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Everything posted by Izanagi

  1. *points to shning and cadance* I don't mean to be a jerk, but we kinda have that. with a simple geek and a princess falling in love, that geek then became a captain of the royal guard..i mean, yeah twilight's a princess, but i see her more..falling in love with someone much simpler, like a library owner, or for all we know, Twilight could be a lesbian. *Shrugs*
  2. Sorry anyone thats male in mlp, you'll get half way there, but omething will always stop you. *Always*
  3. Derptry. is just the best ship...also, god damn i love your name..
  4. though knowing the writers. they'll do this Oh their back together! oh, kiss, kiss, kiss AAAAND it's gone. because hasbro says no to kissing. well i would be embarrassed to if i bumped into someone. it's kinda nature. and i'd also smile if the cute purple princess bumped into me, it's just..a thing they do.
  5. i mean, i can agree; relationships can be cute, but that moment just had me going "..s...she could be hurt, you twat.."
  6. because simply..pony flash and human flash are two entirely different beings. and since mlp has many different writers. heck in the third it's clear they tried to remove flash. well to be fair on sunset; she was..well, a biit of a twatback then, surely he could get over it..eventually.
  7. true, but even then it i kinda dodgy to date the campers..one thing i guess that bothered me is when Twilght tripped on the docks and he caught her, and sprouted a one liner.. instead of checking if shes injured.
  8. Equestria girls happens, it's a thing twilight learns from. However, Because flash and twilight are from different worlds, it wouldn't work out. and another thing..it's probably twilight's first crush, which eventually fade. as for pony flash..No, mostly because..well, that'd be a bit shallow of Twilight. as for Twilight finding her prince? Maybe down the line in the series. Flash and Sunset getting back together? Possibly, i hope not. thats one thing i dislike about eqg, they kinda forcefeed love interests for..somewhat no reasons. All in all, i'd suggest just don't worry about it. Human flash is over Twilight, Twilight probably wont ever go back to the human world, because she doesn't need to, and pony flash has been deemed a background character.
  9. well, since you have a ps4, grab world of final fantasy, nothing to complicated. or if you want a more epc rpg, try the upcoming FFXV which comes out on the 29th. ^^
  10. if youre still doing this.. Go nuts. i mean i'm pretty sure he's not a recolour, since i designed him with me and my friend..though knowing background ponies, who knows..lol
  11. to be honest, the eyebrow thing is the thing that really annoys me the most. XD I couldn't really care if they date, but his eyebrows..atleast flash has the right colour scheme XD honestly in this post i went a bit..into the relationship, my main problem honestly is his design. his eyebrows just..piss me off, due to the colour, unless he has brown and green hair. XD
  12. i mean true; i do try to take things with a grain of salt since we don't know the age of rules of their world, but still sometimes when you think about things it can seem a bit off.
  13. anything that fits my oc, so as vlad is a treasure hunter, most likely thief.
  14. So, i've done a topic about what people dislike about eqg4..but heres a thing i wanna ask. Is anyone else bothered by Timber as a character? No, not because hes a love interest, but because he's..possibly older then twilight, yes, it's fine to date older people, but the fact is eqg twilight is probably around 16 or 17 years old. now since we don't know there worlds ..you know, age stuff. this could potentially be a little..sketchy, not to mention how he's a camp councilor, which mind you you're basically hammered with the fact that you shouldn't date campers. now theres no evidence that he is an adult, because no one ever says their ages. So for all we know Timber could be 18-26, or something..I have nothing against MLP love interests. I don't like them, but eh, not my cup of tea. tho the forcefeeding of flash needs to be toned down a bit, he improved, but thats another topic for another time. Also, timber's..eyebrows annoy me, just for the fact that he has green hair and brown eyebrows.
  15. honestly..no. honestly im still wondering why twilight had to be an alicorn in the first place. XD but, i thin it' a bit of a silly idea, theres already a lot of alicorn oc's..and no offence to those who have them, but we dont need anymore.. "AJ's long lost son" "Luna's son, but oh celestia loves him and their not related. lel" XD
  16. n'aww. thats adorable ^W^ sorry i didn't respond to this any earlier, i kinda went off of technology for a while.
  17. my oc honestly changes ages dependant on the story that he's in ^^ Thugh most times he's atleast in his teens or early twenties.
  18. sent a PM ^W^ it's not all nsfw, but there is some things kids might not wanna see. xD
  19. hi! so me and my friend have these two oc's that are..well, with eachother in story. and he drew an adorable picture of it. and i was wondering..what do you guys think of his awesome art work? i would link you guys to one of his drawin sites, buut he does post some NSFW stuff, and i rather not put that on the forums, just in case theres any below 18 year olds here..hehe. anyway! First we got Starlet Light, a dark blue, nerdy wolf girl. And then we got The green Silver haired Dingo, Vladicarus ^W^
  20. hi! So me and my friend have this oc relationship thing, it's adorably cute, and he recently drew them as furries, but i was wondering if the cuteness could be transfered intoponies. so i was wondering if someone could test it out for me? you can take your time, i don't mind. Cuteness:
  21. as the slots are filled. i don't know if i can..make this request, But! if you ever get to having free time, i'd like my oc done! i don't mind posing or anything, surprise me, and take your time! his name is Vladicarus and he's a treasure hunter ^W^ Overall, have fun with your drawing, hope you enjoy it <3
  22. they have fun little references (One piece for one, in the pirate comics) and you might catch a pokemon or 2.
  23. i wouldn't be surprised if season 7 ends it, but for all we know, it could get spin off show, or eqg becomes it's own show.
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