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What is the age of Mane 6


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To be honest guys, I'm really curious about their age. I searched how long a pony lives. But it's really cofusing.

Edited by PathfinderCS
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All we really know is that they're portrayed as young adults. Like, late teens or early 20's. Oh, and that Flutters is a year older than Pinkie. :P

Edited by ProjectRKA
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Let's see...

I'll just put on real world years for reference.


Cheerilee was once depicted in a photo that apparently implies it was the 1980s, and she was most likely a teenager in that. That might imply she was born somewhere around 1969-1971.

And then, unless if it was a completely identical copy of her, she appeared in "the greatest party he'd [Cheese Sandwich] ever seen". And Pinkie Pie was there as a filly too.


Then Fluttershy was a year older than Pinkie.


So, maybe they're all in their forties? (And no children)

This is just my theory. Of course, that photo may have been taken later, but I'll imply it was taken during that time.


And ponies are shown to be more human-like than horse. So why not ponies can have approximately the same lifespans as humans?

Edited by TimeyMarey007
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I always considered them to be around their mid 20s, like me.


I think Pinkie Pie is 23

Fluttershy is 24

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle are 25

Applejack is 26

And Rarity is 28


Just my theory though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I know the answer. Rarity's parents looks like they are in their 30's and I think that Rarity is a young teenager with the Mane 6.

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I've been trying to put the 1st 3 season episodes in order & have come to a few conclusions.  Assuming the pilot is June 20-22 in year 1 & the 1st 3 seasons cover about 1 year.  I'm also assuming school goes to 8th grade & then you are usually either working or in an apprenticeship to a trade (IRL, the standard up until about WWII)

Apple Jack  In Apple Family Reunion (S3E8), they show some of her baby pictures & she looks about 1 year old.  Granny Smith says they have reunions every 100 months & tells Apple Bloom "This is your 1st"  In one of the episodes, AJ says there was a reunion in the pilot.  I'm going w "this is a mistake" because 1) It would mean the pilot was 8+ yrs ago & 2) Apple Bloom was there & was old enough she would remember.  Yes, there were a LOT of Apples there, but no it wasn't an official reunion.  If you assume the pictures were from 3 reunions back (25 years) she was 26 at that time & 25 during the pilot.


This episode has to be after One Bad Apple (S3E4), which IMO takes place June of year 2. They mention the Summer Harvest Festival & in the USA all of June is considered a Summer month(1 of 3 episodes which are probably the last before Magical Mystery Cure (S3E13).  IT is possible for the reunion to be so late because Twilight isn't in it. Babs mentions she likes her new school, so it has to be at least August year 2 & could be as late as late October year 2 (Apples still on trees).  It is also probably after Flutterbat (S4E7) because AJ doesn't mention the bats terrorizing her family & destroying her barn.


Twilight  During The Cutie Mark Chronicles,(S1E23) she is shown applying for Celestia's school.  This means she was 5 (for kindergarten) or 6 (1st grade) at that time.  The key question is "How long ago was that?"  I'm going w "about 10 years".  This would make Twilight 15 or 16 during the pilot & AJ 15 when she hitchhiked to Manehatten (& was the last in her class to get her Cutie Mark).  The problem here is these 2 events are linked.  If you make Twilight older during the pilot, you make AJ younger when she went to Manehatten  & vice versa.  I'm going w 10 years as the best compromise.  This means Twilight got her mark before Dash did but 1)Twilight wasn't in her class & 2)They may not have compared notes -that is Dash doesn't know this


Spike W these assumptions, 10 years old during the pilot.  Secret of My Excess was his 11th birthday. I'd say this took place in July (just before Celestia's School started) but there is a brief cameo of him taking Scootaloo's scooter from the CMC.  This means it was May of year 1 or June of year 2.  (This is 1 of 3 possible episodes that were last before Magical Mystery Cure (S3E13) (3rd being Magic Duel (S3E5))


Dash In Pinkie's Pride she says she came to town on her birthday.  There are 21 candles on the cake.  I'm going w "this is artistic license not strict accuracy.  There are no unseen candles"  This makes her 19 at that time & in town for 2 years.  This means she joined the Wonderbolts shortly after her 18th birthday (Wonderbolt's Academy (S3E7)) & was 17 during the pilot.  She was 7 during Cutie Mark Chronicles (S1E23) when she was 1st in her class to get her Cutie Mark.  In Super Speedy...6000 (S2E15) she complains about Pinkie "always" getting all the cider, which means she was in town October year -1.  This means her 18th birthday is July to September year 1 (I'm assuming the Cider festival was early October because IRL they usually are).  For scheduling reasons, I'm putting it late July year 1.  "Why did Pinkie have to be told this year 2?"  Well, I'll go with "On her 18th birthday Dash was so excited about joining the Wonderbolts she didn't mention it & before Griffon the Brush Off (S1E5) she didn't like Pinkie enough to mention it" 


