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Everything posted by Izanagi

  1. i know it's not canon, but i think the ony reason cadance babysit twilight was before she had all those princessly stuff, she was just a high school girl. a popular high school girl. who shining was the geek. the captain of the royal guard. was a wimp.
  2. with the "how would she know who twilight was since childhood" twilight was a child when she got her cutie mark xD
  3. i honestly believe at this point, eqg is just that one little thing they know gets them money, because bronies, even if the disliked the series will still watch it..simply because they wanna see if it improved on anything. sadly, they didn't. in my honest opinion, i rather eqg3. it ditched the needed love plot that plagued 1 and a little bit of 2 (not much) and focused on a nice friendship, eqg4 has some of those elements, but brings back the love plot, for no reason other then to annoy people who 1: Dislike twi ships 2: like flashlight (and form my understanding, sunset made flash basically forget about twilight, and get over her. guess no one just said "wrong twilight, bro." so now if pony twi comes back shes probably in for one big ass heartbreak because of her friend.)
  4. i just noticed that i completely forgot to thank you D: I'm so sorry! but thank you for thi awesome image!
  5. eventually, with different writers theres bound to be something a little similiar, to be honest equestria girls aren't exactly the best written movies.
  6. if i'm honest. i wasn't the biggest fan of it. for one. i don't like the 'love' side of equestria girls, seemed like the opposite of what i look for in my little pony, if i wanted romance i would watch a romance comedy movie. but other then that..eh, i guess. it feels like the movies at this point are a cash grab. an about the twilight timber thing..i dont care about people shipping twilight, but am i the only one that actually finds the movies really cringey with the love? so it basically has the same problems as eqg1. underdeveloped romance. shallow characters. and 'eh' humour. oh yeah, it's also the fact of that "Flash gets over twilight" So..did no one actually ever say "hey flash, it's not the same girl" ?
  7. hi! i'd like to make a request. and you can take all the time in the world ;3 Name: Vladicarus Age: 17 Background: as a young boy, he grew up in canterlot, helping with his mother in her flower shop. His father was a pirate, yet he didn't know him very well, due to his father not being there. Personality: Cocky, a bit smug, kind to children and women. Accessories(scarf,earring): Scarf along his neck, and one gold earring. he also wears a red bandanna along his head. (Similiar to bardock from DBZ ^^) Mane color/description: His mane/Hair is a medium length light silver hair, with light red parts. Mostly the parts of his hair that cover his face. Along with a downward scar covering a bit of his cheek Eye color:Brown *extra(what are they doing?): He's a treasure hunter and thief. but if you wish, you can have him in a flower shop, as that would be his job when he's a teenager. here he is:
  8. it would be neat if you could do mine pony:
  9. hi! I have a youtube channel that my friend makes thumbnails for..well, helps me anyway, but beside the point he drew a picture that was for Final Fantasy X, but sadly the videos where dropped due to being..generally bad. but instead of letting the picture go to waste, i was wondering if someone could ponify it? Doesn't have to include the sword, but if you want, just have it in vlads mouth or something. but anyway, if you decide to do this, it'd be greatly appreciated! i will..give you all the loves.
  10. hello! I want you to post pictures of your oc, in the weirdest picture they've been in, along with a normal version. It's simple, to tart a conversation on how fun it can be to have an oc. I'll go first First; a picture i got for a thumbnail for youtube 1 (weird) : If you know who he is dressed as, you get a cookie. 2: (Normal):
  11. i feel like they wont do thaat. Only due to one thing I doubt twilight would go to the human world just to marry flash And i doubt flash would leave his friends and family in the human world to marry twilight, he's only like. 16. pony flash basically isn't a thing, unless twilight is shallow and is fine as long as it's flash. but i don't think it would, it's like her first love. Things like that always go boom. xD
  12. just so if anyone does thi for eazy fries, a youtube thumbnail is 1080X720
  13. same for me, exactly why i chose that colour ^W^
  14. hmm. Well. Do you know what type of gaming videos you're going to do?
  15. hmm, then lets think of one. :3 got any other likes or dislikes? Skating, fantasy. ect.
  16. hmm..well, whats a word or mythical creature that you like? Cerberus, hades. ect.
  17. one word that came to mind for me was Scale. like, dragon Scales.
  18. what i said previously could assist you as well :3 mix it with a word. Aki + Arrow = Akirrow. you mix the two together, and then make something up out of it.
  19. heres something that i used. my oc is named Vladicarus Which, took the name Vlad. and the mythical story of the icarus. I combined them. made an oc, then made the oc my channel mascot. So, my channel name of Vladicarus came simple. Looking it up, nothing really came up. Same with my second channel Akirrow. which was aki, mixed with Arrow. try taking a real name. from a different language, and add and mix to it.
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