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Status Updates posted by Roketsune

  1. Well, the bad news is I'm going to war with a HUD investigator because she evidently deliberately sabotaged my complaint due to either anti-furry malice or even bribery. The good news is I should be able to finish work on the greatest treatise for femboys ever, and it's geared towards furries and bronies!

    1. Roketsune


      Meant to say, should be completed by the end of the week. Muahahaha!

    2. Dark Tempest
    3. Limeblossom


      Success with the case.

  2. Well, then, it seems Admiral Kirk is one of us. I wonder when we'll start converting politicians https://twitter.com/WilliamShatner/status/717165397816909824

    1. Riganthor


      fangasm incoming :)

  3. I'm a pretty furry femboi, hehehehe.

    1. Dark Tempest

      Dark Tempest

      That you are buddy

  4. I was called a sociopath yesterday and was apprised of such today. Promptly researched the definition and immediately deemed myself to be far from such. Anyway, two more days until FWA and furry stuff on a grand scale!

    1. CheeryFox


      Government officials are the true sociopaths, not all though, lelz. Why would you be called that anyway?

    2. Roketsune


      He is a buffoon who doesn't understand the meaning of the word. He actually said that it was 'not bad' that I was a sociopath. I think he's confusing arrogance and truculence for sociopathy, which means someone devoid of empathy and morals.

  5. Build-A-Bear is selling MLP stuff at a 25% discount. All the bronies should swarm their stores now!

  6. Well, I just e-mailed HUD with the results of the victory on 5 February and a request to have my complaint include discrimination due to disability as well as gender. Hopefully it will be speedily done and more pressure will be applied. Also, donuts.

  7. The first part of the week was rather shitty. The last few days have brought numerous victories. Today I saw an episode of MLP which was extremely galvanizing. Was at a small anime con Fri-Sat, and the court called and said the eviction case was being suspended in deferrence to HUD. The panzers are on the move!

  8. Muahahaha, I acquired many skirts to add to my wardrobe last night. Misery and destruction to those who say boys shouldn't wear skirts or like girly things! *bursts into uproarious and defiant laughter*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I bet it was. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    3. Roketsune


      Yes. I don't JUST crossdress. I crossdress very stylishly and colorfully! It's clear I'm a furry and brony from my field outfit.


    4. Sudo Krenton
  9. I'm a pretty femboy! Also, I like pizza.

  10. I have acquired 5 bags of York's Peppermint Patties at a 50% discount. I am a happy 'coon.

  11. I am lazy and fart a lot.

  12. I was reviewing this male crossdresser support group's site out of curiosity. I soon discovered they have a LOT of rules on attire, and eventually I just said, "Fuck you guys. I thought the point of your group was to GET AWAY FROM needless rules and expectations!". Ahh, well. I don't like people or leaving the house, anyway.

  13. I watched the American Dad episode where he realizes he has no friends, and the one he does befriend is as much a far-right intolerant jackass as him. I immediately thought, "Holy shit, I'm just like Stan Smith! I only get along with other intolerant jackasses with the same ideology!" I do have a few friends, though, and will move in with one soon!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user



      The template it follows.


      Yeah, I guess Family Guy does have a few things these days that is funny, but I cannot stand watching it anymore.

    3. Roketsune


      Yeah, that seems to be the template he operates by. I think Family Guy is less amusing to me because he overuses flashbacks in that one.

    4. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I find it hard to explain the humor used in Family Guy because I think only Seth Macfarlane understands it. I only would find American Dad funny because Stan essentially is the entirety of white, conservative, Christian men in the US. I like a good parody. The Cleveland Show is just Family Guy with more black jokes.

  14. I just love some of the songs made for Japanese games! I'm currently latched onto three battle songs from the strategy game Brigandine, a Playstation game from the 90's (I'm an old fart compared to most of you).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Roketsune


      I haven't been to any brony meets or conventions, so I don't know very well the average age of bronies. I think it's very similar to furrydom, though. Furrydom is also full of teens and 20-somethings.

    3. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I would estimate the average age of the bronies is somewhere between 14-20. There are quite a lot of people around here in their teens and very early 20's too.


      I find there quite a lot similarities between bronies and furries, yet the two are completely different.

    4. Roketsune


      Furries might be a bit older generally. And, there are many similarities between the two. I've always considered them a sort of equine brethren and responded with great anger and indignation if a furry went after a brony before I formally became one. However, bronies are centered on a show, which is the core difference.

  15. Well, this is swell. One of the other tenants has completely turned against me for my disability and mischaracterized my life. Apparently, I watch MLP all day and have not a care in the world and am just lazy. I've never met a more presumptous whelp in my life. I guess brony hate is alive and well.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mobius-99/305


      And then there's me, whose problems with other people usually go along the lines of "Huh, that's... peculiar." to myself and moving along.

    3. Roketsune


      Yeah, I rarely get involved with other people or complain. I'm very careful about which things I start conflicts over. Usually it's not worth it even if I'm right.

    4. Mobius-99/305


      I usually jump in when people are factually wrong. If they don't seem completely out of this bloody world...

  16. Ahhh, wonderful. My Facebook account was locked for suspicion of using a fake name. While I had expected this for a long time, it happened during a violent and chaotic period, and was almost certainly caused by a so-called fellow furry. At least I got off one last post about today's exploits.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lunar Echo
    3. Roketsune


      It was actually laughably easy to recreate the account. I was even able to reclaim the e-mail address I used for the first one. Zuckerberg is nowhere nearly as smart or principled as he thinks he is.

    4. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      You go! Roketsune! :)


  17. The excursion to do research and fight my discriminatory eviction by filing answer was a success. Much information was acquired, and a little girl who is a MLP enthusiast was enamored with my appearance. I told her and her mother Twilight Sparkle was my favorite pony.

