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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Fixedys

  1. WOW i haven't been on this account in a long time. Hi everyone!

    1. Splashee



      Your user name is so familiar to me, I wonder why? :ooh:

    2. EpicEnergy
  2. Sorry I might not be on as much, school is a pain~

  3. Woah, it's been like, a billion years since I visited here! How is everyone?? I had to get a new hard drive in my computer, thats why I was gone >.<

  4. A happy belated Canada Day and Independence Day, everypony. My internet has been acting up lately, and I finally got it fixed. XD

    1. Vulcan


      So I guess you could say you...Fixedys :U 



  5. Had a great birthday todayy ^^ Thanks for the sushi socks, big bro XD.

  6. Sorry for the long hiatus, if your paying attention to me, that is. I was making my birthday plans for next week :33

  7. Looks like I have the cold again. Time to stay as far away from human interaction as possible, lol.

    1. Snow


      Heeey! that's my excuse not to go outsi- eh! I mean.. :lie:

  8. Guess who found a bee in their bathroom. The twist? It was a pregnant queen bee. Luckily, I let it outside without getting stung. People tell me their sting is really painful. :wacko:

    1. Pr0m4NV14


      Bees are like the kamikaze bombers of the insect world.

  9. Hey, i'm back from a months worth of husky-snuggling. How are y'all?

  10. I finally FC'd Platinum Disco on osu! That's scratched off my temporary bucket list. :3

  11. Haven't posted an update since December, soo.. Hi :3

  12. Oh my gosh, nearly got scared for a second seeing Stan Lee trending on Twitter. It's his birthday, no worries XD

  13. Happy holidays, people! Hope everyone has a good time!

  14. Sorry for the long as heck hiatus, but just saying I still not might be on much, I'm trying to fix my computer right now. I'll maybe be back for January. c:

  15. Reminder to self: Don't snuggle a husky. Fur goes up the nose and it's not pleasant.

    1. Kiri


      *gives you a husky snuggle face mask* :P

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Always wear your protective husky snuggling gear. XD

    3. Kiri


      ^ Yassss x3

  16. Everytime I drink Lucozade and I burp, it sounds like my inner demons are trying to escape me, and it's not pleasant.

  17. Some probably know how I feel about that Team Skull introduction. I swear they are doing it on purpose. Hell, it even said "Team Skull has a bone to pick with you!" Oh, and alolan Marowak is cool, probably a new member of my comp team. lmao

  18. Why are there so much ice-type forms in a region based off Hawaii? what even.

    1. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      They were shipped in exclusively to Aloha for the locals.

    2. SolyWack


      Thats normal compared to Exeggutor being a dragon type.

  19. Okie guys, i'm back from holiday, and somehow brought 5 amiibos in the process, go me. :P

    1. Monsoon


      Welcome back!! :3

  20. Okay, so from today to friday i am going on holiday! ^^ Lucky you wont miss me, cause I get to bring my laptop, oh joy :P

    1. JaySplash


      Yay XD have fun on holidays!

  21. Dangit, I forgot the final Splatfest is on. But this bed is to comfy to come out of. Welcome to my life, people.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Beds have magical powers. XD

    2. Fixedys


      My bedroom floor is a really fluffy carpet, so that solves half of the problem. XD

    3. JaySplash


      lol it's either comfy bed or fluffy carpet XD

  22. Woah, the new Sonic game just might redeem the franchise. I'm calling it.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. DwhitetheGamer


      Die-hard fans who'll stick with the blue blur until the bitter end.

    3. The Cynical Lone Wolf

      The Cynical Lone Wolf

      and look up Sonic porn

    4. DwhitetheGamer
  23. I finally decided to be on Team Mystic. Articuno was always my MVP in the early generations anyway.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vulcan



      Team mystic will rule the world!...of pokemon ...

    3. Fixedys


      Lol, and the best thing of that is the church up my street is a gym and us Mystic kids are dominating it. I don't even think anyone from my neighborhood is a Instinct or Valor member. XD

    4. Vulcan


      Our numbers grow by the day! >:3

      Meanwhile in my city , It's becoming sort of a turf war... There's so few gyms in the entire town and with red and blue also being the colors of my city's biggest colleges...it kind of escalated >o_o>

  24. Wow, my copy of AC:HHD just burned me hard. Even videogames don't like me. XD

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