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Status Updates posted by SolarFlare13

  1. well, I just came back from the cinemas and I have to say, Transformers One is IMO the best transformers movie ever made, and no, I'm not exaggerating.  :squee: it's A LOT darker than I expected. O.O It felt like I was watching 'Revenge Of The Sith'. before I give you my thoughts, I'm gonna put it under a spoiler tag so I dont spoil it for those of you who havent seen it.  ^^


    I was NOT expecting Sentinel Prime to be the big bad in this movie, (then again, I should've seen it coming, especially after watching Dark Of The Moon) helping the Quintessons kill the other primes just so he could get his hands on the matrix of leadership so he could be in charge / the leader of cybertron while supplying them with energon (as some kind of a deal) was a low blow. Well, that and the fact that he ripped out all of the transformation cogs from the miners before they were activated just so he could work them to death AND later on in the movie, he killed Alpha Trion, the last of the original primes.

    I really like how the primes make an appearance in this movie, instead of just being these ghostly figures like in Revenge Of The Fallen.

    D-16's / Megatron's villain arc was beautiful. (the one thing that I did like is his eyes slowly went from yellow to red as he finds out the truth about Sentinel Prime.) the way he killed Sentinel Prime was so satisfying (he practically ripped him in half). I have a feeling the reason WHY optimus allowed himself to be shot by D-16 / megatron. Optimus was trying to reason with him and he wanted to settle it peacefully, whereas megatron was full of rage and he wanted to kill him out-right. I don’t blame D-16 / Megatron. IMO, Sentinel got what he deserved. If ya want my honest opinion, Megatron was kinda the good guy in this movie. D-16 / Megatron was easily my favourite character in Transformers ONE.

    It was pretty cool to see the Autobots and Decepticons working together to expose sentinel prime and let the cybertronians know about his true intentions. I need to re-watch all of the fight scenes. there was so much going on that I was unable to keep up with some of the fight scenes. as for the fight scenes I was able to focus on, ohh, they were epic, especially the final battle between optimus prime and megatron. I already have a feeling what the next movie is gonna be about. Once the Quintessons find out that sentinel is dead and there's no-one supplying them with energon, they're gonna start an all-out attack and the Autobots and the Decepticons will have no choice but to form a truce to stop them. it's gonna be about the fall of cybertron. the Ark and the Nemesis did not make an appearance in this movie. for sure, they'll appear in the next one. but yeah, nah. I need to re-watch this a couple more times. I cant wait for this to come out on DVD.

    next up is Hellboy: the Crooked Man. that'll be coming out on the 10th of October. :laugh:

  2. I know I probably should've posted this earlier, but I needed some time to collect my thoughts. Y'know, I wasnt kidding when I said that 13 was my lucky number. My birthday was on Friday the 13th (for those of you who dont know, I was born on Friday the 13th, 1996.), we went to a fancy Chinese Restaurant / we had some Yum Cha and sat at table 13, and we had 13 dishes. XD I had a really good time. I havent had Yum Cha in a really long time, and I forgot how good it was. this was SO much better than the all-you-can-eat buffet that we were originally planning to eat. (we went there for fathers day, but me and my mum couldnt finish the food on our plates cuz we had to fill it up to the brim so we didnt have go back and wait in time to come back for seconds. this was a last-minute change that my mum made a couple of days before my birthday.)

    the one thing that I like about chinese food is that you dont feel bloated after you've had a lot of it and the food was absolutely delicious. this absolutely made up for last year and 2021. (for those of you who dont know, we all had COVID last year, so we couldnt go out and in 2021, COVID restrictions derailed our plans. thank god the bitch in charge of that got fired the following month, so justice was served.) I tell ya what, I'd absolutely LOVE to come back next year for my birthday. :laugh: as soon as my mum told me that we going to a chinese resturant / going to have some yum cha for my birthday, I got SUPER excited. I basically tried everything :squee: The one thing that caught me by surprise was the fried prawns. when you take a look at it, it looks like a fortune cookie, but when you crack it open, it's full of delicious prawns inside of it. I was not expecting that :o next time I go out and I pass by any chinese take-away, I'm gonna keep an eye out to see if they've got any. after that, my mum bought me a fancy cake and got $200 from my family. this has to be the best birthday I've had in quite some time. ;) 