Fluttershy.  Since she was in Flight Camp w Dash, some folks assume she is the same age as Dash.  However, since Dash got her cutie mark 1st, I'm going w "Fluttershy is older".  Some of the other foals in camp already had their Cutie Marks, so this is possible.  I'm assuming that Flight Camp is like Scout Camp & you have kids of widely differing ages.  However, if you think back to your childhood, most of your friends were about your age, so IMO Fluttershy wasn't more than 2 or 3 years older.  Fluttershy's age during the pilot 18-20


Pinkie 1 year younger than Fluttershy (give or take), so Pinkie's age during the pilot is 17-19.  She might be a few months younger than Dash -it depends on "Exactly how old is Fluttershy?"


Rarity  Most difficult to say.  Old enough to have her own business (although she hasn't had much success yet) & young enough to have been in school 10 years ago.  She was in theater w Cheerilee, but this was Summer Theater & Cheerilee could have been a few years older.  Small schools have all ages working together, especially costumes.  Most ponies probably can't sew.  I'll go w 20ish during the pilot.

Edited by sweetolebob18
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How old would Spike be?


During the time since he hatched in that one episode, "Sonic Rainboom", Twilight was a filly. So you're all saying they're around 20 - 40 years old, so that means he has to be 10 - 20?

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I always thought in the first season they were all around 18-19. As the season progresses, of course they get older. Spike is a baby dragon according to Twilight. He might be around 8 or 9. It might not make much sense, but this has always been my mindset when it comes to ponies on here.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_rcYkW3rX8 This is the best video I have found on the subject. I am not sure but going by both MLP and EG they range from 17 to 21 or so. But Sweetie having a 5th birthday in a flashback made me not so sure. I think Spike ages way differently. One episode mentions Dragons sleeping for 100 years so maybe they grow in size by hoarding jewels but technically age very slowly.

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There is even less about the age of the Crusaders than there is about the Mane 6.  Based on behavior, I'm going w "About Spike's age" (give or take a year).  If they are older than 12 in the pilot, then they are 14+ in year 5.  You would think they would be closer to adult size.  + they are the last in their class to get their Cutie Marks.  AJ was last & got hers at 15 (IMO)


In Apple Family Reunion (S3E8) Granny tells Apple Bloom "This is your 1st reunion" & says they are always at Sweet Apple Acres  every 100 moons.  3 possibilities 1) Apple Bloom is 8 years old or less.  Seems pretty young to be last in class to get her Cutie Mark 2) Apple Bloom was away w her parents.  3) Apple Bloom was there but was so young she forgot.  Granny was having a "senior moment" & was mistaken about AB's age & the others were too polite to correct her (Hey I'm 61+ myself & I have trouble w relative's ages & Granny is WAY older than that)


In episode 23 Cutie Mark Chronicles, when AJ leaves for Manehatten, both Big Mac & Granny wave goodbye.  AJ's parents & Apple Bloom are missing.  A number of fan fics assume AJ left after her parents were killed, but Apple Bloom must already have been born.  This bumps into a problem w Twilight's age.  If you assume it was less than 10 years after the Rainboom, then Twilight is younger than 15 during the pilot.  Twilight is a remarkable pony, but Joan of Arc was 15 when she started her career & she had God helping her.  It just doesn't seem possible for Twilight to be any younger than 15.

Edited by sweetolebob18
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They might be independent young mares, but they sometimes show pretty juvenile behavior, si it would make sense some of them are still older teens, and the oldest ones young adults of 21 at most 

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  • 5 months later...

In 'Rarity Takes Manehatten", the Mane 6 discuss having dinner at the Far-Afield Tavern. In the States (and because Manehattan being a spoof of Manhattan, NY, I would assume the city at the least would mirror US law), you have the be 21 or older to enter a tavern/bar/pub or any place where alcohol is the primary consumable without parental escort. Since the Mane 6 are OBVIOUSLY a group of friends, and not one of them is a parent of the other, it should be assumed that all 6 ponies are at or above the age of 21. 

