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Silver Stream.

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Status Updates posted by Silver Stream.

  1. #1 way to support the site: receive an ad offering Muslim wives xD

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      Thanks! I'll do my best uwu

      And um....not really? I used to when I was younger so I am just getting back into it. c: I have a poetry dump

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      I can't wait! :D


      I must be off to bed now, it's 2am!

    4. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      *hugs back* c: SLeep well! I'll have your poem tomorrow after work c:

  2. bored

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      xD yeah boredom is pretty common these days

    3. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      Yeah but im laying here in bed, trying to sleep... But im too bored to sleep. The fuck is this nonsense?

    4. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      I seriously understand. Half the time I WANT to sleep but can't. It sucks sometimes

  3. Getting back in College next year...better start looking for part time jobs and quit this full time one that I hate so much

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      It's been a year since I've been out of school...I really miss it. Shit, I can feel myself dumbing down everyday.

    3. Sunset188


      Haha I've been out a year too, my only problem is my brain gets lazy when it comes to school

    4. Geoff the Skeleton

      Geoff the Skeleton

      Yuck. A call center? Don't think I'd ever put up with that even if I was paid well.

  4. Got a job interview later today....wish me luck

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      Surprisingly enough, I already got a job in a good grocery store working at the bakery/deli. Also might get another part-time job a this Video store that seems pretty chill. They'll both work with each other, though I'll be letting one go maybe when school starts

    3. Geoff the Skeleton

      Geoff the Skeleton

      What do you have to do for the deli/bakery part? And yeah, you'll probably have to end up leaving one when school starts. Balancing 2 jobs while being a student is going to be extremely difficult.

    4. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      Baking, cutting meats and stuff....making sure the whole area is kept nice. And yepperz

  5. damn you, writer's block

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      I suppose...perhaps it's the fact I've only gotten 2 hours of sleep last night and worked a full 8 hour shift the following morning. Haven't slept since and it's already 10:30 xD I should take a nap....afterall I do have another day off tomorrow. Could work on my writing more then and maybe even get to some poetry requests

    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Do it. Sleep is very important for mental activity.


      And yeah, I fully understand you. ^_^ When I wrote my graduation paper I almost did not sleep 3 days. XD

    4. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      alrighty. Nap it is!

  6. That moment when you realize people aren't worth it xD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      Had so many of those today. First trying to kiss up to a friend, and then trying to make sense what a person was saying in a thread...both times I'm like "wait.....lol why the heck am I still even here?" Plus I have the house to myself for a few days, I needs to enjoy it

    3. Shimmer Down

      Shimmer Down

      I hear that! I've been on vacation since Tuesday evening. :D

    4. Geoff the Skeleton

      Geoff the Skeleton

      A lot of people aren't worth the time which sucks. Enjoy the time alone!

  7. Roommates took a trip away...Home Alone. What to do? *smiles and slowly unlocks phone*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Geoff the Skeleton

      Geoff the Skeleton

      Oh, good. That's much better than what I had in mind!

    3. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      Which waaaaaaaasss? *raises brow with curiosity*

    4. Geoff the Skeleton

      Geoff the Skeleton

      A MLP marathon, yep. Definitely. I'm totally not lying to you right now.

  8. I saw Deadpool at a theater that had released the movie early around 10pm. IT WAS FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DJShy


      Well, it is not yet confirmed. We're still waiting on getting in contact with our local theater.


      All-the-same, I expected nothing less from Deadpool.

    3. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      how old is your school group?

    4. DJShy


      I'm 18, but it is a club activity, so it is made up of some people from each grade.

  9. Ugh need to get all my things ready for school. And so the procrastination begins

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RyaN_


      Well..Seems like an awful lot of work during the holidays, I wish you all the luck :)

    3. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      Not really. Just so distracted to get it done xD but thanks

    4. RyaN_


      Yeah..I know how fun it is to procrastinate XD

  10. my mind is so scattered. ugh. Think Mecca think!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      A nap can be a great way to refresh your mind. ^_^ Me, I am feeling anxiety today and it has my mind all over the place. :c MAkes me indecisive and stuff, but I may play some games in a bit.

    3. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      I'm sorry hun D: Yeah maybe games will ease the nerves? Good luck c:

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Thank you, you too. ^_^ When my anxiety gets going, it can be hard to enjoy anything. :|

  11. I want booze, but I'm broke....Sprite will do

  12. Bingewatched some Fluffle puff episodes

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      I have no idea. But she's the cutest thing on the universe. Apparently, it's a super fluffy magical lesbian pony in love with Chrysalis and associates herself with both the ponies of Euestria, and the evil guys.

    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      ♪♪♪"Pink fluffy unicorn dancing on rainbow!"♪♪♪

    4. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      NO!! Took me hours to get that song out of my head. I love the episodes they have though.

  13. Drinking with roommates but I have work tomorrow. I make great life choices

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Geoff the Skeleton

      Geoff the Skeleton

      If you feel that drinking with your friends is worth your time then you have nothing to regret.