    now, the focus turns to the first of THREE movies (potentially four) that I'm planning to watch later this year. I am going to see Transformers ONE on the 24th. Because my parents are baby-sitting for my sister on the Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and the school holidays starts on the 30th [*sighs* yeah, our school holidays are a lil bit different compared to what they have in US and other countries. dont ask.] I want to see it before the start of the school holidays. the last thing I want is parents taking their annoying children to see the movie and I have to put up with their crap. :dry: in October, there's new the Hellboy movie on the 10th, the Bathurst 1000 A.K.A the biggest race of the year on the 13th and the 3rd Venom movie near the end of the month. Apparently (and this is something that I'll need to find out / investigate), they'll be broadcasting the BLACK AND WHITE version of Godzilla Minus One near the end of October. If this turns out to be true, ohh man...I cant wait to go and see it ^^ :crackle:

    1. Misty Shadow

      Misty Shadow

      Happy belated birthday! :coolandhip:

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      First of all, please refrain from using -that word- when referring to someone. While we do allow some cursing here, we still want to keep things classy, and we prefer our users not to refer to people with that kind of language. Even if they are massive jerks. :twi:

      Second, really glad you had a good birthday. ^_^

      Lastly, I know what you mean by annoying kids, but it should be expected with movies like that. Even if you try to schedule it as best as you can, kids find a way. I remember seeing an animated movie in theaters, much to my mother teasing me for seeing a "kids movie" (wish I could remember which one it was...). I chose a good day. It was the middle of a weekday, and in the middle of a school month. But somehow, kids were there anyways, accompanied by their parents. :please: Point is, stuff like this has happened so much that I have just accepted it as inevitable. And considering streaming options, I only go to the theater if seeing it ASAP really means something to me.

    3. SolarFlare13


      @Samurai Equine yeah, dont worry. I already changed it. I got rid of that previous message. It was giving me negative vibes and that's something that I didn't want, so yeah. There was a part of me wanted to vent my frustration, but ultimately I took it down because I wanted to stay in a positive mind-set. :) but yeah, nah. thanks for the heads up. 


      yeah, nah. I had a really good birthday and this is just what I needed after what happened in 2021 and 2023. :laugh:


      yeah, that's my plan. since my parents are 'baby-sitting' for my sister *rolls my eyes* :dry: I can only go out on the tuesdays, fridays and the weekends (which is probably the worst time to go to the cinemas) out of all of the days I can go out, tuesday is the best because it's in the middle of the week. I also started going out in the afternoon thanks to Godzilla Minus One. the only reason WHY I started going to the cinemas later in the day is cuz I already had my lunch, I'm up and awake and chances are, if any kids have decided to take a day off for whatever reason, they'll usually go and see the movie in the morning or when they come back from school. (mostly) everyone's having their lunch around mid-day - 2 / 4 PM.

      I know what you're trying to say. I was astonished to see someone take their kid to see Black Adam, which is rated for MATURE AUDIENCES 15 years and over. I remember back in my day, they wouldnt allow anyone below the classification to see the movie, even if they were accompanied by a parent. (this was ultimately the reason WHY I was unable to see Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith when it came out.) what happened to those days!? :blink: but yeah, I want to have 'the authentic experience' rather than stream it online. that's just how I am. luckily, for the next couple of movies (especially with Hellboy: the crooked man and IF they're broad-casting it, Godzilla Minus One Minus Color), I dont have to worry about parents taking their kids to see a movie. 

  3. Well, it's my birthday today :mlp_laugh: ^^ (it just hit the 13th where I am) :twi: I'll be turning 28 this year :catface: :3


    1. Snow


      A very happy birthday to you!

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Happy Birthday, my friend~! :pinkie: I hope your special day goes exactly how you want it.

  4. I'm just gonna leave this here... OwO




    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      Couldn't think of a better response. :derp:

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Look at them SPEEEEEEEEEEN. :muffins:

  5. I got a question for all of you: what are your thoughts on Wild Manes? :O :o 


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Misty Shadow

      Misty Shadow

      @SolarFlare13 It means that Wild Manes is a formulaic show, with every episode following the formula of taking a standard kids show plot, recapping it, and having the episode's problem solved in the blink of an eye. I already went over this here.


