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Everything posted by LMG

  1. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

    What is that scene from what episode?
  2. I think I know the answer. Rarity's parents looks like they are in their 30's and I think that Rarity is a young teenager with the Mane 6.
  3. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

    Here's filly Rarity and Spike.
  4. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

  5. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

    Do you guys dream of Rarity, I dream about Rarity. (I'm serious) The first dream was one time I dreamt of Rarity hugging me. the second dream was when I stared at Rarity, she blushed. The third dream was that she was in the bed with me. These are the only dreams that I can recall.
  6. 336296 336297 Who knows Anna Yvette (Monstercat Vocalist)?
  7. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

    Can anyone make a signature of mine?
  8. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

    Happy Rarity Day! Why? Because I'm going to be busy the day of that event.
  9. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

    Who's awake? I am. I'm living in Saudi right now. It's 11:30PM here. Any latest Rarity arts?
  10. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

    Not Blueblood! (Rarity hates him.)
  11. Do you guys think there will be an episode where a human from Earth (Real Earth) will be appear in Poniville? I wish there is....
  12. Hello everybody! How are you?

  13. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

    Dunno, maybe Rarity herself? ooBrony, where do you live? I live in Malaysia.
  14. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

    Hey guys, what are you up too?
  15. LMG


    Do you know Monstercat?
  16. LMG

    Ask LMG

    Hmmm.... that's hard. I guess staying in Malaysia with my friends.
  17. LMG

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Would Horse Wife will end the world of humanity?
  18. LMG

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Hmmm...... Alright then... What is your favorite song?
  19. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

    Hey ooBrony, how are you doing?
  20. LMG

    fandom q+a Horse Wife Q&A

    Do you know Monstercat? Btw, like your comics.
  21. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

    Guys, what about my question? *facepalm* Here it goes again. What do you want from Rarity IF she was real? A hug or a kiss?
  22. Right now, My Friend by Tristam. It's so awesome!!!
  23. LMG

    Rarity Fan Club

    What do you want from Rarity IF she was real? A hug or a kiss? I choose a kiss from her. :3
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