  18. Hahaha, the staff quietly barred me from viewing the zoophilia thread, but evidently didn't delete my posts. The commissars still were a bit late, but far less so than they were with the pedo/hebephilia thread months ago.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Roketsune


      As far as I'm aware, this one wasn't closed (though others were). I just can't see into it now. Whether it was because I provoked the staff with my humorous first comment (I did set out to do that) or the second one or both I don't know. It actually was a peaceful and civil discussion.

    3. Shadow Beam

      Shadow Beam

      Mmph, well then. I bid you luck with your feud, albeit I'd advise forethought with your actions lest you end up getting screwed any further.

    4. Roketsune


      Yeah, I try to be very prudent when I say things which I know or fear will engender offense, particularly from those in superior positions. While I rather gleefully charged into there and took a jab at staff, I wasn't insulting. More like, "Weee, a controversial thread! In before the commissars lock it!"

  19. I have filed a transgender discrimination complaint to HUD against my landlady. The die is cast and war has been declared. Let the games begin!

  20. So, I'm facing furry and transgender discrimination by the conservative Christian landlady who became very menacing suddenly. After after having told her more or less to shove her unlawful threats up her ass, I shall now be even MORE furry and hand out candy to children. Viva la revolucion!

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Keep safe and don't get yourself behind bars :)

    2. Roketsune


      Nah, she can't arrest me for being even more overtly furry or refusing to acknowledge the validity of her threats. I'm pretty sure she can't change any terms of residency before 60 days of notice, either.

  21. Think I'll hold off on making a decision about certain recent unpleasantness until after AWA. I'm faitigued from recently victories and have an anime con, and I would risk being outflanked if I exposed myself now. Also, if you'll be at AWA, I'll be the resplendently crossdressing 'coonboi!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Roketsune


      A recent incident has called into question the objectivity and ethics of the administration here. I plan to write a blog entry and don't see it violating forum rules, but people seem to routinely fall below even my modest expectations of them. Now is a bad time for more adventures or risks of such.

      And, ahh, really? I was a staff for them last year, but they seem prone to dysfunction and infighting, so I dispensed with that this time. I'm sure I'll have much to enjoy on those...

    3. Roketsune


      Damn thing cut me off despite my efforts. I meant to say, on those two days I'll be there, 25-26 Sept.

    4. Melon Blitz

      Melon Blitz

      Pretty sure it's the same story on any forum, at least in all the forums I've been on anyway. I'm not saying it's ok, it's just not surprising. For AWA, I know there are problems with the staff, but I do a lot of cons, and my focus is to show up and work (or at the least learn something).

  22. Whoever invented granola deserves a medal, no matter the sort of person he/she was. This material is just too pawesome. I'm eating granola raisin cereal, and it's both tastier and requires far less soy milk to eat properly.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Roketsune


      Damn it, now I have to declare war. I was hoping to eat more granola cereal instead. I guess I could do both.

    3. Silver Echo

      Silver Echo

      Peanut butter jelleh, peanut butter jelleh and some TOAST!

    4. Roketsune


      I'm actually allergic to peanut butter, and have a natural aversion to its smell and taste.

  23. I am on the offensive on two fronts right now. I might reach ultimate objectives for Sept. on the Literary Front in a week, while others may cause a stinging defeat on the Social. People are such irrational creatures...

    1. Streiben Bones

      Streiben Bones

      We better get our umbrellas, a storm is brewing x3

    2. Roketsune


      I'll end up seizing the figurative heights on the Literary Front today. The Social Front didn't end as badly or violently as I predicted and there was one unexpected boon, but the initial endeavor was a failure.


      Speaking of storms, if Discord causes another one I hope it's chocolate or vanilla soy milk.

  24. My social and political ideology seems to bring out the worst in staff members despite never having wronged them or their friends. First the local furry con, now a forum admin. How unfortunate. At least I've done very well in general lately.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sudo Krenton

      Sudo Krenton

      Mhm, It's not really indicative of good leadership if you can't tolerate someone's views(and are biased towards them)... kinda piggybacks onto onto the US's Civil Rights act... I guess.

    3. Roketsune


      I am a pensive strategist with anxiety issues. I am inexorably stressed over small things, and one way I cope is being selective in what incidents I risk. It has to be important or I feel like a moron afterwards. However, as you say, I do other things either to distract or to allow time for deliberation. This is why I was away for so long, and also to carry out literary plans.

    4. Roketsune


      I was just upset with the hostile and unenlightening response I got at first, Sudo. Frankly, I wouldn't have minded if I was told I was hated by the person if they also just given me a suitable explanation. I would have actually admired the person for being a stellar jurist. Anyway, it's being worked out and it's not of critical importance. I also acquired some games.

  25. Two things I have learned this week. 1.) I will still get sucked into political debates here. 2.) Arguing with a religious apologist is like most WW1 battles: no one wins and everyone involved loses.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Roketsune


      The Debate Pit is alright in moderation and with appropriate expectations. It seems, though, that a lot of people merely wish to express their indignation without actually meaningfully refuting a statement, and it's important to ignore those types quickly. Overall, I am fatigued from this and the progress I made in my life in the last 9 days, and am about to shower and then probably game or buy girl's clothes.

    3. Jeremiah
    4. Sunwalker


      I prefer to see debates as an exchange of ideas and understand how other people think, instead of seeking to convince. When people get capable of articulating their ideas, this is when they have actually understood what their own ideas, and this also is an exercise of learning. I do not think it was a loss.


      By the way, I enjoyed debating with you! I hope we can talk about some less controversial topic any of these days :)


      I wish the best for you!

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