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Status Updates posted by TomokoKuroki

  1. I feel like it's been too long since I've visited...

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Yes............2 years.............8D

  2. Woooo, got my Shiny giratina! Wat do with the normal one now :/ ?

    1. Rockymoo


      I'm a Pokemon hoarder, so he'd probably just collect dust in one of my PC boxes if it were me playing. :P

    2. TomokoKuroki


      I collect them all too, but now I have 2 giratina's =/. I almost want to trade the normal one for something...not sure what for though. Looking through the trading system atm..

  3. Ugh been gone for a week...so sad T.T

  4. Just 2 more episodes and I'll go to bed...i swear it Y.Y

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hyper Tumble

      Hyper Tumble

      oh, then you could very well only watch 2 more. I thought you were talking about ponies.

    3. TomokoKuroki


      I am actually just downloading them xD

    4. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      Manga version:

      Just one more chapter and I'll go to bed...

  5. I rubs the lotion on my skin, or I gets the itch again....damn you body wash T.T

  6. This feeling..The itch hurts to scratch, but feels too good to stop at the same time T.T.

  7. Does anyone have spare sleep they want to donate to me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TomokoKuroki


      I accept sleep in all forms, from anyone.

    3. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      All right, then. Let me see if I can't make you faint with an outstanding amount of money... And there! A check for 67 cents. Go ahead. If that doesn't make you faint, then go give that check to a homeless man and he'll give you such an outstanding backrub that you'll have to fall asleep.

    4. TomokoKuroki


      The fingers of the homeless would pierce my skin, and probe my core. My soul would be forever tainted, corrupted. And the smell would last for hours T.T

  8. Odd...I've had energy to follow up here every day...must be that think called eating properly...

  9. I sucessfully made a manager face palm so hard I could hear it over the phone. I somehow feel productive :3

  10. Between making the responsible decision, and the irresponsible decision, I chose the irresponsible one tonight =/.

    1. TheBronyHeart


      What did you do?

    2. TomokoKuroki


      Instead of sleeping before work, I am staying up catching up on some series xD

  11. A Rozen Maiden Weekend Marathon is always a good idea in my books!

  12. Why does Japan get the cool Limited edition 3DS'? T.T

    1. Le Kvlt Dawn

      Le Kvlt Dawn

      Bc they're Japanese ._.

    2. Moonlight


      It's Japan...they get all the cool stuff.

    3. TomokoKuroki


      I wonder if I can order it online from Japan =/. It's the Gold Pokemon X/Y one I am talking about.

  13. I guess I can visit for a few minutes before I go to bed...

  14. What is this maddness? I am alive after work?

  15. I am sooooooooo tired...I guess I'll sleep now. Nighty night everyone

  16. Oh no, I am stuck reading creepypasta's. I'm not going to sleep tonight -.-

    1. Thrashy
    2. TomokoKuroki


      I don't like the gore ones, I am more of a fan of the psychological ones.

  17. Why wont this rash stop spreading T.T

  18. Now that I look back on my summer...I wish I actually did something..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moonlight


      I would have done something...but ew, outside, there's people out there.

    3. TomokoKuroki


      It is, but I don't like looking back, and seeing me at my computer every day after work. I literally didn't go out to do anything all summer.


      All I did was watch anime, read manga, and play video games =/.

    4. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      Eh, who cares?

      I used to play varsity football during my sophomore year and while it was fun, I prefer doing this a lot more.

      If you're happily content with the lifestyle you lead, there's really no need to change it. Live and let live.

  19. I am spending way too much time making Miku sing so many songs...http://johnsu.deviantart.com/art/Halfne-Miku-Studio-396850314

  20. OMG my leg! It wont stop itching T.T But it feels so good to scratch it...

  21. The full version of this song is just too much for me. It's too hhnnggg! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHZKW94SFyg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rockymoo


      Oh my god that's great. xP

    3. TomokoKuroki


      Typically these stories either give who she tells them the wrong idea, or she flops it, and makes her situation worse. It's too cute xD

    4. Rockymoo


      It sounds like it. Adorable stuff, I tell ya. cx

  22. Well, it is time for me to go to bed, I'll see you all later...whenever I have the energy to return after work =/

  23. It took me far too long to find the full version of Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui's opening :)

  24. The wait is killing me....

    1. Soundgarden
    2. Shiki


      *Equips Happy Heart badge*

    3. Friendship_Cannon
  25. Friday, you can't come quick enough...

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