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Usual Crypty

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Everything posted by Usual Crypty

  1. Boopity-boob @VixyVixen95's snoot!
  2. Congrats with new rank ^0^ Phoenixes are awsum!

    1. Rafa Stary Mini

      Rafa Stary Mini

      And perfect meal for dragons :BornAgainBrony:!

    2. Usual Crypty

      Usual Crypty

      I heard dragons eat meatballs :jazz-hooves-please:

      Dragonmeatballs :griiin:

  3. Hello and welcome to the forums, princess ^•^
  4. Sad story. It's definitely harsh level of control from the parents side. If I were you I would paint both Vinyl and Octavia. Their duo could be a tribute to your friend without contest rules violation.
  5. @Sir Hugsalot, boop on your snoot!
  6. Congratulations with a new rank, fellow changeling! ^•^

    1. Iforgotmybrain



  7. Congratulations with new rank! ^•^

    1. VixyVixen95


      Thank you sm !!!

  8. Crypty gone crazy and bought piano. Lol.
  9. @VixyVixen95, here you can find rules for a June art contest. ^•^ Good luck to you! https://mlpforums.com/topic/202441-june-2024-art-contest
  10. Congrats with new rank ^•^

    1. Moch



    2. Astralshy


      Congrats from my end as well


  11. Unfortunately It works only to attract attention (which is required to init new relationships too of course) but real friendship requires mutual personal involvement on long distance. Good friendship can not be cheap. I know it cuz I did friendship wrong the most part of my life. Man. I'm weirdo too. I do not think that all your interests are so unique that you can share none of them. At least you have many fellow ponies here. ^•^
  12. Doctor Crypty prescribes supportive boop to @Ice Princess Silky
  13. Nopony mentioned about planning ahead? My rules: - Always have several teabags. In some countries it's hard to find tea, sometimes it's just expensive especially in fancy places, but sometimes you just want to throw a tea party at night because of jet lag. Boiling water is accessible and free almost always. - Always have a pin to change a sim card for local and spare feature phone for your home sim card to keep access to verification codes of your bank. - Bring your medications with you. Nobody knows weak points of your body better than you. And if you suddenly get sick there may not be medications you got used to and medical help can be inaccessible or expensive (almost like tea). Painkillers and antibiotics are in the top of my list as well as theraflu bags. - Study weather and climate of place where you go. Your clothes and shoes should handle min and max temperature you may face as well as humidity. Happened I got caught by winter and -30°C wearing only hoody, that wasn't a pleasure. Or staying in a place with week-long rain without a raincoat or umbrella and waterproof boots isn't the nicest thing. Stay safe and enjoy your journeys. Sincerely, your adventure pony, Crypty. ^•^
  14. I actually do like travelling. Even business trips. It's always an adventure. Next week I have a flight to another country and I'm happy about it ^•^
  15. I do not want eternal life or infinite power, but knowing what you really want is the key for happiness and this vintage fidget spinner could be very helpful. So yeas, I thik it's a nice bargain. Unless I don't have to deal with a cursed pirate captain who want me to serve in his crew for a century.
  16. Proven that Christmas is good for health. Everyone who had more Christmas eves has longer lifespan in general ^•^
  17. It's socially inappropriate behaviour. Now Еverypony should boop @TechnoZ back to recover social justice! *Birthday boop to @TechnoZ to recover social justice*
  18. Hello, @puddlemoth ^•^ Welcome to our garden. I'm pretty sure you're not late and there're some potential new friends around. Just poke brushes around with a stick.
  19. @TheRockARooster, your snoot has been booped!
  20. Hello @Endless_JIN, welcome aboard our train. You aren't late you just in time ^•^ Your journey begins now!
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