    3. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      ur right . crap, been doin OT for awhle. Needed a breadk

    4. Geoff the Skeleton

      Geoff the Skeleton

      Damn. Your grammar changed drastically, haha. Have a good time with your friends!

  14. For once. can I please hear some good fucking news.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles


      7 billion of people are alive.

      Today was done 200 thousands of successful surgeries.

      Every day scientists are developing new technologies.

    3. Dust and Memories

      Dust and Memories

      Gravitational waves may have been discovered, which could lead to advanced technologies like warp travel that could spread humanity throughout the stars.

      Every few seconds, a new child is born.

      Vinyl is popular again, which is a symptom of a return to a retrospective focus in history, which may help humanity learn from its mistakes.

      The DARPA robotics contest recently finished, which could mean we will soon get lifesaving robots and automatons which can go places no one else c...

    4. Dust and Memories

      Dust and Memories


      Violent crime is steadily decreasing across the world overall.

      ISIS has stopped its advance on Middle Eastern countries.

      Water on Mars has been empirically confirmed, an important step on the way for the first manned mission to another planet in human history and the first time a human will leave Earth orbit since the Apollo moon landings.


      ...I hope this is enough good news.

  15. Bought my kitten some Halloween costumes. He doesn't seem to want to destroy the world, so that's good

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      yeah I might post some pictures of the little monster for you guys to see. Not sure where I can do that though

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      You can post it in a blog. ^_^ That would be a good place. :)

    4. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      Awesome. Already created on and have one of his costumes posted

  16. Step 1: Shave hair off and live through 1 year of feeling like shot. Step 2: progress in wearing natural short styles. Step 3: Marvel at long curly hair and lock it. Step 4: Rock shoulder length dreads on the 4th year. Step 5: Whatever happens, happens. Step 1 is in motion

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      Damn typo..I meant shit. But yeah I'm pretty much starting over with my hair. I want to grow out my hair naturally. Right now it's a tiny fro. Thanks for the support c:

    3. Shimmer Sparkle

      Shimmer Sparkle

      Hope all goes well. :)

    4. Starlight Sky

      Starlight Sky

      I thought that typo was an implicit censor x3 Knew what it meant, but the overall journey seemed well worth it; besides, learning to feel that shitty feeling is important too. I wish you the best, and that you can enjoy this journey ^^

  17. daaaaamn itttttttt!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      I was in the middle of being super museful with this complex fanfic I'm working on, and the server went down while I was working on it xD

    3. Rawzy


      ouch xD but you saved it right?

    4. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      Oh yeah, it's automatically saved. The issue was that I was interrupted while in the zone. Muse is a writer's miracle these days. 85% of the time, I write struggling to hang on to it.

  18. Happy Valentine's all you lovely people <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Thank you! ^_^ You are lovely as well. :3

    3. Johnny1226


      Happy hearts and hooves day to you too silver

    4. TheRockARooster
  19. Working on the hearth's warming fanfic........ this is my first fanfic in general and I'm so nervous it'll suck like hell

    1. Shadaira T.N.W

      Shadaira T.N.W

      bet all my gummy worms it wont suck

    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      Crap. Those stakes are too high

    3. Shadaira T.N.W

      Shadaira T.N.W

      dont be nervous just relax

  20. Come on everypony smile smile smile. Fill my heart up with sunshine sunsh---MAKE IT STOP! It's stuck in my head

    1. Geoff the Skeleton

      Geoff the Skeleton

      all I really need is a smile smile smile from these happy friends of mine!


      Forgive me!

    2. Silver Stream.
    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Howbeit, you shuffled off FIW soundtrack. ^_^

  21. Home and nearly seconds away from telling everyone who is annoying me to kiss my aching butt. Including my pet cat......this world is driving me insane. TIME TO WORK ON A POEM FOR LUNAR

    1. Crypty Scribbles
    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      It's on Lunar Echo's "About Me" page. I just opened up a shop too, to make poem for others and their OC's

    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Ooooh, serious business!

  22. This has got to be the worst start for the new years ever. Nothing....is going......right...at all

    1. Malinter


      everyone has some bad luck from time to time


    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      I already know that. Doesn't make it more bearable when bad luck strikes you xD

    3. Malinter
  23. Going to rest this mind then wake up to do some more writing. Also looking for an artist, so feel free to refer me to some good ones who are free to do requests/a commission deal for this thing I'm writing ;) Night for now peoples

    1. Johnny1226


      Goodnight silver

    2. TheRockARooster


      Goodnight, my friend. :)

    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      LOL, If you need an artist with broken hands, write me XD

      I'm quite busy sometimes, but I think we can discuss it.

  24. The reaction videos I'm watching are too much. Why am I yelling at this guy who can't even hear me. I can't be the only one who does that

    1. RDBestPony


      No you're not the only one. I always scream at them.

    2. Silver Stream.

      Silver Stream.

      Thank goodness. I'm not crazy

    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      You both are crazy, peeps. XD

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