      It's totally cool that you like the show more than I do, but the show doing three fair takes on generic kids show plots does not make it superior to what it's copying, a series that has given us all sorts of creative plots in a developed world with developed characters. 

    3. SolarFlare13


      well, at least we're getting something pony-related, at the very least :) 

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Never seen it. The designs of the horses do look somewhat better than what I've seen in G5. Not great, but better. It's kind of a Pick-Your-Preference sort of thing.

      I might watch it some day, if I ever get the time.

  6. O.O which one do you like more? ;) the 'floofy head' Dullahan? :o or the 'I havent had my coffee in the morning' frankenstein's monster A.K.A the creature o3o :derp:




  7. I was digging around on Imgur and I found two really old images of my OC :o the first one was done by a friend I made on the MLP forums... (I believe this was the very first art-work anyone has done of my OC. this was made in 2017 ^^) 

    ...and the 2nd one was made on the 2D pony creator on DeviantArt I found about a year later I created my OC on the LOE pony creator :derp: I didnt know it existed til much later. I made this out of curiosity to see what it would've looked like. it's such a shame that most of the flash games / stuff using adobe flash player no longer works on deviantart. :sunny:


    this one was made on something called ManeQuest, which was supposed to be like a bootleg pony town. like most of the fan made MLP games, it mysterious disappeared...


    ...and here's a couple more :derp:





    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      So much art! :kirin:

  8. Okay, this is giving me some serious Ponyvania vibes :O





    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      This looks like a job for Simon Bellemare. :dash:

  9. an oldie but a goodie ;) :mlp_smug:


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      ...Castlemaneia? :ooh:

  10. I'm just gonna leave this here... UwU


    1. Tacodidra


      So adorable! ^_^ *boops* :catface:

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      How is such massive FLOOF like that even legal by the laws of the universe? :izzy-shine:

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I'm just gonna leave THIS here:




  11. *boops every-pony* :mlp_laugh: ^w^ :squee:


    1. Astralshy


      Go ahead :3


      *boops back

    2. Tacodidra


      *boops back* ^_^


      Art by cmdBoywife

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      Right back at ya. B)

  12. OwO I'm just gonna leave this here... 


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Whoever made that chair is about to receive so many customers.

  13. Well, today is my forum-versary. ^^ :mlp_laugh: 8 years ago, I joined the MLP forums to share my love and passion for My Little Pony. It’s pretty hard to believe that I’ve been in this fandom since 2013, and I still remember the very first episode I ever watched on television. It was ‘the mysterious mare do well’. At the time there was NO escaping it. MLP was every-where. :o if ya wanna know the story of 'how I became a brony?' well...it all started in 2011. I was looking some movesets on Smogon, and I saw this user had a pic of twilight sparkle. at first, I didnt really think much of it, other than 'oh. well, that's cute'. the following year, it was lunch-time and I was hanging around with my mates in the library and I saw this girl watch an episode of MLP. she was watching the first part of 'the last round-up' where the mane 6 are on the train. I caught a quick glimpse of it and I said to myself 'hey, it's that cartoon again'. in 2013, when I was getting ready to go to school, there was an episode of Friendship Is Magic. 

    I wanted to see what the fuss is about and…I immediately became hooked on it. Seasons 1 and 2 will always be considered ‘classics’. I used to binge watch the hell out of those seasons. It got me out of a very dark period of my life. :adorkable: It made me feel like a kid again. it taught me to just be myself. if they don’t like it, well…they can kiss my ass. B) me personally, I wish I was a lot more open about my feelings back then. :derp:

    After I watched my very first episode of MLP that I bought the DVD box sets of seasons 1 and 2 just to get caught up with everyone else. I remember getting into the fandom and watching all those fan-made clips on youtube. (man, I still remember when the BronyDanceParty's Nightmare Night music video / Fall Of The Crystal Empire first came out.) ^w^ 

    I will never forget what MLP has done for me. I created my OC Solar Flare just a couple of days after just so I could be part of this wonderful community and, he’s been like a bro to me ever since. <3


