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Crypty Scribbles

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Everything posted by Crypty Scribbles

  1. Even more, I would invite her to double date n.n
  2. Hello there, @StardustJessie. Welcome to the party ^•^ I was out of fandom for several years as well and rejoined it recently. Also I have seen your Reddit post. It was really sweet. You have chosen the right place to hang out with other ponies 9w9
  3. I truly enjoy your sketches on paper. ^•^
  4. Yep, to learn English with MLP is a great idea. Firstly because it's really nice language learning material, reach and eazy for understanding. Secondly because of friendly community which may be very helpful to develop your communication skills.
  5. OHLOL. Comments here are pleasing me not less then artworks themselves. ^o^
  6. Hello and welcome aboard @Worldie. It's nice new ponies are joining to our community. Looking forward to see your artworks ^•^ PS. I read in your profile, you're into rats. Me too, more or less. I own two charming pet rat bois (or they own me, that's unclear) ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
  7. Welcome to the herd @Shady07. You chose the best place to talk about pones ^•^
  8. A LIBRARY! Sorry for excitement. I build a library. Two-storey building with columns, wooden interior and high ceilings to fit giant bookshelves with ladders.
  9. Oh my my, I see a story writer here! I'm sure, you will make story of this forum brighter. Welcome to our little community ^•^
  10. Sounds like good news. Congrats, I'm sure you deserve this ^-^
  11. They are actually around and even talkin English good enough. Secretly, like changelings. I knew it all the time, Biscuit!
  12. Actually, a bit down. Several days ago I came back to the forum after 6 years of absence and feel like if a home of my childhood would stay empty and silent. Can not blame anyone tho, It's just a natural order of things, I guess. Perfect time to listen some Dark Academia playlists. 9_9
  13. Hello there. You have plenty options to do. Here's some examples: 1. You may have fun without OC at all. You will create one as soon as you'll get the idea of new OC. Don't push yourself. 2. You do not have to limit yourself with a single character. Several of them can represent different aspects of your life. You always may add more and drop ones who do not fit anymore. 3. You may even generate physical characteristics of new character flipping a coin (no one of us choosing who to be born, actually) and then decide what your new character would wish to do living in Equestria. P.S. Also, it's cool, that your mother is related to the fandom. Cheers!
  14. Sure I wouldn't I'm a changeling, I can do it for free ^-^/)
  15. Well, actually I know I acted evil to someone, but thinking about it I feel regret what means I'm not really evil. At least not 100% 6_6 But the best I can do is to use my evil skillz to save the world every day Technically you may call me reformed evil like Sunset Shimmer or Starlight Glimmer. Here's totally random Sunset Shimmer's song
  16. When I was a kid I lived in 2-room apartments with my parents. So it always were 'this room' and 'that room'. For most cases it was convenient enough. Except when you're on the kitchen, then you could have two 'that rooms'.
  17. Here I would like to share my doodles and scribbles. They are silly cuz I didn't paint for many years. Firstly let me introduce my OC Inky Scribble. It's an earth pony who's special tallents are stories and calligraphy. Tools: phone, sketchpad app, thick finger
  18. Hello there. Probably this: https://mlp-gameloft.fandom.com/wiki/Party_Time http://mylittlewiki.org/wiki/Party_Time
  19. Thank you, everypony, for such warm welcoming n3n.
  20. Not actually a new pony in the town but was out of the pony world for a while. But. ^-^ Lately happened a weird story. I was in a pawn shop looking for any new-old music tapes and heard how some ladies and the shop owner were discussing prices of some dolls. Shop owner said: "I'd check a price for a doll in the Internet but have no any idea what exactly to type in search". So I said: "That's Rarity of Equestria Girls franchise, launched by Hasbro corp in 2013". I knew it could sound unexpected from dude like me, but on faces of the ladies and the shop owner I read how much unexpected it was. I thought about this silly story all the day and on the evening route toward my home listened old MLP soundtracks already. Next weekend I spend rewatching all the Equestria Girls movies and gave a chance to the New Generation movie and surprisingly enjoyed it ^-^ So, I'm here waiting to meet new and maybe some new-old friends impatiently ^w^
  21. Hello and welcome, @PintoPeaches! =3 Oh dat mighty peachy hoers! Are you posting your arts anywhere? ^-^
  22. Very impressive, @Total Lunar Eclipse ^-^ It seems you really know what you do when you draw. It's a kindo natural talent =3 I added you on DA.
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