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Double Clutch

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About Double Clutch

  • Birthday 1983-04-07

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  • Personal Motto
    Who says an Earth Pony can't fly!?
  • Interests
    Ponies, Fishing, Wierd Al, B Horror Movies, Transformers, Motorcycles, Trucks, Ponies, Flight, Classic Cars, Grilling, Classic Fantasy, Classic Science Fiction, aaaaannd Ponies!

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  1. Merry Birthiversary!

  2. Happy birthday, my friend! :pinkie: May your day be a great one! :D

  3. Had to retweet it when I saw it 😆
  4. They believed they had killed him once before. Grogar was able to bring him back before. Perhaps He's still in the cards. I had the pleasure of having dinner this weekend with Jim Miller at a mlp convention, and I believe he's aware that Sombra fans will not accept his death as canon. We simply refuse. He also said he wanted to make up for his first, unsatisfying portrayal, and really give the impression that, given the opportunity to flex, Sombra really IS that powerful. I can appreciate most of what they've done with him, and maybe we get him back, maybe we don't. But man, we finally got a chance to see him get out and do some damage. Long Live The King.
  5. Happy birthday, my friend! :pinkie: I hope it's a great one! :mlp_yay:

  6. Good night everypony!  Taco Tuesday has come and gone, many tacos were eaten.  I hope you all had a good day as well, and have pleasant dreams.

    1. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :D My day was pretty good, and I'm glad to hear yours was too! :yay:

    2. Amanita


      Goodnight! Sleep well!

    3. SolarFlare13


      aww :c goodnight :3

  7. Good Morning!  How's everypony doing today?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Miss


      Doing better than you, 

    3. SolarFlare13


      yeah, I'm alright :mlp_laugh: how are you doin today? :catface:

    4. Double Clutch

      Double Clutch

      Pretty good.  Business is doing OK, and I'm gonna make Tacos tonite.  Win/Win!

  8. Morning MLP forums, hows everypony today?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Double Clutch

      Double Clutch

      Just starting another day at the shop

    3. Tacodidra


      Good morning! :D I'm alright at the moment, I just woke up a while ago. :P I hope you have a good day! :kindness:

    4. Double Clutch

      Double Clutch

      Thanks, you too!

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