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Happy Forumversary, my friend. :mlp_yeehaa::blue_baloon::balloon:

    3. Tacodidra


      Happy forumversary, my friend! :pinkie: Here's to many more! :squee:

    4. Rafa Stary

      Rafa Stary

      Happy Forumversary Solarflare!! Glad to see that old folks like you are still around to show how this show can still reunite a lot of awesome people through the ages! :ticking:

  14. well, it’s been 8 years since I created my OC, Solar Flare. :O Man, I cant believe he’s turning 8 this year. My own creation. No. I shouldn’t address him like that. If anything, he’s like a bro to me. :mlp_icwudt: I put so much love and passion into the design of my OC. :laugh: You’re probably wondering how did I come up with the design of my OC? :twi: Well, if you really wanna know…prior to the release of the Final Open Server Weekend for Legends Of Equestria, they had a pony creator. :o I used that to create my OC.


    I know there’s A LOT of people that used the 2D pony creator on deviantart to create their OCs, but I didn’t even know that existed til much later. When I was creating my OC, I wanted to put A LOT of myself into the design of my OC. For example, yellow is my favourite color... (if ya really wanna know where I got the shade of yellow from, it's from one of my favourite muscle cars: the Holden Monaro) B)



    ...black is the color of my hair IRL and red is the color of my favourite team in V8 Supercars (well, it used to be Shell V Power Racing, now it’s WAU) I guess it also reflects my ‘hot-headed’ personality. I will admit, I can be a bit stubborn / be incredibly passionate from time to time, so I guess the red reflects that as well.

    As for the name, well…I wanted to have something that was super edgy, and something that was easily recognizable. :twi: Yes, I will admit. I wanted to have a name that’d not only reflect my ‘fiery’ personality, but also something that’d go really well with the design of my OC cuz I originally wanted his mane to look like a moving flame. For those of you who don’t know, solar flare was supposed to have a blue mane with a white out-line. Unfortunately, it was a bit too complicated and I screwed it up, so I just said ‘f**k it’ and make it all black. :P I originally used rainbow dash’s mane since it was the closest to what I had in mind, but over time, the mane has changed thanks to the help of my friends who’ve made wonderful artworks of my OC over the years, and now, his mane looks exactly what my hair-style looks like IRL when I haven’t had a haircut for 2 months XD

    I also noticed that the ponies in the show have a name that is based on something, so I used that as a base when I was coming up with the name of my OC. I wanted a name that’d not only fit the design of my OC, but I wanted something that was associated with ‘fire’ and ‘flames’, so I thought to myself: what is the hottest thing in the known universe??? :huh: The sun!!! ^^ what does the sun produce??? Solar flares!!! :wacko: …and that’s where I came up with the name Solar Flare. :mlp_laugh:


    I originally wanted to be a Pegasus, but I found it extremely difficult to draw the wings / feathers, and I wanted to use magic, so I thought to myself: Instead of being a Pegasus, why not be a unicorn? :mlp_icwudt:

    There are a lot more advantages to being a unicorn than a pegasi. You can teleport / levitate, lift objects AND you can use magic. So that’s when I came up with the final decision to make Solar Flare a Unicorn.


    …and that’s pretty much the gist of it. ^^

    Well, I said I was gonna do something special for my OC's birthday. here's all of the 'they dont call me Solar Flare fer nuthin...' moments throughout the years B)














    1. Astralshy


      How time flies :3

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      All revved up and ready to go. B)

  15. Well, I've had a pretty good weekend so far. :laugh: I'll talk more about that in a second. next week is gonna be a bit of an event for me. my forum-versary / OCs birthday is coming up and I cant wait to talk more about it in the coming days. ^^ Oh, and I'm gonna do something a lil bit special for my OC when it gets to his birthday. you'll just have to wait and see :derp: 


    Now, let's talk about the AWESOME weekend I've had so far. ^^ FINALLY!!! Ford managed to get their TWO wins of the season. B)

    (Chaz Mostert - Winner of Race 1 of the Perth SuperSprint)

    (Cam Waters - Winner of Race 2 of the Perth SuperSprint) 


