emotions when I was teen - check Anxiety awaiting the answer for a message - check You and me aren't so different after all. You're really unique, it's true, but not in things you described. But your possibility to devote yourself to things you like is impressive, really.
  22. Resoldered speaker wires on my tape player. Silly, but feel smartass ^•^


    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Neat! I think my dad had an exact system like this in the past, if I recall correctly. 

    2. Creepy Scribbles

      Creepy Scribbles

      It was really common back in 1990s. But still I was lucky to find one in near to perfect condition in pawn shop this year. ^•^

  23. In my opinion it isn't the best idea to convince anyone. Just tell that person why you like the show, you may even ask to give it chance and if person is interested that's great! If they isn't then ok as well. My experience says that most people just do not care about MLP and it isn't very polite to insist on liking what you like.
  24. In the apartment I bought couple months ago plenty of vintage stuff including some ceramic figurines. They are creepy as hell.:zipp-wut: Going to give them away. Maybe there's some collectors who are dreaming about them.


    1. Sparklefan1234


      Keep one to scare away the evil spirits. 20d6a744ebf84a40b63e3cbeef2feac9.gif

    2. Creepy Scribbles

      Creepy Scribbles

      Considering how much they scare me, I am the only evil spirit in this apartment. :griiin:

  25. The mood is great! Cleaned the apartment, did laundry, gonna brew some coffee and bring recyclable trash to recycle service ^•^ I bet there's enough plastic and paper to fill my car up to the top. :jazz-hooves-please:

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