Hello friends, our update to 1.11 is finally here! So those of you who have not had your build saved for the transfer need to put the co-ords in this thread for staff. Example: x:12000 y:100 z:12000 You can find your co-ords by pressing F3. Some of you may have to press the "Fn" key while pressing F3 if it has more than one use on your keyboard. A minimum of 1000 blocks from spawn is allowed for transfers.
OLD SURVIVAL WILL ONLY ALLOW YOU TO JOIN WITH A 1.8 AND 1.10 CLIENT! Make sure you mark your build accordingly.
One build means one!
A build is considered one structureA build has a block limit of 1 million blocks (non negotiable)
Underground builds will not be transferred due to underground block clutter
If your build has a basement, we're only allowing a depth of 10 blocks
If you try to lower the terrain level around you, we'll use the average height for that biome as our "surface height"
A build is NOT an entire town
Your build must be clearly marked on how you wish to have to moved; if you fail to mark it clearly, then your request to have your build move may be denied
Any person caught claiming someone else’s build as their own for transfer will be punished and lose their transfer rights.
You must show an indication that you have reached the co-ordinates on the 1.11 map, like a sign or structure.
This is how the red wool should be marked: As a reminder, the following materials and ores will not be transferred over:
Coal Ore / Block
Iron Ore / Block
Gold Ore / Block
Diamond Ore / Block
Emerald Ore / Block
Lapis Ore / Block
Redstone Ore / Dust / Block
Nether Quartz Ore
Brewing Stand
Chest / Ender Chest / Trapped Chest
Jutebox / Jukebox / However-You-Wanna-Spell-Say-It
Enchanting Table
End Portal Frame
Dragon Egg
Slime Block
Item Frames
Skulls [All heads]
Barrier Block
We thank you for your continued cooperation and hope to see you in 1.11 with us! Note:Please only comment with the information regarding the transfer like this: Hai, IGN:SilverFlameWolf I would like to transfer my house @ 12345 100 -12345 to -26354 89 26432 Thanks!