    It's about bloody time!!! ^w^ I'm SO sick and tired of hearing about chevrolet, red bull / triple 8 and the dominance they've had in the V8 Supercars Championship. 3 Fords on the front row and one of em played the role of the sacrificial lamb (Ryan Wood in Race 1 and Thomas Randle in race 2) just to keep the red bull car behind the leading Ford. (in race 1, it was Ryan Wood and in race 2, it was Thomas Randle) my favourite driver, Chaz Mostert, had an absolute rocket-ship of a car this weekend. HOPEFULLY, this is the start of their come-back in the championship. His team-mate, Ryan Wood impressed me to most this weekend. this is first season in the main-game and he's going up against some of the best in the business and hold his against em. (he forced Will Brown to use up his tyres and ALMOST hung onto 3rd place.) they've all done an out-standing job. Hope I get to see more of this in the future. I really needed this. been feeling kinda glum with all of the GM dominance, especially considering Chaz should've won race 2 of the mount panorama 500 and Ford had TWO good opportunities to win a race at the Australian Grand Prix. Matt Payne was the leading ford but got taken out by Cam Waters and then got taken out by Mostert in the following race. well, I'm glad that Mostert and 'Camo' managed to redeem themselves. I will admit, it was a bit unfortunate that Chaz got a 5 second penalty for an un-safe release trying to beat Thomas Randle in the pit-lane. If I was him, I would've waited. CLEARLY, he had the faster car and he would've easily passed him. oh well. it is what it is, that's why you have multiple fords up in front :derp: One thing’s for sure: 4 tyres was absolutely THE PLAY in this race. If Chaz had gone onto two tyres, his race would be over. this is also the first round of the championship where GM / Red Bull DID NOT WIN a single race. I'm happy about that. :3 THIS weekend MADE UP for the disappointment of last weekend. :) 

    According to Camo, he'll be making his NASCAR cup debut next weekend at Sonoma. will I be watching this race? probably. the one annoying thing about watching NASCAR is that it always starts when I'm going to bed, so I'll probably just record it and watch the full replay of it. I really hope the diecast model of his NASCAR will be up for pre-order here in Australia. would love to get it ^^

    Link: https://speedcafe.com/cam-waters-nascar-cup-series-livery-revealed/


    1. Sparklefan1234



    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hope you enjoy your forumversary, my friend. :fluttershy:

  16. They dont call me Solar Flare fer nuthin... =P


    1. EpicEnergy


      Legends of Equestria!

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Lets flare up together, my friend! ^_^

  17. wow!!! :o how long has it been since the forums went down!? I wonder what was the cause of it? :huh: oh well, I'm glad to be back on :squee: So anyways, how are we all doing today? :3


    (tis me and my pet timberwolf, steve) =P


    I had to type up what I'm gonna say for my forum-versary and my OC's birthday on a word document while I was waiting for the forums to go back up. oh well, at least I got those things out of the way :catface:

    Well, I'm pretty excited that I'll get to see my very first Monaco Grand Prix in two weeks time. I really hope somebody OTHER than Max Verstappen wins this race. :dry: ngl, it becomes extremely boring when the same driver keeps winning all the time, which is partially the reason why I've kinda stopped watching V8 Supercars. Red Bull / Triple 8 / GM / Chevrolet keeps "winning" all the time and they're not doing anything about it. it's an absolute joke. when GM wins, it's okay. when Ford wins, 'oh, lets nerf the cars'. it's bloody ridiculous. Me personally, I think Mclaren has got the pace to beat Red Bull, if they play their cards right. well, one can only hope :adorkable:

    In other news, I am happy that I'll be getting my very first Transformers Masterpiece. I always wanted one of these in my collection, but they were just too expensive. luckily, I had enough money to buy one. :laugh:


    1. Megas


      The MP-44 is really good but I skipped out on the original due to it's price, but I have the Nemesis Prime one and I love it. I might get a KO of the original since that one I still like the figure but the price of the original has only gone up

    2. SolarFlare13


      I wanted the Nemesis Prime version of this figure, but for some reason, it never came to Australia. I was absolutely gutted. D: oh well, at least this one makes up for it ^^ 

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Enjoy it, my friend. :) And yes, forum back.

