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Frost Blossom

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Status Updates posted by Frost Blossom

  1. Hi everypony I'm back after so long! Can't believe it! :)

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      Hi frosty😃

      I still say ur name sounds like a dq bliuzzard


    2. Deae Rising Shine~
  2. I'm finally back!! I couldn't get into my account until today :D So happy to be back!! I missed everypony!

  3. Currently staring at the wall..

    1. Rikifive


      Don't blink challenge? I'm pretty sure it's not possible to win with the wall.. =/

    2. Missklang


      Merry Christmas Frost Blossom! Don't stare at the wall! It's too shy!

  4. Hey guys I'm back and I'm going to be way more active from now on! Plus I just got to season 5 finally :D

    1. Snow


      a bit behind XD ya got some catching up to do! welcome back! :D

    2. strongwilled_pegasus


      yay, frost blossom!

      welcome back

    3. Rikifive
  5. Hey guys I'm back, and thank you for the birthday wishes! :)

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      frosty pegasus! how's your b-day?

  6. I haven't been on in a while, but how is every pony doing? :3

  7. sorry i havent been on in a while :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Frost Blossom

      Frost Blossom

      It is shitty. But it also doesnt help that I have to go to my great grandfathers funeral tomorrow..


    3. Monsoon
    4. strongwilled_pegasus
  8. cleaning will be the death of me -.-

    1. strongwilled_pegasus


      frosty mane, there has to be a better way

  9. great grandpa passed away this morning.. :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. strongwilled_pegasus
    3. Frost Blossom

      Frost Blossom

      *hugs back* i really wish my grandma hadnt woken me up and told me..

    4. strongwilled_pegasus
  10. I seriously need to get caught up on mlp v.v

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Frost Blossom

      Frost Blossom

      Thanks guys! Do either of you have skype?


    3. strongwilled_pegasus
    4. Dreambiscuit


      Me neither. I guess I'm behind the times.

  11. Wishing I had a pony of my own to love me.. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Frost Blossom

      Frost Blossom

      I know you guys, but I never seem to be good enough for anyone.. And honestly I feel like giving up at this point :(

    3. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      I probably had it easier if I like both genders, but dunno, guys arent interesting for me

    4. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      never give up frost, however feel free to give yourself some attention. Don't feel like you have to rush into love because sometimes those who do end feeling they don't know themselves and want more time to themselves.


      Plus I'm sure you're an awesome person which anyone would be happy to link themselves with :)

  12. So excited to be on here! ^.^

    1. PonkiePoo


      That's great! :D

    2. Monsoon


      Good for you

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