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Don't know if this proves anything, because I mean isn't there candles on the other side of the cake too ?? but who knows=)? 



That would make her almost 40+ years old. 


I feel Rarity is a few years older than the rest of the mane six due to the fact that she is already boss of her establishment and the Canterlot Boutique. Applejack, Twilight and Fluttershy are all the same age. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are probably one year younger than Fluttershy which I base on them being a little bit immature with their pranks. Fluttershy did say she is one year older than Pinkie Pie.

Edited by cider float
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Fluttershy is one year older than Pinkie Pie 


Applejack was the last in her class to get her cutie mark while Rarity was only late. That makes Applejack older than Rarity. 


Pinkie was the first of her siblings to get her cutie mark despite not being the oldest. In fact, she is the second youngest, and the youngest spot and shared by her twin. 


Rainbow got hers first, so that means she's younger than Fluttershy. 


Twilight was still in school until the season 3 finale. I would say she was in college, actually. I would imagine Twilight would go for a Master's degree, which you would get in 6 years. So I would put her at around 25. Assuming she had a birthday since becoming a princess.


When Sweetie Belle was 5, Rarity appeared to be mature, and girls usually stop puberty at around 17. That means Rarity was at least 17 when Sweetie Belle was five. Well, Rarity was between 17 and 21 since none of the Mane Six are over 30. I'm just going to go with 17. Assuming the Cutie Mark Crusaders are 14 (if cutie marks represent puberty. 14 would be late, and they were late.) I would say that Rarity is 17+(14-5) which is 26.  


I think Pinkie Pie is on the younger side while Fluttershy is on the older, and they're one year apart. That makes both Applejack and Fluttershy 26 as well. At the same time, that makes Pinkie Pie 25. I'm going to guess Rainbow is the youngest at 24. There is no evidence that Twilight was the first, and Pinkie Pie had less ponies to compare with. So Rainbow being 24 is a wild assumption and has the least amount of information backing it up. (Though none of them have actual evidence.) Their ages, not exactly in order, are the following: 


Rainbow Dash: 24 

Pinkie Pie: 25 

Twilight Sparkle: 25

Rarity: 26 

Applejack: 26 

Fluttershy: 26


(I have confidence on the order of Rainbow Dash and the older three, but I am not too sure of Twilight and Pinkie.) 

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I'm quite impressed with all the research that everyone has done (Princess Twilight would be so proud  :P)! I've said this in other discussions before, but I like to keep things like age relatively simple. I'm not too familiar with how horses age, so I am basing all of this off of human years:


  • The Mane six are in their early to mid 20's (~21-25 years old) 
  • The CMC are in their late tween to early teenage years since getting their cutie marks (~10-13 years old)
  • Spike is slightly older than the CMC, being somewhere in his early to mid teen years (~13-15 years old)

That's just my 2 cents. Feel free to agree or disagree. We may never know their actual age  :ooh:

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This is a bit more complicated than I thought.  In Cutie Mark Chronicles (S1 E23) Twilight is applying for Celestia's School.  Her age at that time was 4-5 (kindergarten) or 5-6 (1st grade).  If you assume Celestia's school = High School (The EQ Girls' movies sort of imply this), then T was 14 or 15 at that time & 24-25 during the pilot.  However, the EQ Girls' movies also imply Twilight is currently High School age & not in her mid 20s.  So, I'm going w "Twilight was 4-6"


So, the next question is "How long ago was that?" Or, to put it another way "How old was Spike in the pilot?".  If you go w 10 years old, then Twilight was 14-16 during the pilot.  If you go w "Spike was 13", then Twilight was 17-19.  This is more in line w the age of the other Mane 6 & not too old for High School. But,  Dash was 17 during the pilot (see my earlier post) & this would mean she was 4 years old when she did the 1st Rain Boom.  

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You also gotta keep in mind that ponies stick around a hell of a lot longer than people. There have been several allusions to the fact that they live for hundreds of years, including Granny Smith who was there at the founding of ponyville, The Doctor whom said he was a couple hundred years old himself, and how Pinkie Pie planned out parties hundreds of years in advanced. That last one implies that she expects herself to be around that far in the future. 


Its also fairly apparent that the Mane six are older than the Humane Six given their comparative maturity levels, they drink hard cider, and all have established careers of their own. 


Bottom line, they don't really age like humans, we'd probably age in the equivalent of dog years to them. 

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