  18. hey guys. just dropped by to say hello ^w^ if you wanna know what I've been up to, I've been watching the Eurovision song contest and I'm happy that Croatia managed to get into the final. (I am half croatian from my dads side) I am not surprised Australia failed to qualify. I watched the music video BEFORE I watched the first semi final and I knew it was gonna be shit compared to last years performance. so yeah, I'm not surprised that they failed to qualify. A LOT of people have been saying Croatia are the favourites to win this years eurovision song contest. I hope they win. that'd be AMAZING!!! :love:

     I also liked Finland's performance. if you take away the performance and just listen to the music, it's eurobeat, which is MY kind of music. Ireland's entry was f**ed up. it's definitely the weirdest entry so far. XD but yeah, nah. I'm having an absolute blast watching this years eurovision song contest ^^

    this month is also the anniversary of my OC. man, I cant believe it's been 8 years since I made my OC. that is incredible. ^w^ 
    ...and last but not least, I only recently got access to Formula 1 and I've watched some of the races this year. :) I'm sure @Deae Rising Shine~ and @Tacodidra will be delighted to hear about this. maybe you guys can tell me some of the other stand-out events other than the monaco grand prix. ^^ I can't wait for the Monaco Grand prix. I know that is a really popular event and that is the biggest event on the F1 calendar. This will be my first time watching the Monaco Grand Prix. If ya wanna know who is my favourite driver? well...it's Oscar Piastri simply cuz he's the leading Aussie. I'm still waiting for Oscar Piastri to win his first grand prix ^^ Whoever's driving for Ford next year, I will support them as well. 


    so what have you guys been up to? :O it's been a while :3 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SolarFlare13


      @Samurai Equine lemme know if you can see this image :O


    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      The image loaded successfully that time. :squee:

    4. SolarFlare13


      @Samurai Equine oh good ^w^ X3

  19. I'm just gonna leave this here... UwU


    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Seen it, but it never stops being cute. :proud:

  20. I know it's been a while, but I'd just like to wish you all a Happy Easter!!! :laugh: ^w^ :catface:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Good to see again buddy. Happy Easter to ya. :yay:

    3. Sparklefan1234


      Happy Easter, BFFFF! :BrightMacContent:

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Happy Easter, my shining friend! :squee: It's so good to see you again.

  21. Hey every-pony ^^ I know it's been a while since I last posted anything on the MLP Forums, but I do take a look at it from time to time to see what every-pony has been up to. I hope you're all doing well. before I start talking about what I've been up to, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the current state of generation 5 :o honestly, I think it's a bit of a mess after watching season 6. :adorkable: I watched it with a couple of my mates and I think they've just dumped WAY too much information for my simple brain to process. they really should've spread it out into 8 episodes instead of dumping it into 3 episodes. Will I watch it again? probably not. when it comes to Mark Your Mark, I feel kinda burnt out from it, but I'll continue to give Tell Your Tale a chance.

    I feel like the only character that's kept the plot moving forward is Zipp. the others (besides Misty re-uniting with her long-lost father Alpha Bittle) have pretty much remained the same. I really dont know what they can do to keep the show moving forward, let alone keep me invested in generation 5. the question I should be asking is which one do YOU prefer? Make Your Mark OR Tell Your Tale? 



    Overall, I'm in a pretty good mood. ever since I got $320 from my parents as a Christmas Present, I've been deciding what to spend it on, and I'm happy to say that I got a couple of things on my mind ^^ they're releasing a Transformers Legacy Armada Galvatron in the near future as well as a McFarlane Toy BVS Batman, which I'm pretty excited about. We did get some breaking news a couple of hours ago. TOHO is gonna release a BLACK AND WHITE VERSION of Godzilla Minus One on the 26th of January for ONE WEEK ONLY!!! O_O this is supposed to be a JAPANESE ONLY EXCLUSIVE, but because of how well it did at the box office, they're releasing this to the rest of the world. This was something that I've been monitoring ever since it got released in japan earlier this month and I was HOPING they'd release it internationally. because of how well it did at the box office, they're releasing it to the rest of the world as a reward. ^^ I cant wait to go and see this movie again. :ticking: Call me crazy, but I am more excited for this than godzilla X kong.

