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  1. http://i.imgur.com/lwnJ1PYl.jpg Oh god this is like watching myself on a mirror
    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Lightwing


      That's mostly all of my winters in a nutshell. It snows a bit, melts just about enought and then we are stuck with icy floor for days d:


      Well, I myself always wear clothes, so cold is never an issue for me, and I guess that others do the same. Going to the snow without enought clothes is insane >~>

    3. Roseluck1


      Well, I mean, I'm sure everyone wears clothes, but perhaps you underestimated the cold-ness (Shh it's 5 AM I can make up words D: )and you wore a jacket that's too thin or something v.v

      It happens way more often to me than I'd like to admit >///<

    4. Lightwing


      It's 5am here too. I don't blame you >~<

      Also, that is true. Sometimes I am like "bring me cold, i can take it", but in less than 5 minutes, I am back covered with my blanket because I wasn't wearing enought ;~;

      Although I am quite resilent to cold, so it doesn't happen too often, but it did happened to me, and it sucks >n>

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