    Oh, and I've got the daytona 24 to watch later this month. this'll be the international debut of the GT3 mustang. So yeah, a lot of things to look forward to ^^

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I abandoned the generation a while ago. Gonna see what G6 has to offer instead.

      Heh. "Minus Color". Nice. :D Did they also add film grain/noise? That trailer seems darker than how I remember the movie and the other trailers. Which would be nice on their part; make it extra authentic.
      Personally, I'm in no rush to see it again. However, if they made an English dub of the movie... :ooh:

    2. Tacodidra


      Storywise, I prefer MYM by far. I find the TYT art style cuter, though. G5 hasn't reached the heights of G4 for me (not that I expected it to), but I'm liking MYM a lot more than I expected after the movie (which I wasn't a huge fan of).

      I hope you enjoy the race! :yay:

  22. Happy 1st of January from Australia!!! :mlp_laugh:

    1. Tacodidra


      Happy New Year, my friend! :yay:

    2. Astralshy


      Thanks! Happy New Year to you too!

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Enjoy it, my friend from the future. It's still a few hours away for me, but soon~! :wacko:

  23. well, it's time to bring this meme from the dead...


    in case ur wondering, yes. it's the 31st here in Australia :) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SolarFlare13


      Have no fear. the Aztec Calendar and Judgement Day shall not come to pass. as for the moon that is "supposedly" heading towards earth...

      I believe Gojira has got that covered, so you've got nothing to worry about ;) 

    3. StarHeart333


      Cool no end of the world yet then.

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Glad you remembered! Cause I always forget. :ButtercupLaugh:

  24. Merry Christmas Every-pony!!! ^w^ :mlp_laugh: (it's the 25th where I am) :3



    EDIT: Well, I just got an early Christmas present from Santa Claus. I just got a shiny Totodile IN 9 EGGS, ON CHRISTMAS DAY NO LESS!!!!!! :pinkie: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! I'M SO F*CKING HAPPY!!!!! :D I DONT F*CKING BELIEVE IT!!!!!! :mlp_laugh: :3



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Merry Christmas, my friend! :yay:

    3. Sparklefan1234


      Merry Christmas, BFFFF! :rarityhat:

    4. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Merry Christmas, my shining friend! :raritysillyhat:

  25. Well, I just came back from the movie theatres a couple of hours ago and it’s time to give you my thoughts about Godzilla minus one. I’ve been really looking forward to this movie ever since it was announced last year. Tbh, I was never really a fan of the monsterverse. I dunno. There’s something about it that I just don’t like. I dunno. I just think it’s a lil too goofy / unrealistic for my taste + I’ve never been a huge fan of the monsterverse design, but that’s not what I’m here to talk about.

    Okay, without spoiling the movie for those of you who haven’t seen it, I think it’s a very depressing (in a good way) and tragic disaster movie. No question about it, the movie is very cultural. You’ll see what I mean when you go and watch it. This incarnation of Godzilla is by far the most aggressive and the most realistic I’ve ever seen on-screen. very animalistic. every-time I saw him on-screen sent chills down my spine. Absolutely terrifying. he had a ferocity I'd never seen before. The method they’d came up with to deal with the king of the monsters is…pretty interesting. In a way, it’s…pretty similar to the way they killed the original 1954 gojira. I love the reference to GMK. (if you know what I'm talking about, you get a cookie) ;) the way he charged up his atomic breath is...really unique. I aint gonna spoil it. you're just gonna have to see it for yourself. I absolutely LOVED the human characters in this movie. felt like entire nation was fighting against godzilla :derp: overall, I'm still processing my thoughts about this movie and where it stacks up against some of my favourites, but overall, I enjoyed it. :squee: If you havent seen it or you are on the fence, I highly recommend you go and watch it. this is the first JAPANESE Godzilla movie I've seen in theatres. :catface: I've said it before and I'll say it again: the Japanese KNOW how to make a Godzilla film. I'm sorry monsterverse / legendary pictures, but I PREFER the original creators of the big G. They KNOW how to make godzilla look terrifying. 


    1. TheRockARooster


      As a fan of all things Godzilla, I will say that this was an amazing movie and I would love to watch it again.

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Goji rules. B)

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